Wednesday, May 16, 2018


I love seeing laundry blowing in the wind which is why I like to take the pictures of this Amish and Mennonite laundry.  Wish they would let us do it behind out apartments - but they don't.  Nothing like the fresh smell when clothes, sheets and towels have been blowing in the wind.

NOTE: My friend Nancy, had a c/t yesterday, then saw the doctor.  Nancy and her husband Butch, got GREAT news.  NO CANCER IN SIGHT. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and please keep praying - they are working.  Praise God.  Also today is their 48th Wedding Anniversary.


Tom said...

...big families make a lot of laundry!

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,

They sure do!


Vanssmomc said...

Good morning Marilyn, I am with you, nothing better than the smell of freshly laundered clothes, sheets and towels that have been dried outdoors. Especially love sheets dried outside. Cathy in Webster

littlemancat said...

Agreed, Marilyn! I can no longer hang laundry at the condo- always did at my old house (which I so miss!).

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Cathy,
I use to take my towels and sheets over to a friend of mine's house to try them in her backyard. Darn, they got a dryer and took down the clothes line so I can't do that anymore.


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Mary,
It's sad we people that live in apartments and condos can't hang clothes in the back. The Main Office says it is clutter yet they have the garbage bins back there - aren't they clutter, too.


Vickie said...

Oh Marilyn! This is such wonderful news about Nancy! I will keep praying!

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Vickie,
Oh, it is wonderful news. Thank you for keep praying.


evie said...

Happy to hear about your friend Nancy
We should never underestimate the power of prayer


New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Evie,
I am so happy, for Nancy, too. Thank you so much for your prayers. You are right about never underestimating the power of prayer.


Anonymous said...

Glad your friend got good news+Happy Anniversary to them! Blessings, Carol

Heritage Hall said...

Praises to the Lord for His healing mercies
and a Happy Anniversary to Nancy and Butch.

New York State Of Mind said...

Thank you Carol and Heritage Hall,

I agree with Praise the Lord. Thank you so much for your prayers they appreciate them and could still use them.
