Monday, June 17, 2013


Martha had a post on savings so I thought I would put some on this week that we have at our home.

One of the ways we save is I cut Michael, Edward, David Sr. and David Jr.'s hair myself.  Michael and Edward are still English cuts as they go to the public school and we don't want them to feel out of place.  David Sr. and Jr. get the Old Order Mennonite cuts.  My Mother taught me how to do this when I was growing up and did my brother's.  Since Michael and Edward have been members of our family, they have never been in a barber shop.  As for Susan and myself, we do not cut our hair.  It is our church beliefs.  Katie is short now, but we will let it grow and not cut it.

Now that it is fishing season, we do not buy worms.  In fact we sell them.  Edward, Michael, David Jr. and sometimes Susan go pick up the worms on the road side.  They are doing it in the rain right now.  We have a soil place inside one of the barns that they keep them in.  When they go fishing they just dig some of the worms out of the soil.  Sometimes friends and neighbors would like some, sometimes they give them away if someone can't afford them.  Sometimes they sell them to make some extra money.

If we need appliances, canning jars, children's clothes, adult clothes, we got to rummage sales, garage sales, thrift or second hand stores.  We go over everything very carefully and make sure it works.  With canning jars, make sure there are no scratches or chips out of them.  I must admit our major appliances like stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer and freezer we did buy new.  But we have purchased mixers, irons, men's slacks, lamps, men's tools and more at these stores.

It is better to replace your old major appliances with new ones.  When we replaced our stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, and freezer at  our old house, after the fire,  with new ones - our electric bill dropped.  New appliances are made to use less electric than the old ones.

Also when I am cooking or baking, I make extras especially this time of year and put the extras in the freezer.  Times come on the farm, especially planting season when I just don't have time to cook or bake like usual - so I can go get something out of the freezer for dinner.

When it comes to birthday, wedding, Christmas or whenever we need a gift - we try to give a gift we can make ourselves.  It might be making a special cake, pie, cookies or candy that the person likes.  Sometimes David, Edward and Michael make wooden items that the people would appreciate.  We try to make something that the person could use.  Unless they desire a certain decoration, we don't make them as we don't want something collecting dust in their house or stuffed away in a box.  Also have made quilts, handkerchief, towels and more.  If you can make a gift it means more than store bought, at least that's what I think.

Also if we have clothes, towels, sheets, etc. that are worn out or have holes in them that are beyond repair-I rip them up and use them as cleaning or dusting rags in my home.

We don't allow anyone standing with the refrigerator door open.  We have the get in, get what you want and get out of the refrigerator.  Leaving the door open makes the refrigerator go warmer and it runs more.  Same rule goes for the freezers we have.

We hang our clothes outside to dry and don't use the electric dryer unless necessary.  I caught Edward and Michael running the dryer with only two pairs of pants in there that they wanted to wear that day.  They both wore something else that day and I hung the pants outside to dry.  Running the dryer can increase the electric bill.  We hang our clothes outside especially in the spring, summer and fall.  Even in the winter, if the temperature is so they won't freeze.

Before Grandfather and Grandmother moved in dawdy we use to get the newspaper during the week in the fall and winter.  Just on Sunday during planting season and harvesting season.  Now that my Grandparents are here, they get it every day.  We discontinued ours all together.  They read it first and we get it when they get done.  On Sunday, my Grandmother and I go through and cut out the coupons that we need.  If there are some we don't need, we pass them on to someone else.  We wanted to split the cost of the newspaper with my Grandparents, but they insisted on paying for it as they have done it for years plus they get a seniors discount.  It is a savings of over $100.00 a year for David and I.

These are just some of the ways we have to save money.  I could write a lot more.  I know the children think we are over conservative sometimes.  We try to explain that what we save one place allows us to do other things.

If you enjoy this, I could put some more on, later.

Be With God,




  1. great post! really good tips. i would love to hear more!

  2. Good Morning jaz,

    Jean wondered if people would be interested in more ideas or not. Thanks for telling us.


  3. Thanks Jean! I too have been cutting my husband's hair, and our two sons' hair for many years. I do the haircuts for our two poodles also. This all saves a lot of money.
    I enjoyed this post a lot. I would love to learn more please.

  4. Good Morning Vickie,
    I will pass it on to Jean. I wish I knew how to groom Pierre. Poor guy needs to be groomed, but will have to wait until I get my Social Security check next month.


  5. Good morning Jean and Marilyn. What a great posts with so many wonderful tips. Many of them I already have in place in our home. My husband and I have always had to stretch our money to make ends meet but I would not have given up staying home with our boys when they were younger. I try to be thankful for all things and not get caught up in what others have. Looking forward to the future posts this week. Thanks again for sharing. God Bless Veronica

  6. Hi Veronica,

    Thank you so much. My Mom was a stay at home Mom until my eldest brother was working, my other brother in college and I was in high school. She worked for my Dad's Real Estate Business which was in our home. I didn't realize how lucky I was until I got older.

    God Bless,

  7. Good thing the Haiti auction was when it was. I went to use my car and the brakes don't work. My friend's husband looked at it and says it's not the brakes but somewhere in the line. I am going to have it towed into the garage. I can't do anything until I get my check the third of the month, so I am going to be without wheels for a while. At least I can walk to my volunteer job. That's one good thing I liked about it.


  8. Thought you were getting paid in that job? Tom

  9. Thank you for the great tips Jean, and I would also like to hear more ideas.

    I always cut my boy's hair when they were young, and I also cut my own hair now. I was brought up in a very thrifty family, so many your suggestions are things that I also do. I'm sure that your children will learn from your example and will continue when they have their own families. It upsets me to see how wasteful so many people are. I heard a statistic recently that said on an average, a person will wear a new piece of clothing 2 or 3 times and then throw it out. Can you imagine?


  10. Hi Tom,
    I am not getting paid until they get the final information that my boss is not coming back. She still says she is coming back, so they can't pay me.


  11. Hi Doreen,
    I will forward your comment on to Jean. Oh, my gosh !! People only wear their clothes two or three times !!! I have some clothes that are over 10 years old and I still wear them. Have bought new things now and then, but I wear my clothes a lot more times than they do. Interesting.


  12. I enjoyed this Jean thank you- and would also like to hear more

    Its nice that you give useful thoughtful presents-I try to do this as well as there is no point buying something if it will not be used-

    Do you sometimes make clothes for yourself and family?
    I would appreciate some tips as I have fairly recently started using a sewing machine

    Hello Marilyn
    Looking forward to your Auction post


  13. Forgot to mention Kevin's post should be very interesting to have a first hand account-have not heard anything on the news recently so I hope people are receiving all the help they need


  14. Don't know what happened to my name today


  15. Hi Fionalina,
    I will pass your comments on to Jean. I know she does a lot of making clothes for herself and her family.

    I haven't seen anything on TV about Oklahoma recently either. I already have Kevin's post ready to go next Monday.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn