Thursday, December 20, 2012


 Hello Everyone. I know most of you know me from Amish Stories, but for those who don't, let me tell you something about myself.  My husband and I are Old Order Mennonite.  We own a Dairy Farm in the Finger Lakes of upstate New York.  This farm was passed from my husband's grandfather  (who built it), to his father and down to us.  Our family is of our youngest David Jr. who is 2, our daughter Susan who is 7, our older son Michael who is 15 and our soon to be son Edward who is also 15.  Edward is a foster child who we hope to be adopting next October or November.  Michael was a foster son who we adopted this past October. 

On our farm we have dairy cows, horses and grow crops. We sell most of the crops that we grow.  Also, we have a garden in front of our house that we grow for our home use.  We raise flowers and herbs in our three green houses.  Some of these we keep for ourselves, but mostly we sell these also. 

David and I were both born Old Order Mennonite.  I was born in Romulous and he was born in the hospital in Canandaigua, both in New York.  Susan attends our Old Order Mennonte while Michael and Edward attend the local public school. 

Our mode of transportation is a horse drawn buggy.  The ladies wear long dresses and prayer kapps.  The men wear black slacks, white shirts, and black coat for meetings (church).  We do have electric and telephone in our home. 

This is just a little about us.  Please ask any questions in comments.  We would be glad to answer them.  I hope we are here on New York State of Mind for a long time.

Be With God,

As many of you know I was laid up a while ago.  While reading novels about the Amish and Mennonites, I noted that everyone at some point in the book seemed to be eating Sticky Buns, so here is the recipe.


3/4 cup scalded milk
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter
2 pkg dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water
1 egg
3 1/4 cup flour

Combine milk, sugar, salt and butter.  Stir until butter is melted.  Dissolve yeast in the warm water.  Add yeast, and egg to milk mixture.  Add w cups flour: beat until smooth.  Gradually blend in flour to form a stiff batter.  Cover; let rise in warm place until light and fluffy.  Spoon topping into pans and after rolling and slicing dough (as rolls) place each slice in topping.  Let rise.


3/4 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp white sugar
1 tsp cinnamom
1 tbsp molasses
1 tbsp water
3/4 cup nuts or raisins

Heat until well combines

Bake buns and topping at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.


  1. I am so glad that Jean is on New York State of Mind. I hope that you all enjoy her introduction and on December 22nd, she will have a post telling why some things are changing.

    Hope you all have a great day,

  2. Good morning to you Jean and Marilyn. I hope you are both doing well and getting things done that you need to do for the upcoming holiday. I am very excited to know that although Richard will be changing some things on his blog that we will continue to share in Jean and Davids life through Marilyns new blog. I continue to pray for you all and may have some questions later today. I just wanted you to know that reading todays post was one of the first things I wanted to do. Now I should get busy preparing for my great niece to arrive whom I babysit daily. God Bless Veronica

  3. Thank you for coming Veronica. I thank Richard for making this possible. Please feel free to ask questions to give Jean some ideas of what to make the posts about. Have fun taking care of your great niece. Marilyn

  4. Hello Marilyn and Jean! I was wondering about the electricity? I thought Old Order Mennonites do not use electric?

  5. Hi Vickie,
    I have written down your question for Jean. Thank you for the question as Jean likes them so she knows what to make her posts about. Hope you have a nice day.

  6. So happy to come over from Amish Stories, Richard did such a great job there, happy to continue reading Jean's posts here. I know that the Amish sometimes practice shunning as a correction to members who leave their order in the wrong way. I was wondering if the Old Order Mennonites have any type of similar correction? I was wondering if they have free contact or restricted contact to a case like this?

  7. Hi Annie,
    Thank you so much for coming to New York State of Mind from Amish Stories. I have written down your questions to give to Jean. I know that Jean or Martha will answer the question. Glad you leave these questions so they know what to write about.

  8. My ears were ringing so I knew that the source must be Marilyn's "New York State of Mind", and a very nice start to Jeans post I must say.

    I love warm sticky buns and its been a while since I've treated myself to some, the problem is when I eat those sticky buns my fingers become sticky! So maybe Jean can work on a fix for that,lol. Richard

  9. Hi Richard,
    Thank you so much. Glad you like it.

    I love sticky buns, too. They get all over my fingers too. I just lick my fingers. LOL

    We are suppose to get a bunch of snow starting tomorrow or Saturday. Guess we are going to get a white Christmas.

  10. I really enjoyed reading Jean's blog and her recipes.
    So I am glad she is on your page Marilyn

    God Bless you both


  11. Thank you, Wendy. I am glad she is on my blog, too.

    God Bless You and yours,

  12. I am so glad to be able to continue to read Jean's writings and recipes. Thank you for posting them. However, I would like to know how long the sticky buns are supposed to be baked.

    Thank you, Lowell

  13. Hi Lowell,
    I wish ask Jean tomorrow morning and put it on the recipe. You are most welcome. Thank you for telling me it wasn't on.

  14. Again, thank you Lowell for telling me that the backing time wasn't on this recipe. It is on now.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn