Saturday, November 9, 2013


I have decided on some changes with the coming seasons.  First, Monday, will be on Veterans Day and Jean will have her post on Tuesday this week.  Someone special will be on Wednesday with Jean, this week.  There will be three different recipes on Wednesday.

I thank Sue Ann for all the posts that she has taken so much time to present to us.  As garden season is ending, I asked Sue Ann if she would end her posts and come again in the Spring.  We have really appreciated all she has done for us.

Olive, Jean's grandmother, said she would do a post on canning meats and fish.  Right now, she is still looking for where she put her notes that she wrote up for the post or posts.  She said she doesn't need notes to do it, but to write a post she does.  So, I hope to have her on soon on Tuesday.

My birthday is this month and I am trying to figure out what to do.  I want to put on a post about one of the Mennonite places of business I went to last month.  This will take more than one post.  The day after my birthday is the day that President Kennedy was killed.  I don't know if I should something special on for President Kennedy.  What would you like?  The Mennonite Business or President Kennedy?

On December 12th we will start the Christmas Recipe a day.  Jean and I decided to do something different this year and ask if any of you had a special recipe that has been a family tradition or favorite that you would like to share as one of the Christmas Recipes.  If you do, please send it to:   We want only one recipe per family.  The recipe will be made by either Jean or myself before it goes on our Christmas Recipes. If we don't have enough recipes, Jean will put some of hers on.  I made a list of last years recipes, for Jean and myself, so we don't have the same things we had on last year. We would like the recipe by November 20th, so we can get it on the Christmas Recipes.  Also, if there is any Christmas recipe you would like, please ask and Jean will see if she has it.

Doreen came up with a great idea,  Do you have any Amish or Mennonite made items?  Doreen came with the idea that people take pictures of the items, send them to me and I put them on the posts.  I thought it would be a great idea if you told a little bit about where you got them and if there was a special reason you received them or purchased them.  So if you have any Amish or Mennonite items, take those pictures and e-mail them to me at:

The week of November 18th is my Birthday week.  I will be 65 on November 21st. That will be Mennonite week with Jean (Old Order Mennonite) on Monday, Mennonite School on Tuesday, Jean with recipe on Wednesday and a Mennonite Business for the rest of the week.



  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Please answers the questions, as I would like to know what you want.

    It is suppose to be nice today but real cold tomorrow. Plan on going out today and seeing if I can get some pictures. Want to get them before the snow comes.


  2. You have lots going on - recipes I am looking forward to read and try.

  3. Good Morning ga447,
    There will be lots of recipes. There are three this Wednesday and will keep our recipes on Wednesday. In December, we will have the Christmas Recipes, too.


  4. It looks like you have a great line up. I'm really looking forward to hearing from Olive, and of course always look forward to hearing from Jean.

    With no disrespect to President Kennedy, I would rather hear about the Mennonite Business.

    It's hard to believe that Christmas is coming so soon. I can't wait to read the "recipe a day" posts

    I have several items that I purchased from my local Amish, and I'll start to photograph them soon. I hope others will send in photos too because it will be interesting to see the variety of things that are made in different areas.


  5. I would enjoy your Mennonite post. =)

  6. Hi Doreen,
    Thank you for your vote. I think you idea of us taking pictures of our Amish and Mennonite items is a great idea. Also thought a little note about them would be interesting, too. Can't wait to see your pictures.

    Those Christmas Recipes are coming. Jean wants to see if anyone has a special recipe that they would like to share, too.


  7. Hi Vickie,

    Thank you so much for your vote. I appreciate it.

    Hugs to Mabel and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  8. I would also prefer the Mennonite post.
    Our weather here in MO is still nice but the cold is on the way.
    I enjoy your blog very much.

  9. Hello Jodi,
    Thank you for your vote. It looks like the Mennonite post is winning. Thank you for your compliments.


  10. Hi Folks,
    I just got back from driving around in an Amish and Mennonite area. Some days I go out and I don't see anything to take pictures of and some days I do. Today was a gold mine hit. I got two schools, one I had a map to find and the other I turned on a road to turn the car around and there was an Amish School. I got lots more items, too. Wanted to stock up on items before the snow came so I had something to put on and didn't have to go out. If it's not snowing I don't mind driving, but when the white stuff comes down, I don't drive unless I have to. Also some of the areas I got pictures from do not have snow plowing - no kidding. The Amish and Mennonites must have to clear it themselves, I guess. I don't know. So I have a few items stocked up for a few weeks.


  11. I look forward to the Mennonite post, and the recipes. I don't have any amish things to share, but would enjoy seeing what others have. It sounds like a wonderful upcoming season on your blog, I really enjoy it very much.

  12. Thank you for the compliments, Annie. Glad you like what is coming up.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn