Sunday, September 1, 2013


When Marilyn gave me the request for diaper rash that bought back memories.  When I was with child (expecting) for Susan, I read all the baby books that I could get my hands on.  So as many young people feel, both Old Order Mennonite and Englishers, I knew everything and my Mother knew nothing even though she had eight more children than I did.  Everything was fine until Susan got diaper rash.  My Mother told me what to put on it, but I wouldn't hear of it.  I bought several over the counter items at the drug store.  None of them worked.  We took Susan to the doctor and got his prescriptions.  They didn't work.  After being up for two nights with Susan crying non stop and getting David out of bed, I called my Mother at 2:00 AM in the morning, in tears.  My Mother went through one item after another that I didn't have in my house. She finally said Vicks, which I did have.  Mother told me to bath Susan's bottom, dry it,  but Vicks on it and diaper her.  Put her in her crib on her side or tummy-that will work - and it did.  Since then, I learned to listen to my Mother - most of the time.

I also learned a lot more about diaper rash.  Some of things I tell you, you might not try, but I will tell you what I learned and now do. It is rarely that I use disposable diapers.  Most of the diapers are cloth-cotton. I have had less diaper rash with them than I did with disposable diapers.  When I wash the cloth diapers, I double rinse them to make sure all the soap is out of them and hang them outside-especially if the sun is out.  Also, I buy diaper cover or panties that are not so tight that they seal in the moisture.

When diaper rash appears, I use vitamin E salve.  If I can't obtain that, I buy Vitamin E capsules, open them and apply to the bottom at each diaper change.  I have never had that fail.  Within 24 hours it has always felt better and is almost gone.  If you see the start of diaper rash - put it on and with every diaper change.

Sometimes when just I or David and I are home with David Jr. - we let David Jr. not wear a diaper or slacks to let air at his bottom.  We did the same for Susan when she was his age.  We make sure no other family members are there or company is coming.  Now, David Jr. is old enough that he only wears diaper pants to bed at night.

As I said, I rarely use disposable diapers except for meetings, if I take the baby grocery shopping, to the doctors and alike.  When I get the baby home, I change into cloth diaper.  I don't believe that disposable diapers are as comfortable as cloth diapers.

I also do not use store baby powder.  My belief is that they are too chemical-laden and can cause breathing problems in children.  Here is what I make:

Jean's Baby Powder

1.2 pound cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon lavender essential oil

Place cornstarch in a self-sealing plastic bag and add the lavender essential oil drop by drop.  Tightly close the bag and shake it to distribute the essential oil, breaking up any clumps through the bag. Let stand 4 days to distribute the essential oil  Use with every diaper change, or as needed.

Be With God,

With Jean's permission, I put her post on a day early, as I want to put something on for Labor Day tomorrow.  Jean will be back on her regular day next week.


  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Hope you don't mind I put Jean's post on a day early.

    Suppose to rain a bit here today, but still in the 80's.


  2. I never heard of Vick's for diaper rash.
    It will be in the upper 80's here with rain too.

  3. Hi Vickie,

    I never heard of it either and questioned Jean. She said that if you haven't got anything else it takes the pain out for the baby until you can get Vitamin E. She also said to put a light coat of it on, Don't make it thick.


  4. Thank you for sharing this.
    I look back now many years ago, remembering that my grandmother swore by Vicks for many things. Thank you for turning on the light bulb.
    I use Vitamin E on my hands a lot during the cold winter months as my hands get very badly cracked and then put cotton gloves on at night, after a few nights, the hands are healed up pretty well.
    I will try to mix up Jean's powder. I like lavender.
    Many Blessings upon all

  5. Hello Deminflyz,

    My Mom used Vicks for a lot of things, too. Shows you how old I am. I will have to try the Vitamin E on my hands this winter, too. Thanks for telling.

    Many Blessings upon you, too,

  6. I was reading today's local paper and there is an article in there about the dog breeder near where Jean lived that wanted to raise 600 dogs. The farm these people owned is up for sale.

    Gorham's new zoning law includes a kennel law limiting the number of breeding dogs to 20.

    I am trying to get hold of Elmer on his cell phone as he is a dog breeder, but he has only ten dogs on his farm at one time-the mother dog, father dog and eight puppies. Eight is the most puppies they have had so far.

    Elmer is the man who couldn't sell his puppies once. Driving by the school, as the students were coming out, he gave away all the puppies.

    I would like to know how he feels about the new law and the people that wanted to breed 600 dogs. Also am trying to Jean and David on their opinion.

    Anyway there won't be any dog breeders with over 20 dogs in Gorham. I am proud of the people and Gorham. Good Work.


  7. I have not heard of Vicks for this either. Vitamin E is good for so many things. This was a very good post. I can not imagine having 600 dogs in one place! I would be interested in your friends opinions also.

  8. I don't think there is anything in the US Constitution, its amendments or the Bill of Rights that would supports rules/laws against a farmer having 600 of any type animal. And I'm sure there are those that would love to disallow anyone from using cloth diapers and/or Vicks for diaper rash... So I suggest doing unto others as you would have others do unto you. And if you don't want to buy a dog from a breeder, simply choose not to.

    We bought a pure bred Schnauzer from a breeder, an Amish man, in PA 2 yrs ago (not the first time) this month and he is an excellent dog in excellent health. We looked into rescue dogs and refused to go through the application process which in my opinion is so outrageous I can't understand why anyone would do it. Who do those people think they are! Everyone of them wanted hundreds of dollars and required a fenced in yard. We live in our motor home and have had Schnauzers since the early '70s, I'm 70 yrs old and have never had a fenced in yard and all the dogs died of natural causes at ripe old ages. I've been spreading the word against rescues for the last two years and will continue to.


  9. Hi Annie,
    I had never heard of Vicks either, I can't see having 600 dogs either.

    I will get their opinions and maybe do a special post.


  10. Hi Gary,
    I have bought all my dogs from breeders except my latest, Pierre, that I got from Craig's List. I am not putting down breeders in general. Elmer, who has some posts on here is an Amish breeder and if he had the breed I wanted, I would have bought one from him.

    What the discussion is about is a breeder that owned a farm and wanted to be able to bread dogs up to 600 dogs. I will have to go back and see if he is Amish or Mennonite or Englisher, I don't remember.

    I have nothing against breeders, in fact there a couple I would gladly recommend, Elmer included. It's 600 dogs that I don't believe is right.

    I use to be an RVer and wish I were on the road again in a motor home like you. I am glad you have your Schnauzers. I am a poodle person. I had two dogs when I was on the road a poodle and a chihuahua. All my dogs went of natural causes except my chihuahua had cancer.

    Please don't think I am again breeders just ones that want such a large number.


  11. I grew up on cornstarch!!! My Grandmas and my mom used it for diaper rash, heat rash, under arms....and I used it on my babies....vicks is good for diaper rash, when it has got so sore...the vick's soothes the pain of the rash. I was a cotton diaper mom too..disposables are handy, easy, quick, but my kids always got a rash from cotton, they never did...double rinsing is a good thing...I still do it to this day, on all our clothes...when our 20 something son got heat rash this year, he asked me for a "cure" and I mixed him a container of corn starch and baking soda...and he uses it...rash gone!! It is great to use in those "hard to reach and not to speak of " places, and has no scent. Put it in your gum shoes and the next day they are not smelly...just sprinkle a bit in, tap it all down....if you go bare foot in your tennies, the powder is good for your staining either.
    I had to laugh...Jean knowing all there is to know and her mom not knowing a thing!! I think we all were like that at one time! I was!!

  12. Hi Sue Ann,
    Thank you for all your information. We really appreciate it.

    I went through that know it all and my Mother not knowing anything, too. Like you said, I think we were all like that.


  13. I googled uses for Vick's and found many different ideas. It's really interesting and thank you letting us know about Vick's and vitamin E.


  14. Hi Doreen ,
    I will have to check Vicks out and see what they say. I will tell JEan what you said.


  15. Marilyn, yes I thought it was against breeders but now, since 600 dogs is too many, what is the number that you would feel comfortable with and why so few or so many?


  16. Hi Gary,
    I am going to put a post on Thursday on this as I have a comment from Elmer who is an Amish dog breeder and Jean who was at the meetings when the zoning law was passed.

    I don't think that 600 dogs would get the treatment and care that they should get. If there were enough people to take care it's one thing, but most dog mills aren't. Most of the breeders are great-it's just a few that ruin it. See Elmer and Jean's post on Thursday, if you get a chance.


  17. Hi everyone, Basic cornstarch is all a baby with diaper rash needs. I don't know of anyone who has had any adverse reaction using cornstarch. Just don't use it on a bottom that is raw/broken out(yeast may ensue)which can then make matters worse. I always used it with every diaper change and my kids hardly ever had a rash. Blessings to all, Carol

  18. Hello Carol,
    Thank you so much for your advice. Really appreciate it.


  19. So true, Carol, corn starch is the miricle powder, for all things...! My mom use to put a dab of Vicks in the little slot in front of a vaporizer, when we had colds, the air was full of the vicks, so we could sleep at night, and sometimes she put a little under our noses too, I still use it, about Jan, Feb, I always seem to lose my voice, get a sore throat, so I smother my throat with it and wrap a bandana around.....helps to soothe it.....

  20. I have a vaporizer that uses Vicks. Whenever my sinus gets bad, I turn it on in the bedroom when I go to bed at night. Pierre doesn't like the smell, but it helps me breath.


  21. Marilyn, so as I suspected, it isn't the number of dogs, its anti puppy mills sentiment because there aren't enough people to do whatever.

    Like I said, there's nothing the Constitution about how many dogs etc. a farmer can have. If we keep going against the Constitution, someday someone will not like what we are doing and put a stop to it. Like having our own dog, maybe just poodles, within city limits etc.. How about domestic cats because of all the hundreds of millions of animals and birds they kill each year just because they can, not because they need to eat them. Then what?


  22. I can see your point, but there are so many dogs brought into this world that do not have homes and yet one breeder wants to raise 600 more. I have seen dogs from puppy mills, it is heart breaking.

    I don't if I will have it on tomorrow, but I will have post on where Elmer, who is a dog breeder, tells of puppy mills.

    It's not how many dogs and puppies people have, it's the people in the world who don't take care of them.


  23. Elmer and Jean's post will be on tomorrow. This will tell more about started the whole thing off and what happened.


  24. Marilyn, I too hate to see dogs etc. that are not cared for. The problem is there is an ever growing group of people that think only THEY know how to care for a dog etc.. They dictate their way which IMO is based in emotion rather than constructive critical thinking and... they seem to be the same people that are not disciplining their children. So, they don't discipline their dogs and then, they treat them as if they are people. They dress them and pamper them while making excuses as to why they nip, bark, won't listen, want to fight other dogs, etc. etc. as if they are people with human emotions. Dogs live in the moment and don't hold grudges, they are pack animals and the pack leader(s) keeps them balanced and behaving. It has nothing to do with puppy mills or how many dogs a farmer wants to raise.


  25. Hi Gary,
    There are people in this world that are trying to tell us how to do everything, the same they are as dogs. I know Pierre, my dog, behaves, but some don't. Just like children.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn