Thursday, August 22, 2013


Usually I don't do two posts in one day, but I couldn't help it today.  Since the fire, I have driven by that scene everyday.  Well yesterday morning I went by and there was the vacant lot with wood laid out of the building plan.  I didn't go by yesterday afternoon, but a friend called and asked me if I had seen what was going on.  When I hadn't, they said I better go look.  Here is Mark's Pizza's new building on it's way up.  I was shocked.  From where there was nothing to this in one day !!!!! They may have it opened by Halloween like Mark wants.  KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!


  1. Hi Folks,

    Where the space is between Marks's and brick building is where the park is going to be. If I hadn't know better, I would have said they had Amish building it by the speed they got it up. They still have a way to go.

    With Canal Town Days coming our Main Street looks a lot better than it did just yesterday.


  2. all I can say is, it must be GREAT pizza! The city wants him back, BAD! Good news! It will look so pretty when it is done.

  3. Hi Sue Ann,

    It's great that he would rebuild in our town. Of course we are his finding town. We owe a lot to him. Can't wait until it opens and I can get the pizza's delivered local. Now we have to call another town to get our pizza's.

    Main Street sure does look better !



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn