Friday, December 25, 2020






Thursday, December 24, 2020


"And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swadling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." St. Luke 2:;7 

Things have been tough this past year for all of us - Amish, Mennonite, and Englishers.  We have had more requests from people in need.  More Englishers have come to us than in previous years.  Some of the Englishers had said, they had no where else to go.  We have not turned them down.  Maybe we couldn't take care of all their needs, but we did what we could.

I am not saying this for a pat on the back.  I am saving this for fact and how bad things are this year.  You may be one of the people that are in need.  Presents have not been the needs.  Most needed rent, food, jobs, places to live and more.  We would see little children and know they would not have presents for them unless someone did something..

At this time, we must go to the Bible.  This time or any other Christmas  is not for the presents we got or didn't get.  It is not the time of how much money we have or don't have.  It isn't for all the problems we have.  It is for Jesus.  Jesus who was born in a manger and wrapped in swadling clothes.  He came as poor as He could be.  All through His life He never was rich in worldly needs.  

On Christmas Day, please don't look at what you don't have or what you do have.  Look at Jesus who died on the cross for our sins.  Who loves us all.  Jesus doesn't look at what we don't have.  If we do have, Jesus looks at how we use it.  

This is His birthday.  I know many of the churches are closed, so read in the Bible.  Praise Him.  

I am not a profit - never was - never will be, but I know, this too will pass.  Jesus did not start the virus - that was man's doing, but sometime He will end it.  The shots they have now may be the solution, I don't know, but I do know, this too shall pass.

Merry Christmas,

Bishop Eli

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Finally, I am back.  I have had minor illnesses but they seem to come one after the other.  I am feeling better now.

Recently I purchased a new computer so tomorrow this computer is going to have all the information taken off of this one and put on the other one.  I should have it back in a day or two.  When it comes back, I will have to learn how to use it.  So I have put on posts for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The blog is all ready on the new computer, but I may not be able to respond right away.

I thank Bishop Eli for giving us a Christmas Eve post on such short notice.  

Could I ask you prayers for my friend Joyce who was just taken today out of our apartment building and to the hospital because she has the virus?  She had several medical problems and now this.  We are also kind of worried that we might get it.

The picture is not mine.  I got if from free pictures.  



Thursday, December 10, 2020


 I had a speaking appointment with the doctor yesterday and I have a couple of minor illnesses.  She also sent me for the virus-19 test to make sure I don't have that.  I haven't gotten the results yet.  The pills I have are strong and I am sleeping most of the time.  

I will not have anything on until at least Monday.  Have an appointment Tuesday at the doctors office if the virus doesn't come back positive.  Just wanted you to know what is going on.

God Bless You All,


Monday, December 7, 2020


 I think this is the last of my fall pictures for this year.

Friday, December 4, 2020


Happy Birthday, Pierre.  Today Pierre is 12 ;years old, I have had him nine years.  He is such a good boy.  We have been through the good times and the not so good times together.  I love him.  Happy Birthday, from Mom.

Also Pierre has a little message.  He knows things are especially hard this year so he is not asking those who are short on money.  But, if any one has a little extra money, he asks to remember dogs, cats and other pets, too.  

If you are helping people that have pets, please don't forget food for them and maybe a toy, too.  Should you have a lot extra, maybe you could pay to have the owner take them to the vet to get their shots and a check up.

Also, please remember the dogs, cats, etc at the humane society.  They would like food and toys, too.  Maybe you might see a pet you would like to take home with you, too.

Again, I wouldn't want you to take out of money you need.  Just if you have a little extra.

Thank you and

God Bless You,


Thursday, December 3, 2020


 I was not able to put on a post today because we had a big unusual problem in our apartment building.  Underneath our carpeting the floor is concrete in our apartments and out halls.  Well, there was a crack in the concrete today.  It was in the apartment across of me.  This is the first time this has ever happened.

Well, they went through all the apartments and then the halls to make sure everything was all right.  They did not want us in the apartments until the building was inspected.  This inspection started in the morning and didn't get done until just recently.  They checked the apartments and the basement.  They are only 8 apartments in our building,

They are fixing the floor in the apartment across from me.  I am a bit nervous because if it happens in the apartment across the hall, maybe it could happen in mine.  

So that's my story for today,


Wednesday, December 2, 2020



2 cups white sugar

1/4 lb butter or margarine

4 Tbsp  cocoa

1/2 cup milk

3 cups uncooked oatmeal

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup peanut butter

Measure 3 cups oatmeal into a large mixing bowl.  In a medium size pan bowl boil sugar, butter, cocoa, and milk for one minute.  Poor boiling hot chocolate mixture over the oatmeal.  Add vanilla and peanut butter, mix thoroughly.  Drop by spoonfuls on wax paper or foil and let cool

You could add 1/2  cup nuts or a 1/2 cup coconut, if you wished.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 I saw these turkey's on a Mennonite Farm.  Believe they will all be in someone's Christmas Dinner. 

How do you like the new style of this blog?