Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Grave Ridge school belongs to the Weaverland Mennonites and is located in Lyons, New York.  The pictures show: the front of the school, the entrance, the bell, the back, the swings, volley ball, and baseball area. Next shows the tank that holds their oil or gas that fuels the school heat.  Next, I wanted to show the birdhouse.  There is also a small birdhouse on the swings, but it doesn't show up well.  Next two pictures show the neighboring farms.  You note that there is a green trail between the school and farm in the top farm picture.  Last picture is another shot of the school.  School is way out in the country, on a back road.  The Weaverland Mennonites dress like Jean and David, but drive automobiles.  The gravel area around the school could hold many cars for Christmas program, school closing picnic and more.  These are some of the pictures that I took on November 9th.  Hope you enjoy them.


  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Here is the Weaverland School that I went and took pictures of. I really enjoyed going out and taking these pictures. Hope you enjoy them.

  2. If you get a chance, you might want to go over and see Amish America, this morning. Erik has on an Amish business that works on carriages, but also on antique cars. It is very interesting. I enjoyed it, but again, I like antique cars.


  3. Very nice school pictures. I love the bell outside of the door. Some very tolerant birds must use the birdhouse on the swing set pole. They must dread the children's playtime.


  4. Hi Doreen,
    Glad you like them. I wondered if the birds ever used it with all that activity.


  5. Great pictures Marilyn. Thanks for sharing. Makes me wish I was there also. Hope you are well!! Veronica

  6. Thank you Veronica.
    Appreciate you like them. Everything is fine here, hope all is well where you are.


  7. Those are bluebird houses...they are use to people..but n the winter fly south, for the most part....when the kids are out of school, is when they would be back nesting...until school starts again....Looks like a propane tank...how it is set up.....oil would be too expensive to run for a school...gas tanks are more oval, like this one, oil are more round, barrel shape.

  8. Good Morning SueAnn,
    Thank you for your information. It could be a propane tank, I really don't know. Just thought I would take a picture of it along with everything else.


  9. Wayne County Nursing HomeJanuary 15, 2015 at 10:39 AM

    We here at the Wayne County Nursing Home would like to thank the staff and students from the Gravel Ridge School for coming to Christmas carol for us. Each year the school comes caroling and the residents and staff look forward to them coming. We are already looking forward to next year.
    Please share this with the staff and students. We wanted to send a thank you letter but did not have address to send to.

    Thank you from all of us,

  10. Hi Wayne County Nursing Home,
    It so nice they come and carol for your folks. Their mailing address is:

    Gravel Ridge School
    1104 Old-Pre-Emption Road
    Lyons, New York 14489

    I also have their phone number.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn