Monday, June 17, 2019


Our American Legion accepts flags that have been damaged through wind, stain or whatever.  On flag day they burn the damage flags.  I had not been to a flag burning since I was a child, so I went last Friday.  The fire truck was there just in case - but it wasn't needed. Flag burning is to remind us of those that have served our country - living and dead.  There were very few people there, which was kind of sad, The man with the bagpipe played Amazing Grace and the close.


Tom said...

...this is something that many don't know about.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Tom,

That's true. Hardly anyone showed up and it was in the park.


littlemancat said...

The boyscouts do it around here too, but it's not widely known about. Always done with great respect.

New York State Of Mind said...

Good Morning Mary,

It's sad that it isn't widely known about. We had three flags and it only took about 15 minutes. It was done with great respect. Now that I know they do it on Flag Day, I will try to attend every year.


Heritage Hall said...

What a wonderful lesson in gratitude and tribute it would be for school children... Could be a community gathering if held in the park on a weekend and well publicized.... What a pity youngsters are not taught it's significance and adults forget.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi Heritage Hall,
I agree with you. This should be brought before school children. It was held in the Village Park,and advertised, but I don't if it being Father's Day weekend or what, but very few people turned out, which was sad. I'm glad I went and I enjoyed it and plan on going next year.


William Kendall said...

I imagine the procedure is similar in Canada.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hi William,
Thank for telling. That is interesting.
