Sunday, August 18, 2013


I went out to Mrs Miller's again yesterday and got a better picture of the pink children's crib quilt.  She has it wrapped in plastic so I can't get the best of pictures of it. This would also be a great lap quilt.  Should someone be interested, it is handmade by Mrs. Miller herself and she would like $100.00 for it.  I would want $20.00 for postage if mailed in the U.S..  It is really a beautiful quilt.

She also had something new, these wooden cut boards.  These are made by her 96 year old Amish Great-Grandfather.  They are $35.00 a piece.  I don't know what the postage would be as I couldn't weight them there.  He does not do special work.  I was told he gets up in the morning and sometimes he feels like making these - and sometimes he doesn't.

The Amish straw hat there is $5.00, but if you look close to the picture, you can see that is it damaged, but would be a great decoration piece in your home.  The postage would be $10.00 on that in the U.S

She also has a wall quilt there, I believe the price is $50.00 on that one.  Postage on that one would be $15.00.

If you are interested in any of her items, please contact me at:  I only accept Pay Pal or POSTAL MONEY ORDER.  I don't plan on going out to her house again until September 7th.

Also I noted that the leaves are starting to change color already.  We usually don't have that happen until the end of September or first of October.  Hope this doesn't mean it will be a long, cold winter.


  1. Good morning everyone,
    Didn't want you to think I wasn't putting any Amish or Mennonite items on. If you are interested in any of these items, please let me know.

    Enjoy this Sunday,

  2. Hi Marilyn!
    Our leaves began dropping last week, that cool snap we had did it! Some are turning too, and the garden is wanting to go to bed early! Tomatoes jsut really got started, after the wet Spring and Summer, then that heat wave...then the cool,so now even the roses are thinking they have to get ready too! I was trimming them today, and saw some deep orange rose hips-roses don't make those until at LEAST the end of Sept, so..I am thinking..we are going to have an early Fall, and winter will be real close behind..but I don't think we will have the snow this year, like last year- you are much farther North than me, so I don't know about your snow....
    Please tell Mrs. Miller she has such lovely items!!

  3. Hi Sue Ann,
    I don't like when the leaves are changing so soon. I love the colors of fall, though. We haven't had a really bad winter in the last few years, but it can always come back to what it use to be.
    I will tell Mrs. Miller next time I see her.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn