Monday, March 11, 2013


Thought I would answer some more questions that you asked me.  Please keep them coming so I know what you are interested in.
I think the Christmas Memory that will be dear in our hearts was Christmas in our old house.  David had grown up there.  We bought it and owned it for several years.  Our family has many memories there and I think they will be in our hearts.
If someone does not marry, it depends on their finances. If they are working and have enough money, they may buy their own home or small farm.  Some live with and take care of their parents until their passing.  Usually, if they take care of the parents, when the parents pass, they get the house or farm.  Our former teacher lived with her parents until they passed.  Her brother got the farm, and told her she could live there, but she had enough money so that she could buy a small farm, which she and her husband live on. 
We usually name a child with a name from the Bible.  Sometimes we name them after a relative or both.  Like our son David, is named because his Dad, grandfather and great-grandfather were all named David. The name David is also in the Bible.  Susan, David and I named because we just liked the name. 
The wedding dress or suit is worn at our passing (death) because it is worn at the wedding and our death notes the end of husband and wife being together on earth.  It says in our wedding "until death do us part" and when one passes we are parted on this earth.
Not many Old Order Mennonite have Dawdy Houses.  We are having one built on our new house, but not everyone does.  If parents need to move in, they usually move in the house with the children or the children move in with them.  We are building a Dawdy House because David's parents have their farm up for sale so my grandparents will be moving in with us.  They would prefer their own house.  Also, when David and I get older, we would like a place where we could go.  As we are building our new house, the dawdy house will also be a new house.  From the outside people won't notice there is one, but we are adding a two bedroom, living room, kitchen and  full bathroom.  Our porch will extend to cover the dawdy house.  There will be a door on the porch and one from the dawdy house to our main house. Because Grandma will be moving in-we are getting a wood burning stone along with our electric stove in the kitchen.  Grandma is going to teach me how to use the wood burning so we will be able to eat without using the coleman stove or the grill. 
My friends find it hard to believe that others would be interested in the way we live and the things we do.  We feel we live a borning lifestyle.  I never considered my posts a great influence on at least some of the readers.  If my posts leads someone to know the Lord better then I am happy. 
Be With God,



  1. Marilyn - please tell Jean, Martha and Olive how much the readers love their posts! they not only teach us about their way of life - they really bring us closer to the Lord and make us stop and reflect about our own lives. these latest posts by Jean, Olive and Martha are really making me happy and i am learning much. please tell them that i am english, worked for 22 years, then retired and brought my husband to a tiny island in atlantic canada so that we could homestead and raise most of our own food. doing this has definitely brought us closer to the Lord...and for that i am very grateful, every day. please tell all of them that my husband reads all of their posts as well, but is too shy to comment. Jean, Martha and Olive are doing the Lord's work here. they have much to be proud of.

    Marilyn - i hope that your back is better. thank you for posting and commenting even when you aren't feeling well. many hugs and prayers are being sent your way.

    your friend,

  2. Good Morning Kymber,
    I will pass all your compliments on. You have a very interesting life.

    My back is getting better, slow, but sure. Thank you for asking.


  3. Marilyn, you are getting better slow and sure just like Mabel is!! Yep, she wakes up happy, tail wagging and kisses for mama every morning for half a week now. =)
    This was very interesting Jean. Thank you for sharing. I like the way your two homes will be connected.

  4. Good Morning Vickie,
    So glad that Mabel is doing better. Finally she is feeling some better. So happy. I will pass on your comments to Jean.


  5. Please tell Jean that we don't find her lifestyle boring at all. Instead, in our fast-paced society, it is refreshing to read about people living simply and knowing what really matters in life. I, for one, am quite intrigued with her lifestyle and would love more posts from Jean and the others.

  6. This is so interesting Jean. I really hope we can see pictures when it's done, or at least a floor plan of the main house and Dawdy house. I love that you'll have a wood burning stove too. Thank you for posting all of your great stories and answering our questions. ~Doreen

  7. I always enjoy the posts, they are never boring. Thanks to all of you and Marilyn I hope your back feels better soon!

  8. Love to see pictures of the house as it is being built. I would also love to see pictures of a nice stocked Amish or Menonite pantry. When I was in Indiana I took a few pictures of the pantry of the Amish family I stayed with--I wanted to someday style mine similar, but I lost the photos during my housefire of 2001, I now have the pantry room, and a pantry of sorts, but hers was much nicer and more organized.

  9. Jean,I love the idea of your Dawdy House, and that you are making provisions for your grandparents to move with you but still have their own home. When I was growing up, my Grandmother and Aunt lived with us. Never think your posts are boring, I look forward to reading them every week.

  10. Hello everyone,
    I have written down all the questions or wants for Jean. I will give her your compliments. I know she appreciates them.

    My back is coming slow, but sure. It's taking it's time. LOL


  11. Hi Jean, Please do not think your posts are in the least boring. By sharing your lives with "the English" you are giving witness of the Lord in your lives and how to live out sanctification in everyday life. The so-called "progress" in life today only serves to make the "rat race"that much worse. "Self" becomes the main objective and what one can grab for oneself. The focus is to love God and one another. When we do that and follow Him, everything else falls into place. He leads us through goods times and hard times. Thanks again for giving of yourself. Blessings, Carol

  12. Good Morning Carol,
    I will tell Jean what you said. I am sure she will appreciate it.
    Blessings to you,

  13. Hello Marilyn. I am glad to read that your back is coming along. What a great post as usual from Jean. Another glimpse into her life is always such a blessing. I also wanted to comment on Carols comment. I totally agree that we have become so focused on self that we have lost perspective of how God truely wants us to live. I also believe this is what draws so many to the Amish and Mennonites and there simple ways of living.We are honestly wishing our lives were not so busy. The problem with trying to live a more simply life is that we do not have the support of the community and family that also want to live simple. Our world is geared to a two income life forcing many moms to have to work outside the home also. I would love to get some tips from Jean about ways that she feels that she saves her family money on groceries and other necessities of life. I hope everyone is having a great week and remember I am praying for all of you always. Veronica

  14. Thank you Veronica.

    I will ppas your comments on to Jean and ask her questions. I am sure she will put them in a future post. I agree that we wish we had a life in the simple ways of living. We all really appreciate your prayers.


  15. Maryilyn, please let Jean, Martha and Jean's grandma know that I really really enjoy their posts! They are so interesting to read.

    A question for jean: What food do u stock in ur pantry (keep on hand)?

  16. A thought just occurred to me. As we think of the Amish and Mennonites as living a simple way of life, do Jean, Martha and their families roll their eyes and say "if they only knew how hard our way of life is"? When Jean talked about taking Susan to school in their horse and buggy, I thought about how difficult it must be in winter to go out to the barn and hook the horse up, then go out in the cold the long distance to the school without any heat. All we have to do is get into our cars and drive. I realize how important their family and God are, and their faith makes a big difference, but do they see themselves as living a simple and slower paced life?


  17. Hello plaingrl,
    I will tell Jean, Martha and Olive what you said. Also, I have written your question for Jean that I am sure she will answer in a future post.

  18. Hello Doreen,
    I wrote your questions down and I think Martha might be the one to answer your questions. She was an Englisher then became Old Order Mennonite. I asked Martha if she could have one thing from her Englisher life in her Old Order Mennonite life what would it be. She said the car. So I think she could best answering your questions. I wish ask her and Jean.


  19. I laughed when you said you thought your way of life was boring! We get that from our friends too.....they tell us we must have a boring life...we grow all our food, trees, shrubs,for fruit and berries, and just about anything you can plant and eat...and we can....jam..jelly...pickle...dry...all we can...we use a wood stove to heat the house and dry clothes...we chop and split wood...fell trees when needed....and we came from the city!!!! My family and my husband;s are from older generation parents and we learned all the old ways..and are quite comfortable with is hard work at times...but....we would not have it any other the end of the hard work..we is ours...and we are pleased to be with nature....for good or for bad...nature and us..get is the only "real" thing in the world.....
    The people that want to learn more about you.....they are not like all is new to them....
    you write great posts...please continue....

  20. Hi SueAnn,
    I will pass on your comments to Jean. I am sure she will enjoy it. If you get a minute could you e-mail me at:


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Welcome to my blog. Marilyn