Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Several people have asked for this recipe and I thought I had put it on before, but I haven't.  At the end I have put several variations that I use when I want something different.  Regarding bread crumbs I usually break up a large loaf of bread, but you can use bread crumbs purchased from the grocery store.  Jean


1/3 c. butter or drippings
1/4 c. chopped onion
3 T. Chopped parsley
3 c. diced celery
8 c. soft bread crumbs
2 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
2 t. sage or poultry seasoning
1/4 c. hot water

Melt butter or drippings.  Add onion, parsley, and celery.  Cook until onion is transparent.  Combine with crumbs, add seasonings and hot water. Chill.  Stuff turkey loosely.  Do not pack tightly, as stuffing will swell as it cooks.  Recipe is for a 10-12 pound turkey.

You can very flavoring by adding any of the following:

1 pt. raw oysters
2 c. chopped apples
2 c. chopped cranberries
1 lb cooked chestnuts, chopped
2 c. cooked corn
1 lb. sausage, browned


  1. Good Morning Folks,

    This is the most requested recipe since New York State of Mind started and I glad that Jean gave it to us. Another request has been on how does she cook a turkey which Jean will tell about closer to Thanksgiving.

    It is raining here today.


  2. Stuffing to me is almost as important as the turkey for Thanksgiving, and I remember my mom adding some pork (adds lots of bang) with the breading at every holiday.


  3. Good Morning Richard,
    That must have been good stuffing your Mom made. My Mom use to add a little sausage with it - not much-just enough to give it a little taste.


  4. I should have said "sausage" Marilyn, and it was the "hot" kind so that added some "kick" to the taste!


  5. My Mom didn't put the "hot stuff" in it. It gave my Dad heart burn with the "hot stuff" so my Mom had to keep it cooled down a little because of Dad.


  6. I always keep left over bread pieces in the freezer...especially around the holidays, and cube them and let them dry out over night, dryer bread cubes absorb the liquids better, I think. We never added any meats to the dressing, but I have used chinese water chestnuts- to add a crunch- along with the apples and celery, and onions. You can make your own poultry seasoning-using equal amounts: nutmeg, thyme, sage, marjoram,rosemary,black pepper-and the flavors you like best, you can add more of, in the mixture- then use 1/2 to 2 t per 4 c dressing, or, to your taste. Much cheaper than buying in the store, and you can make it your own flavor.The herbs cut out the use of salt, if you cannot have salt.
    I like the idea of using a sausage...never tried would give the dressing a better "zing", as Richard said....but we are not spicey either, so it would be mild.

  7. Hello Sue Ann,
    Thank you for your advice.

  8. I make my dressing very similar and also add 1# of hot sausage. It always goes over very well now that all of our children are grown. I don't think young ones would like the hot sausage. I like some of Jean's additional suggestions too.


  9. Hi Doreen,
    Like I said, my Mom used the sausage, too. Glad you like Jean suggestions, too.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn