Thursday, September 5, 2013


ELMER: First there are rules and regulations that dog breeders must comply to in the State of New York.  These rules are on the care, living facilities, condition, shots and more for the dogs you breed.  Let's go back on what caused the upset regarding dog breeders.  Shortly before this couple (will remain nameless, but there name is in the newspaper) applied to the Town of Gorham to open a commercial dog-breeding facility, two dog mills had been found. - one in Ontario County and one in a near by county. One of these was Englisher owned and the other Mennonite owned.  These both hit the front page of the local newspaper.  The dogs were starved, had not been taken care of, stuffed together in kennels, and more I will not describe.  Many of the dogs had to be destroyed they were in such bad condition and could not be saved.  The rest went to dog SPCA and Humane Society's.  When this was settling down an Amish breeder who had many dogs that had caught some diease and had to be put down.  Rather than taking them to the vet and having him doing it, he did it himself in a way that did not comply with the State of New York.  Again, this hit the front page of our local papers.  Now, the couple that caused the new zoning law had purchased a farm in the town and had applied to open the commercial dog-breeding facility for some 600 dogs.

JEAN: Previously, I had a post on Amish Stories when this first started.  What got the people in our little, quaint town upset, was not that they people were dog breeders, but that they wanted permission to have 600 dogs.  Would they take care of these dogs as they should?  This caused a town meeting.  So many people came that it couldn't be held in town hall, they had to move it to the High School as that had more room and even then it was filled out the door.  This meeting, some how, went nationwide.  The next day there were so many calls coming in on the Town Hall phone that the phone system wouldn't work and the telephone company had to be called in.  If I remember correct, a temporary freeze was put on for all dog breeding permits until this matter could be decided. At the time this started, David and I lived on the farm we sold.  It wasn't that we, like others didn't want a dog breeder near us, but with 600 dogs would they be properly take care of.  Last March, after numerous public hearings, it was decided that the new zoning law limits the number of breeding dogs to 20.  The people that purchased the farm said it was two restrictive to operate their business and has put their farm up for sale.

ELMER: Anna, my wife,  and I have been dog breeders for over 20 years, in three states: Pennsylvania, Indiana and New York.  There are rules and regulations in each state, that dog breeders MUST comply with.  The problem is that, the State, does not have as many people to inspect breeders to make sure they are complying with these rules and regulations as they should have.  Most of the breeders comply these rules and regulations, us included, but there are a few people that do not.  Those that do not comply with these, ruin it for the rest of us when they are found out.  People, when buying, their pet want a healthy, love able  dog that will fit into their family.  Us, who work hard to comply with the laws are sometimes hurt because of what others have done.

I know that there are some people especially, Englishers who will not buy a dog from me because of what other Amish have done.  They think because one Amish person has a dog mill or does not treat their dogs well, I don't either, which is not true.  After that article appeared in the paper about that Amish man that put his dogs down the wrong way, I couldn't give one of my puppies to an Englisher.  That was the time, I gave the puppies to the school children.  I did sell some of the puppies to Amish and Mennonite that knew us, but the rest I gave away.

What number is correct for breeding?  I don't know, but I know that even when our children all lived at home, we couldn't handle 600 dogs. We never tried.  Not and give them the time, food, love, vet bills and more that they need.

Before we went into breeding, Anna and I, went to many breeders to see what they did and get advice.  Being Amish, we were allowed into more Amish kennels than others would be.  Most of them were beautiful dog breeding kennels that complies with the laws.  We also have been to dog mills, where the animals are just bred for the money.  They are in kennels where their feet never touch the ground until they are shown to you.  They are not fed anymore than they have to be.  Female dogs are bred at every heat.  Only get their shots when they have been sold to you.  Many of them are stuck in kennels together until there is hardly any room.  When a female can't breed anymore, they are just thrown out.  These are Amish, Mennonite and Englisher owners.  They are in the business just for the money.

We were asked to come to one of the dog mills when it was found my our local SPCA.  As we were dog breeders we helped them get the puppies on the trucks and to check them over.  Anna and I worked with tears in our eyes, seeing these poor helpless animals.  We adopted one of the dogs.  For the first time, she runs free on our farm.  With our help and that of our grandchildren, she has learned to love and trust people.

I didn't mean to go on so, but I could go on a lot more.  Like I said, most breeders, Amish, Mennonite or Englisher, comply with the rules.  In fact, some go above and beyond these rules.  But there are some, that don't and these people are the big animal problem.

We believe that all animals are God's creations.  When they are in our ownership and / or care, they are a gift from God to us.  How would God want us to treat these animals?

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Hope you enjoy this post about the dog breeder. I think this will be the last post on this - for now anyway.

    In the 60's today. Off to my school course.


  2. Thank you Marilyn and Elmer. I would not say I enjoyed the post, but I am glad you had it. Such a terrible thing. God bless you and your wife Elmer!

  3. I thought the first post that appeared on my old blog ( Amish Stories) on puppy mill's was an interesting one, and disturbing at the same time.

    And after that post I began looking out for any kind of signs or advertisements for any of these puppy mills in the Lancaster area, and to my surprise I didn't find a lot at least in the parts that I travel in.

    There are I'm sure a few that have pretty good reputations in that industry, and like I remember saying in my comment " they sure can use a better reputation among the general public because the info about them that is known is not very good".

    I myself think having 600 of anything that is living and breathing and depends on someone else to survive is a number that is way too high, so I find it pretty hard to believe that every dog will be getting the quality of life they deserve while they wait for a new home.

    I think sadly most of the times anything that is found with abused animals is for the most part "after the fact", and I can see where the county could be short handed to really be effective in stopping anything bad that is about to happen.

    When I was lucky enough to get a new little family member like a dog or cat they were always strays, and when someone didn't seem to want them. So for those mills that have a bad reputation I say "dont buy from them", that's one of the things that we can do to help put them out of business.

    And maybe get involved in your county with petitions and your elected officials, turning away from the problem wont help those poor animals who can not defend themselves from cruelty or even death!


  4. My opinion is not supported by the majority but it is... there are far too many people that react emotionally without thinking of the consequences of actions when they approach politicians to prevent something. Example, a zoning law limiting a farm to 20 breeding dogs. Next will be no road stand food produce or food sales. Maybe quilt sales will be limited to 4 per year with only 2 on display at a time. Maybe only white horses will be allowed to pull buggies because enough people believe they are safer due to white being seen better than black or brown horses. Maybe I won't be allowed to own anything that looks like a gun because some people are afraid of guns. Yet where the population is allowed guns, incidences of all types of crime are very low.

    I say we should let the market place rule instead of emotional mobs led by those with an agenda, like PETA, many in the SPCA and the politicians that pander to their whims.

    I think lately more and more Americans are seeing things as I am. I can only hope.


  5. Hello Vickie,
    Thank you so much for your comments. I will tell Elmer.


  6. Thank you, Richard,
    I think this is the last post, I will do on this dog situation regarding the farmer and Gorham, but I will not end my love and protection of animals.

    I agree with you completely.


  7. Dear Gary,

    I disagree with you regarding the dogs, but we are each entitled to our own. I know things are being taken away from us.


  8. Gary as someone who has lost faith in quite a bit of the politicians like myself, like it or not they do for the most part help change and create laws.

    And while I believe in the free market and yes I think people vote with their wallets and pocket books, sometimes more is needed to help like a law making sure animals are not abused in any way.

    I'm not happy with things either and in the way this country has changed, but I'm trying to not let all of that cloud my judgment with some of the things that regular folks like myself can do in a positive way. Richard

  9. Marilyn and Richard, I too am against abuse of animals although our definitions of abuse might vary some.

    In this case of possibly 600 dogs on a farm, there was no abuse. So a magical number of a maximum of 20 dogs was arrived at.

    I do not see how that prevents animal abuse but then I am not a fortune teller with the ability to see the future like some of us seem to be able to.

    It has been said that the problem was not enough government inspectors to root out abusers. But nothing has been done about that problem; nary a suggestion.

    I say there are many more dog owners abusing their dog(s) than there are breeders that abuse their dogs. A an example, I might say dressing dogs and carrying them around like an infant and failing to allow their dog(s) to socialize with other dogs because their dog barks at other dogs, pulls the owner everywhere and the person is afraid there would be a fight. Or, treating their dog(s) as if they are human and as if they have human emotions. And I could go on.

    To prevent that abuse, what if I suggested everyone wanting to own a dog would be required to be licensed?

    Now that would be dumb because it has as much chance to prevent abuse as allowing only 1 dog per household would.

    IMO, to prevent owner abuse the members of the household would have to be trained in dog psychology and pass a test using a misbehaving (non adoptable) shelter dog as a demonstration of their abilities. pssst... that will never happen. lol


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Welcome to my blog. Marilyn