Saturday, May 12, 2018


I would like to ask you to please pray for my friend Nancy.  She had what we thought was a minor operation a month ago today.  Well, they found cancer and told her that in two weeks they would start radiation.

Since then things have gone down.  Because she is handicapped, they put her in a nursing home for physical therapy.  . She has since been getting weaker instead of more strength.  They can't give her radiation because she is so weak.

Nancy and I have been friends for over 50 years.  We met just entering High School.  When I was ill and in the hospital, she did so much for me.  We have been through the good times and the bad times together.  She is a Christian and does know the Lord as does her husband.

They can't send her home because of her condition.  So it would be greatly appreciated if you could remember her in your prayers.  Thank you so much.

My computer was gone over yesterday, so it should be in working order. 

Blessings to you and yours,


Vickie said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I am praying.

Tom said...

...she will be my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ma'am. Thanks for sharing the need. Blessings, Carol

New York State Of Mind said...

Oh, thank you all so much. I really appreciate your prayers and know Nancy will, too. It's been so hard on her and her husband.

Blessings to you and yours,

Granny_J said...

Adding Nancy to my prayer list.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hello granny j,
Thank you so much.

Blessings to you and yours,

Heritage Hall said...

Have prayed for Nancy and her Husband.
May she recover sufficiently for treatment.
Bless you, for being such a steadfast Friend.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hello Heritage Hall,
Thank you for praying for Nancy and Butch, her husband. I know they will appreciate it as I do. She is a good person and my best friend.

Blessing to you and yours,

Rosemary said...

I am praying for Nancy, her husband and for you.

New York State Of Mind said...

Thank you so much, Rosemary. We really appreciate your prayers.


littlemancat said...

Just saw this this morning, will pray for her, Marilyn. I know how much this helped when my husband was so ill. It helped me to know how others cared.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hello Mary,
Thank you so much. It does help a great deal to know other care.