Thursday, October 3, 2013


Here are some more of the tractors at the auction.  Tomorrow will be the last post of Jim Erdle Tractor Auction.


  1. Good Morning,
    Hope you enjoy the tractors this morning. Tomorrow will be the last of them.

    Suppose to be int he 70's today with some rain on and off.


  2. I can see where your camera got all the dust!! That was one dusty place to be!! Pouring rain here! I will be sending it on to you in a day or so!!! LOL!!!

  3. Hi Sue Ann,
    It was right when I got home from this auction that the camera didn't work. It sure was a dusty place there.

    I think we are suppose to get rain tomorrow. Hope it clears up by the weekend because I would like to get some pictures. Want to get a lot in before the white stuff comes.


  4. Good Marilyn and Sue Ann I was wondering Marilyn did most of these tractors sell. This man sure had alot of stuff. Hope everyone is having a great week. The sun is shining nicely today. Getting ready to do alot of baking over the next couple of days. Will be donating it all to the bake sale at the Bible Camp here that we do alot of work for. If you would like to check there website it is under Agape Bible Camp. It is a great outreach to many children especially in the summer with day camps. Our middle son does alot of ministry work there he has a passion to serve in the area of youth ministry. Have a great day everyone!!!

  5. Marilyn, buy a can of air at any computer store. Blow any dust or dirt you may have in your camera.
    Mine wasn't working right and I blew it out. Works fine now.

  6. Hi Veronica,
    All those tractors sold except one. There were a lot of people there - Englishers, Amish and Mennonites. I will take a look at your camp. It is so kind that you would do all that baking for them.

  7. Hi Jodie,
    That's how the man did it. He had the can of spray and put it on it. Then he said he blew the dirt out and lightly hit it and it worked. He said if does that again to bring it back. Thank you for telling me.

  8. What great pictures. I loved seeing the old tractors. They have so much character and are so interesting.


  9. Hi Doreen,
    Thank you for the compliments. I wonder sometime what they looked like brand new.


  10. The fellows, wearing the black fedoras in the 2nd
    photo, appear to be Hutterites. If so, they came a long way.

  11. I know if you checked Amish and Mennonite items that I have on the side that has Family Life Magazine, I didn't have anything on it. I have just put some items on and continue to be putting more. I think I will group some of the Family Life magazines together when I put them on. So check out Family Life and see what I have.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn