Thursday, November 21, 2013


Sauders is  a family-owned business founded in 1979 by Mennonite John Sauder Sr. who moved to  Seneca Falls, NY  from Lancaster County, PA. in hopes of opening a specialty food and book store. Since its founding, the store has expanded to include baking supplies, spices, deli meats and other bulk foods: as well as fresh local produce and area specialties.  John Sauder Sr. and his son, still own this country store, today.

I thank the Sauders for allowing me to take these pictures in their store.  The only things they asked is that I did not take people's pictures, and I didn't get into customers ways - both which I tried to obey. Employees at Sauders are Mennonite, the lady employees wear the long dresses, and prayer caps while men dress in black slacks, white shirts.  This is their religious way of dress all the time, like Jean's.

The first six pictures are of what the outside of the store looked like on October 8th.  The next two pictures are of the inside deli meats counter.  These pictures don't show anywhere near the meats they have in the deli.  Their deli is very popular about the state. Bakery shelves are next.  They can not keep the shelves filled fast enough as pastry is taken off the shelves as fast as they get it on.  Pastry is baked in their store. Next four pictures are of candy. They have all kinds and shape of candy here.

Sauders is a store that is the way stores use to be.  It is a very interesting place to go through and of course to buy items in.  Their prices are less than most local grocery stories.  You can buy one item at a time or a case, if you want it.  Many of the items sold at Sauders, you can't find it other stores.  If you live in the area or are visiting the area, it is well worth the time to go see.

This is just the beginning of the store.  I will show you more tomorrow in part 2.  If you like to cook or bake- you don't want to miss that.  The third post, on Saturday will show the bookstore,  wood work, and other handmade items that are sold in the store.

Today is my birthday, I am 65 years old today - I am an official senior citizen.  I wanted something real special on today.  Hope you enjoyed Sauders.


  1. Birthday Blessings, dear Marilyn:

  2. Happy Birthday Marilyn! I hope and pray this year is a very blessed one.

  3. Hi Vickie,
    Thank you very much. I hope and pray this coming year is a Blessed one, too.

    Give a hug to Mabel and Henry from me and Pierre.


  4. Just wanted to jump on quickly and wish you a blessed birthday today Marilyn. It is my hope and prayer that the coming year is filled with wonderful things for you. I hope you receive much blessing just as you bless others by continuing with this great blog. Thank you for all you do!! Have a wonderful day!! Veronica

  5. Hi Veronica,
    Thank you so very much. I really enjoy doing the blog. Thank you for your prayers, I can sure use them.
    Hope you have a wonderful day, too,

  6. Happy Birthday, Marilyn!!! Enjoy your day! Stay warm and dry!!!

  7. Happy Birthday!

    and the store looks great. I wish it was closer to me. There are NO Amish or Mennonite places closer than 2 hours away.

  8. Hi Christine T,

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes.

    Sauders is about an hour from where I live. Wish there more Amish or Mennonite closer to you.


  9. Happy Birthday Marilyn...........

    May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.


  10. Happy Birthday Marilyn! May you be blessed with much happiness and health in this coming year. (and find many senior citizen discounts to take advantage of)

    This store looks wonderful, especially the baked goods.


  11. Happy Birthday Marilyn
    May the Lord Bless you
    I turn 65 in February

  12. Hello Marilyn ~~
    I'm late to the Party but
    wanted to wish you a ..
    Happy Birthday & a
    Blessed Year.
    Hugs ~ Connie xox

  13. Thank you all, so very much for the Birthday well wishes. I really appreciate them. It is so kind of all of you.


  14. Happy Birthday! Thanks for the interesting story. I wish I lived closer to a store like this.

  15. Thank you for the Birthday wishes, Melissa. Wish there were more stores like it.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn