Saturday, February 9, 2013


The top first two pictures were taken this morning.  The street wasn't even plowed and down comes the bus.  They go through anything.  Rest of the photos were taken this afternoon behind where I live.  We back up to the Erie Canal and there is a walk way back there.  With all the snow in the trees you can't see the canal from my apartments right now, but I thought the trees were beautiful and I wanted to share them with you.

I thought I would add some pictures today, Sunday.  This is what I get to look out of my window  and see while I eat my meals at the table.  I think it is more beautiful today than it was yesterday.  This is a gift of God's beauty.


  1. Good Afternoon folks,
    Thought you might enjoy some pictures I took of the snow in front and behind where I live.

  2. Looks like a Winter wonderland Marilyn, and snow does have a beauty quality to it. And I enjoy how it changes the landscape into a "white wonderland". Richard

  3. Hi Richard, I agree with you. I just had to take pictures of those trees and put them on here.


  4. Your pictures are beautiful. A winter wonderland. You and your sweet puppy stay warm.
    jodie from MO

  5. Hi Marilyn! Well at least we know your power is on if you were able to post this. The trees are just gorgeous! I live in SW Ohio and believe it or not, I wish we would have gotten some of that beautiful snow! Do you know how much snow you got and is it still snowing or has it moved out? Stay safe! And thanks for sharing with us! ~Diann

  6. Hello Everyone,
    Happy you liked the pictures. I thought they were so pretty I had to share them. We didn't lose out power, Diann, but we did get over a foot. We broke the 1895 record of 9 inches and we passed that well. It isn't snowing anymore. I believe it moved out. It sure is old going down to almost 0 tonight. So far, Pierre and I are warm until I take him for his walks. We don't walk as far as we usually do. He does his duties and we head home. If our heat does go off, the Main building of our apartment complex has generators. So all we would have to do is run across the street. I have many friends over there and someone would take us in. But, I don't think it will go off now that the storm is over.

  7. Oh so pretty! That is what it looks like here in Wisconsin too. I was thinking yesterday that I should get a picture or two.

  8. Hi Vickie,
    I just added more pictures on for today. Oh, yes, get the pictures. Today I was thinking that I am going to keep these pictures to look at in July when it is 80 or 90 degrees outside.

  9. Hi Marilyn! Blizzard Greetings from Boston, MA!! We got about the same amount of snow as you did. Just unburied my car which was plowed in - what happened to helping Senior Citizens!! I live in a large complex and not a soul came out to give me a hand. I will say the state of MA did a great job in clean up operations. My son who lives on the South Shore is out of power until at least Tues. They have a six month old baby so it is pretty tough for them.

  10. Hi Maureen,
    Sorry you couldn't get help on your car. I asked the fellow upstairs and he said no, but a little while later I heard someone scraping snow from my car and it was him. So I got mine cleaned off by him. I live in a large comples for Seniors and you think someone would help a lady. Sorry to hear about your son. Hope the power comes sooner. I think we are sending some of our electric trucks up to your state.

  11. All the snow in these pictures is melted away. There is just a tiny bit on the trees now. Glad I got the pictures when I did.

  12. Wow, very pretty. God is the best artist!

  13. So beautiful Marilyn especially the ones with the contrasting blue sky-glad you managed to capture them before the snow disappeared
    Exactly what I thought when I saw the pictures April


  14. Happy you liked them, Fionalina. Glad I got them before they melted. They didn't last long. Now it is raining and in the 30's so they are all gone-for now. I agree with April, too.


  15. we had 2 and a half days of wind and snow - we got about a foot of snow dumped on us. but it wasn't too bad - and today we made snow ice cream - woohoo! your pictures are beautiful and look exactly like what i am seeing out my windows - a beautiful winter wonderland designed by Him who knows how to make everything beautiful. here in cape breton, when the snow freezes onto the tree branches and makes icicles - we call that "silver thaw".

    your friend,

  16. Hi Lymber,
    We had a lot of snow, too, but we made it. I never heard of snow ice cream. Would you like to share that recipe with us? If so, let me know at: Only God can make such beautiful pictures as these.


  17. Marilyn,

    I love snow covered Trees thank you for the lovely pictures


  18. Hello Wendy,

    Thank you, I am glad you like them.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn