Thursday, October 24, 2013


Back on April 17th, Jean had some Sauerkraut Recipes on.  Well I was going through some books and found this cookbook.  Inside are two sauerkraut recipes along with three vinegar recipes.  I thought I would pass them on to you folks that enjoy sauerkraut and/or vinegar. The name of recipe book is: Cooking with Radio by Richey Airwaves, Inc. in New Port Richey, Fla.  I must have gotten this book when I lived in Florida, many years ago.


1 1/2 cup sugar
1 t vanilla
1/2 cup cocoa
3 eggs
1 t baking soda
1 cup water
1/2 c butter
1/2 t salt
1/2 c sauerkraut
2 1/2 cups flour
1 t baking powder

Cream butter and sugar, add salt, vanilla and cocoa continuing beating, for five minutes.  Add eggs, blend for 5 minutes or till light.  Sift remaining dry ingredients, add alternately with water to the creamed mixture.  Lastly add the washed and coarsely chopped, drained sauerkraut.  Bake in greased and floured pan at 370 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes.


1 cup sauerkraut, squeeze out and cut
2 whole eggs, beaten
1/2 t. salt
1 cup fine cornflake crumbs
1 t. worcestershire sauce

Mix all ingredients, well EXCEPT cornflake crumbs.  Form balls, take 1/2 cup cornflake crumbs, roll balls in that, put 2 to 4 spoons butter in skillet, heat, put in balls and turn as they brown 3 to 4 minutes, serve hot.  They do not taste like kraut.


1 cup shortening or butter
4 cups flour
2 cups sugar
3 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp soda
1 tablespoon vinegar

Cream flour and butter together.  To 3 eggs, well beaten add 2 cups sugar.  Dissolve 1 tsp soda in 1 tablespoon vinegar, mix all ingredients together, well.  Roll out very think.  Sprinkle with sugar, bake at 450 degrees, quickly.  Use knife to cut dough into odd shapes.


2 cups Karo syrup (blue label)
2 T butter
1/4 t soda
1 cup sugar
1 T vinegar
1 t vanilla

Combine Karo syrup, butter, sugar and vinegar in a large pain.  Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly until sugar is dissolved.  Continue cooking to hard ball stage when tested in cold water.  Remove from heat, stir in soda and vanilla.  Beat until smooth and creamy.  Pour into buttered pan.  Let stand until cool enough to handle.Pull candy with fingers until satin like finish and light in color.  Pull into long strips and 3/4 inch in diameter, cut into one inch pieces with scissors.  Wrap individually in wax paper.  Makes 1 1/4 lbs.  Good to make to send men in service.

This one is a little hard to understand.  I am going to print it just like it is in the book.

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup vinegar

Cook sugar and vinegar in water.  Butter (I assume they mean add it) the size of an egg.  Pour into greased pan.

Hope you enjoy these recipes.



  1. wow, those look different, it must have been using what you had! thanks for posting. I light try the candy one first! have a great rest of the week!

  2. This is so interesting Marilyn, thanks. One of these days I hope to be making my own vinegar, and figure recipes will be needed for it all, LOL. Somewhere I have a recipe for vinegar pie.....

  3. Good Morning Annie,
    Glad you liked them. The candy sounds like it would be real good.


  4. Good Morning Leigh,
    How do you make your own vinegar? Shows I haven't any idea. If you can find that vinegar pie recipe, I would like to have it for here. You can contact me at:

  5. Lowell's Vinegar Custard Pie recipe was posted here on NYS of Mind in February of this year. I thought I remembered one.

    The Sauerkraut Balls sound good. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try sweet things made with sauerkraut yet. You should send these recipes to the chairman of your Sauerkraut Festival. These are the kinds of things I would expect at something like that.


  6. Hi Doreen,
    You are right !! I forgot. We did have Lowell's pie on here. You are also right that I should send these recipes to the chairman of the Sauerkraut Festival in Phelps, NY. They sure messed up this year.


  7. cooking sweets with kraut, is not what one would think. You rinse it really REALLY well, to get rid of the brine...let it drain well, and it becomes a crunch factor in a recipe, or a filler, or will add mass to a bakery.These are all done to taste too..some like the after taste of the brine in the sweets....It is much like using zucchini, not much flavor, but adds a good filler, and a crunch.
    Making vinegar is like making a sour dough starter- you need a "mother" to start..I'd be curious to hear how Leigh makes hers.

  8. cooking sweets with kraut, is not what one would think. You rinse it really REALLY well, to get rid of the brine...let it drain well, and it becomes a crunch factor in a recipe, or a filler, or will add mass to a bakery.These are all done to taste too..some like the after taste of the brine in the sweets....It is much like using zucchini, not much flavor, but adds a good filler, and a crunch.
    Making vinegar is like making a sour dough starter- you need a "mother" to start..I'd be curious to hear how Leigh makes hers.

  9. cooking sweets with kraut, is not what one would think. You rinse it really REALLY well, to get rid of the brine...let it drain well, and it becomes a crunch factor in a recipe, or a filler, or will add mass to a bakery.These are all done to taste too..some like the after taste of the brine in the sweets....It is much like using zucchini, not much flavor, but adds a good filler, and a crunch.
    Making vinegar is like making a sour dough starter- you need a "mother" to start..I'd be curious to hear how Leigh makes hers.

  10. The candy sounds like a "crack"-get to a hot boil, butter in last to take the foam down, buttered plate to cool.....yep-it is a crack! Fun to break apart.

  11. Thank you, Sue Ann, for your help. The last recipe really isn't as complete as it should have been. I put it out just as it was in the book.


  12. Hi Marilyn- the way it was written is how an old recipe my grandmother had for her "brown sugar crack" which I think is sort of like what we would call "brittle", if nuts were added. A Lot of recipes like the one you posted, would also call for putting in snow the REAL...old old days....An easy candy to make....
    I made one once, when I was 9...and I used granny's best china plate!!! And it stuck!!! Had to toss the whole thing out!! I wanted it to look good!! LOL!!

  13. Hi Sue Ann,
    I know my Grandmother's Recipes from the old country are written different too. Some of them aren't in English so I don't understand them. But, some are in English. They write different than we do.

    Bet your Grandmother loved you for using her best china plate. LOL



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn