Saturday, December 14, 2013



4 Tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 Tablespoons chopped onion
4 cups soft bread cubes
1/2 cup boiling water
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups milk
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 cups mashed potatoes

Melt butter, add celery and onion.  Cook until tender.  Pour over bread cubes and mix well.  Add boiling water to bread and mix well.  Add remaining ingredients, mixing well after each addition.  The mixture should be very moist.  Either stuff in bird or place in well - greased casserole and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. 


  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Hope you enjoy this recipe. All of the recipes are on - Jean and I finished putting them on last night.

    Right now it is snowing and it is 11 degrees outside. More snow is expected.


  2. Hi Marilyn,

    Thank you and Jean for all the recipes - they do sound delicious! I hope everyone stays warm and safe. I do have a question that maybe someone could answer - in seeing the photo of the playground you posted (very nice btw), do any of the Old Order Mennonite or Amish children ever play at public playgrounds or do they have playgrounds (besides at their schools) for the children to play at? I know they have a lot of activities happening at home but I was just curious.

    Thank you!

  3. Good Morning Laura,
    You are most welcome for the recipes,

    The photo is of the park on Main Street in Palmyra, NY.

    Old Order Mennonite sometimes take their children to the public parks. There was a park near Jean's old house that she took Susan and David Jr., too. Where their new house is there are a couple of parks near it and she takes Katie, Susan and David Jr. to one of them sometimes when the weather is better.


  4. Thank you for this recipe. I love that most of Jean's recipes are ones that I never heard of. They're all so interesting and sound great.

    In the potato filling recipe, when you add the mashed potatoes, should they be just boiled and mashed, or should they be prepared just like if we were going to serve them with dinner, whipped with butter and milk added? I'm just wondering if they need the fluffiness of prepared mashed potatoes.


  5. Good Morning Doreen,
    I called Jean and she said to just boil and mash the potatoes. If you want, you can whip them, but don't put any extra butter or milk in them as it is in the recipe.

    We are both glad you like the recipes. Jean tried to pick ones that most people didn't have although she has a couple familiar ones.


  6. We are getting a lot of snow and wind right now. If our power should go off I obviously will not be answering any comments. We haven't lost our power in a long time, but we haven't had weather like this either. If we do lose out power, Pierre and I will go to the big apartment building across the street because that has a big generator.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn