Friday, July 19, 2013


Many of you may remember the Graber's from the accident that Amanda had in a buggy about a year ago and that was the first time I went to their home.  I have been there several times since.  Seeing that the Miller's house isn't to far from the Graber's house, I went over there last Saturday and got pictures of the vegetables and items they sell inside their barn.   I got permission from one of the Granddaughters to take pictures.  Note, they still have the rag rugs for sale at $20.00 a piece, which I think is a great price.  As you can see, I was there late in the afternoon and a lot of their items were sold.  They are open from Monday through Saturday.

 Each of these rag rugs are handmade by Amish Grandmother, Amanda Graber.  Her Granddaughter  told me that there are a lot more in the house, in about every color.  If you wish to purchase one or more, her price is $20.00 each.  I charge $10.00 postage.  I accept Pay Pal or Postal Money Orders for rag rug and postage.  If you purchase, I will let you know when I get it and mail it.  If you wish to purchase, please contact me at:


  1. Good Morning,
    Hope you enjoy Graber's post. Plan on going there again today or tomorrow.

    Still in the 90's but it is suppose to come down to the 70's or 0's on Sunday.


  2. Good Morning Marilyn and Pierre!
    ooOoo! I am tempted with the rag rugs. The pink one, you know. ;) I just can't. No extra money right now with two of our children having birthdays, one tomorrow! And I am scared to slip on a rug. The price is fantastic though. Have a great day in the Lord my friend.

  3. Hi Vickie, Mabel and Henry,
    I understand on the money side. If I had the money, I would buy that pink one, too. Maybe, when I get my Social Security next month. I don't know if those would slide on a hard floor or not. My carpeting would be under neath it were I would put it. Thank you, hope you have a day in the Lord, too.

    Your Friends,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  4. Nice pictures Marilyn. The rugs are wonderful. I am not sure if it would be more money to ship to Canada. I love the prices of fruits and vegetables when you go to a stand at the homes. I find it better than the actual market prices. We are going tomorrow to some Amish and Mennonite settlements. I will have to remember to bring my camera. We are also going to St. Jacobs market which is a very big market visited by many because they also have Amish and Mennonites there. The market information is on the internet. It is about a 2 hour drive for us. We like to go early before the heat and too many people. Have a great Friday everyone. Blessings Veronica

  5. Hi Veronica,
    I think it would cost more to mail to Canada, but I don't know what it would be. I am going to buy one for someone and when I go to mail it, I will get the price for Canada.

    Please take your camera. If you would like to share your pictures with us when you get them, I would make a post with them. We would see Amish and Mennonite in Canada. Enjoy the trip.


  6. Very nice pictures Marilyn. What great prices for the vegetables and the rugs. How kind of you to ship the rugs out for anyone interested.


  7. Glad you like the pictures, Doreen. Prices are reasonable. I don't mind shipping if anyone wants them.


  8. I am so glad the week is over. We don't have air conditioning where I work - just fans. Believe me it gets hot in there. I feel sorry for the people that have to work outside in heat like this.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn