Saturday, December 29, 2012


Was walking Pierre outside to do his duties when I saw the beautiful snow and trees.  I know my pictures don't do the trees and snow justice.  I really wanted to catch the moon behind one of the trees, but I think the snow came out better than the moon.  Hope you like the pictures.  Wish everyone a Very Happy New Year.
Just remember if you drink-don't drive and if you drive-don't drink.


  1. Thought you might like these pictures of the evening snow and trees. Sorry about all the street lights, but I don't live in the country-I live in a village so we have street lights. Still hope you enjoy the pictures.

  2. Great shots Marilyn. Hope you are doing well and I also want to wish you a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to what 2013 holds for you and your new adventures with the blog. I am sure everything will be of great interest. We have quite a bit of snow here now also. I am glad that all the running around is now done and we can return back to some sort of normal again. We have the grandchildren for a sleepover tonight . They are such a blessing to have but also some quiet time when they go home is also great. Take care and God Bless!! Praying for you always!! Veronica

  3. Lovely photos, I was out in the snow myself tonight. I hope you have a very Happy New Year, and really enjoy your work with your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  4. It snowed by us yesterday too. How is Pierre in the snow now? Getting used to it?
    Happy, Blessed New Year to you!

  5. Hello Veronica and Annie,
    Glad you liked the pictures. I am glad that Christmas and New Years are coming to an end will all the running around and all. Veronica it must be nice having your grandchildren stay over. Mom use to say it was great to see the grandchildren come and it was great to see them go back home. LOL Your prayers are appreciated. Hope you both have a great New Year.

  6. Hi Vickie,
    Pierre does not like snow. He ran through some yesterday only because he was chasing Bandit, a neighbor's cat. He also ran through some this morning only because he didn't have a choice as the maintenance man hadn't shoveled and we got lots of snow last night. The snow makes him go potty faster and get back in the house. He is funny to see. How does Mabel like the snow?
    Blessed and Happy New Year to you and yours,
    Marilyn & Pierre

  7. Our maintenance man has arrived. We are getting our sidewalks and driveways cleaned out. I hate the thought of going down and cleaning off the car. Maybe my neighbor Sam, will go out and clean my car off like he did last time.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn