Monday, April 1, 2013


I am doing this post a little early.  When it comes on it will be the day after Easter and we will be having a big family dinner at my parents with all the family.  On Easter Sunday, after meeting, we will have a dinner at our house for just our small family.  Easter Monday is the day the whole family and friends get together for dinner.

There is snow on the ground now, but I hope there isn't any on April 1st.  The men are planning on where the house will be and where the faming land will be for us.  Poor Martha, has to plan where her garden will be this Spring as part of our new house will be sitting where her garden use to be.  Also, we are trying to figure where our garden will be.

Seeing we are living in Kevin and Bridget's house-farming comes first, building our barn comes second and our house comes third.  Getting our crops in is the most important.  The money we get from the sale of the crops will help pay for our barn and house-also last us financialy through the winter. The sale of our old farm is paying for the most of the house and barn.

In a little over  a month Susan's school will close for the summer.  Michael and Edward's school doesn't close until June.  Susan can't wait until they have the end of the school year picnic at the school.  Last year it was really muddy, she hopes it's better this year.  This school year sure has gone by fast.  Susan will be going into third grade in the fall. Michael and Edward will be juniors in the public school, but when Edward's adoption goes through we are thinking of taking them out of school.  As we believe in 8th grade education as out highest, they are two years above that.  Plus, neither of them wants to stay in school any longer than they have to. 

Spring is the time for us ladies to clean the house, open the windows (if the weather allows) to let the air in.  We clean the house from top to bottom, wash the drapes, wash the throw rugs, clean the windows and more.  The men come and move the furniture around for us.  When we get done with ours, we will go over to Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert's to help them do theirs. 

This is the time of year we see neighbors we hadn't seen all winter.  It seems the snow and cold has kept us all in more than the other seasons.  Also, it is the season I smell my favorite smell-when the ground has been plowed for the first time of the season.  It's like it is an awaking from the cold winter and the breaking of spring.  Just smelling the soil.  The fall is my other favorite smell of the soil when it gets it's last plowing before winter.  It's like it's going to rest for the winter.  If you don't live on a farm you may not understand. 

Be With God,



  1. That is so very interesting, the smells of the soil Jean. Busy times ahead!
    Our snow and ice are finally melting here in Wisconsin.

  2. I enjoyed your post Jean and do know what you mean about the soil-my parents both come from farming families-thank you for all the lovely recipies I especially liked the ones for chocolate cake and Macaroni-the leftover ham ideas were very useful
    Hope you all enjoy your big family meal

    Hi Marilyn-what a lovely gesture your Easter Gift was -I am sure the little ones enjoyed putting it together for you

    There is a lot happening at the moment which is why I am not able to be on much


  3. Good Morning Vickie,
    Jean sure has busy farming times ahead. Glad your snow is melting. Ours did too, but we are suppose to get some more back.


  4. Good Morning Fionalina,
    Glad to hear from you. Hadn't heard from you in a while and wondered what happened to you. I will pass on to Jean, what you said.

    It sure lovely of them to do the Easter Basket.

    Hope things look up for you.


  5. I can't wait for Spring! Living in the north east, and having four distinct seasons really gives me Spring Fever when the weather warms up. After reading Jean's post, I can imagine the smell she's talking about. It's so wonderful and energizing, and really does want to make me open up the windows and do some major cleaning. She must be so excited to see the work start on the new property soon.

    Doesn't New York State law require all children to attend school until they're 16? Are the Amish and Mennonites exempt from this?

    For Easter I made the Creamsicle salad into a trifle by layering cut up pieces of an Angel Food cake with the creamsicle mix. I added two 15 ounce cans of mandarin oranges instead of just one 11 oz can. It came out fantastic. This week I'll be trying out the ham recipes with our leftover ham.


  6. Hi Doreen,
    Wish Spring would get here, too. It was so nice yesterday and today is so bad.

    Yes, the Amish and Mennonite children come under a different ruling that goes back to the 1970's. Jean will have to tell you about it.

    That was a great idea for the Creamsicle Salad. I know Jean is happy when people make the recipes



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn