Friday, September 15, 2017


Bonnie Says: picture one is of, just plain canned tomatoes. Two are red tomatoes for tomato sauce and green tomatoes for green tomatoe mincemeat...the flavor of FALL.  Picture three is turning tomatoes into salsa.   Four just a photo of sunrise on my canned tomatoes.  Five is just another day of more tomatoes to can.  Picture six is just one of her cupboards filled with canned goodies.  I have more shelves that  are filled and ready for WINTER.

I can't remember exactly but I usually try to have 100 quarts of tomatoes canned each year.  They are also excellent when I dump a quart into the blender and make hot tomatoe juice to sip on during the winter months.

I, again, thank Bonnie for givings us such great pictues and information on canning.  If anyone else has something they would like to share, please let know.


Tom said...

...nice ans rosy red.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,
They sure are !!


littlemancat said...

Looks delicious! I made some tomato soup recently - it sure beats the canned.

Heritage Hall said...

Just look at those tomatoes ~ gorgeous...

Bonnie said...

Checking in late today Marilyn, and there's my tomatoes. Thank you for posting them. It is so satisfying to go to my canning shelves and find jars and jars of tomato goodness just waiting to be opened and enjoyed. Hearing from so many people that their tomatoes are so late in ripening, must be due to the weather. Bonnie

Vanssmomc said...

Hello Marilyn, I am a day late, babysat my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter and her 6 month old brother yesterday and I am just catching up. Please tell Bonnie how wonderful all of her canned goods look, my mother-in-law loved to can also and always had her pantry stocked. Cathy in Webster

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bonnie! Just beautiful! A lot of work, I know, but so wonderful todo it yourself and know exactly what's in the canned goods!
Blessings! Carol