Thursday, October 10, 2013


First of all, I would like to say a belated Happy Birthday to New York State of Mind for it's one year on this blog.  I appreciate being let to put posts on here.  Marilyn was looking for a special post this week and in knowing me, you know I can always come up with something to say.

Thought you might be interested in knowing something about myself.  I was born with Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome.  I am a dwarf.  That is why I titled this post as a reminder that October is National Dwarfism Awareness Month.

People are considered dwarf if they are between the heights of 2 feet 8 inches to 4 feet 10 inches. I am just an inch shorter than 4 feet, with my boots off.  When I have my boots on, I stand 4 feet tall.  The chance is 1 in 150,000 that a child may be born with dwarfism.  The chance is higher (1 in 5,000)  in Old Order Amish because of intermarriage (someone marrying a distant cousin).

They believe this dwarfism can probably be traced to one Sameul King and his wife (who were Amish) who immigrated to the United States in 1744.   In tracing my genealogy, we found that we are distantly related to Sameul King who had brought Ellis-van Creveld into our country. In tracing genealogy of both my parents, it was found that both sides of the family were distantly related to Sameul King.

People come up to me and ask if I would like to be called dwarf, small person  or midget.  I tell them, I would prefer to be called Elmer.  If describing me, I prefer to be called small person or dwarf.  Dwarf people do not like to be called midget.

Both of my parents are average height.  In our family of 10 children, I am the only living child that's a dwarf.   As I got older, my parents told me that before I was born, they had another son that was born a dwarf, but died a few days after his birth.  When I was born, I had an extra pinky finger and toe, which were removed as a baby.  I had a great deal of problems with my teeth which ended when I had them removed and got dentures. Fortunately, as yet, I do not have heart problems which is in about 60% of the children born with Ellis-van Creveld. In obtaining the death certificate of my dwarf brother, I found the cause of death was heart. My parents were afraid that I, too,  would die of the same thing at a young age.  So far, thanks to the Lord, they have been proven wrong.

Regarding Anna and our children, we do not have any dwarf's among our children - they are all average height. Anna is also average height.   All of them and our grandchildren, so far, there are no dwarf children.

This leads to the question I was asked what does one of my son's do.  He has a furniture store, but he also has a store where he makes and sells items for dwarf people, as myself.  I remember when he and I went to a Dwarfism Convention and saw this little dwarf boy in this big wheel chair.  They make wheel chairs for average people and big people, but what about small people.  So my son got these people's name and after a lot of measuring the boy and figuring back home, came up with a wheel chair for the small person.  Word spread.  Small people wanted chairs, dining tables and chairs, bedroom sets and more.  Now, with the new box springs and mattresses beds being really high for us small people so he built me stairs to get into the bed.

Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome is not the only one. There are other syndromes that cause dwarfism.   Also, I want you to know that dwarf's, depending on what their church allows, are: farmers, accountants, doctors, teachers, actors and more.

Hope you have found this interesting and understanding of dwarfism or small people.   Have you ever met a dwarf and wanted to ask questions, but were afraid to ask?  This is the place to ask the questions, I will answer them in another post.

Trust God's Wisdom,




  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Hope you enjoy Elmer''s post this morning. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Even though Elmer may short in height he has a great sense of humor and a heart of gold.

    Am enjoying the beautiful weather cause I hear it is going to change in a week or so.


  2. Super post! Wonderful post! Thank you Elmer. God bless you.

  3. Hi Vickie,

    I will tell Elmer what you said. Give Mabel and Henry a hug from Pierre and me.

    God Bless you and yours,

  4. Good Morning ga447,

    You are welcome. I know Elmer wants more people to know that dwarf people are like everyone else - just smaller in height.


  5. Thanks for sharing Elmer. Wonderful post.

  6. Good Morning Christine T,

    I know Elmer is glad you enjoyed it.


  7. I love hearing from Elmer. You can tell from his posts that he is a very good natured person, and the information he shared makes him extra special. I hope we hear from him again soon.

    Thank you for making us more aware and educated of Dwarfism.


  8. Good Morning Doreen,

    I will tell Elmer what you said. He will be putting on another post in the near future about something he and Anna are planning to do. I really enjoy his sense of humor.


  9. I went to HS with a girl, actually, since 4th grade I was in her classes, and she was a dwarf..but no one ever spoke about it, neither did she, but I knew she was a small person. She had a good nature about her. I did notice her fingers tho- were stubby, and she had trouble using them in certain things, and I often wondered if that was a symptom too. I went to our HS reunion a few years ago, and she had become an attorney in Fla., and was retired !!! Married, had kids...
    Seeing Elmer's post, makes me wish I had been brave enough to ask her, about herself, even at the reunion- I guess, I did'nt feel it was proper to pry, you know?

  10. Good Morning Sue Ann,

    I am so glad you came with the question. Elmer has been calling me all morning wondering if anyone asked questions - he wants them. He will answer you, Sue Ann, in another post. Thank you so much for the question.

    Anyone, Elmer wants questions.


  11. this is such a wonderful post.i think it is important to inform others about our differences so we can share and understand. and how wonderful that elmer's son makes items for dwarfs. this was very informative!

  12. Hi Elmer, Thanks for your post re: your being a small person. This condition is certainly a challenge, yet with love, ingenuity+courage one can overcome the challenges as you apparently have done. Blessings to you, Anna and your entire family! In Christ, Carol

  13. Hello Jaz and Carol,
    I will see that Elmer gets your comments, I know he will appreciate them very much.


  14. That was an interesting and unexpected post! Give my thanks to Elmer for it!

  15. Thank you Chasity. I will tell Elmer.


  16. Does Elmer have any advice for us regarding dwarfism? Like a situation where he thinks "I hate when someone does that", or "I hate when someone says that". I'm always afraid of offending someone who maybe is a little different than me, and I'm never sure what to say or what to avoid.

    On another note.....
    I'm sitting here eyeing up the large cabbage that my husband just brought home from a market, and wondering if it's full of the little worms that Sue Ann talked about this summer. It's amazing to think of all the information we learned on New York State of Mind this past year!!


  17. Marilyn - this post was awesome - please tell Elmer how much i enjoyed it! and Countryside Reflections gives excellent please be sure that Elmer answers those questions.

    to Elmer - i am 5ft 1inch, with boots on - bahahahah! and i just hate having to try and reach for things or use a regular sink in a bathroom or a whole pile of other things - i think he will know what i speak of.

    Elmer - i would like to know how the OOM and/or Amish treat small people like you? i would like to know how you overcame the everyday obstacles that you must have overcome being that you are here now and teaching us about this. i would also like to know about how wonderful you must feel that you are teaching so many people about awareness of this month?

    lastly, Elmer, i would like to know more about whatever interests you. i find you incredibly amazing, with so much to teach to so much of what are your hobbies and what do you like to do in your free time.

    in addition, i am very glad that Marilyn runs this site...i learn so much everytime i visit here. i applaud all of the contributors...they have so much information to share.

    but Elmer - you have such a unique sense of humour. and it is obvious from all of the previous comments that we all enjoy your sense of humour very much.

    Marilyn - please tell all of the contributors that the internet is a place to come and enjoy and learn. there are many scarey places on the internet...but the Lord apparently works in mysterious ways. the internet being one of them. and as many commenters have already said - coming to your blog is like a breathe of fresh air. we read the posts here and are filled with the word, fresh air and peace. please tell all of the contributors how much we appreciate their participation. thank you to all.

    your friend,

  18. LOL!! Doreen!!!! core it, and soak it in a sink full of cold water and lots of salt, for about 15 mins!! You'll know by then!!! They are teeny green....hard to see..they will die from the salt and sink to the bottom of the water!!!!

  19. then rinse it well- the salt will not affect the cabbage at all....the little worms are from the cabbage moth- those white little butterflies you see all summer long? They lay their eggs in cabbages, broccali,spinach....cauliflower....veggies like that..then the little guys hatch and eat the veggies...then coccoon.....Sometimes, if you forget to soak first, then cook- they will drop to the bottom of the pan of may not even see them!!!! I think , before we die, we all eat our share of bugs and dirt!!!

  20. Hi Kymber,
    Thank you for the compliments. It is so kind of you. I have written down your questions for Elmer. Know he will appreciate them and answer them in a coming post.


  21. Thank you Sue Ann, for coming and giving your advice to Doreen. I knew you would now to help there. My Mom use to say: "We all will eat a ton of dirt before we die."


  22. Please keep the questions coming. Elmer will answer the questions on a October 28th post,


  23. I have some questions for Elmer. Where did you get your sense of humor? How were you treated when you were growing up? Did you get any different treatment than your brothers or sisters? How were you at sports? How did you meet Anna? Please tell us about your courting. Did both families approve of your marriage? If I can think of some more questions, I will add them.


  24. Good for you Elmer! This may be an incentive question & I hope it's not, but with a small person for a dad, and average size for the kids, is there discipline problems? Like when the boys want to become men, and they have to obey dad, but may be several inches taller than dad is. Seems like my boy could not wait to grow up, and had quite a struggle still seeing himself as our child as opposed to a man now. Also wondering does being a dwarf skip generations and never reappear, or could it perhaps show up decades later when the family had long forgotten it was ever in the line? Does the condition seem to be more rampant in certain districts or areas than others?

  25. I think the term dwarf can be used in derogatory terms rather than just the conditions name

    We are all God's children whatever size we are

    Thank you for sharing this Elmer you are an example to us all

    May god bless you and yours

  26. Good Morning Annie,

    Thank you for all the questions. I have written them all down to ask Elmer. He will be answering questions on October 28th.


  27. Good Morning Anonymous,

    Thank you for your comment. Dwarf can be used derogatory, which I think is sad. Also, I agree that we are all God's children whatever size we are. I will see that Elmer gets your message.

    May God bless you and your, too,

  28. Dear Elmer
    I have seen dwarfs but I have never approached one -as I would treat any other person. I am disabled so for me it is a comfort to see what some people call "different". Every time I see anyone with a challenge physical, height, no eye sight, etc I just want to hug them. I too get comments and weird looks, and I ignore the words that are said.

    I love the Lord and I never in my life saw human beings as anything other than children of God. When I was in grade school a boy in my class dressed as wonder woman for Halloween. That was a long time ago but I did not engage in the negative words. When I became disabled I had a new world view because I was no longer the same height.

    Thank you for all you have written. God Bless you Elmer

  29. Dear Marilyn I enjoy this blog so much, having been more ill I was behind in reading and now I am catching up. It is such a blessing to have a positive blog that I can read at 2:21 am when I am ill and in pain. The Leaves on the trees post was great. God Bless You


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn