Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Well, here I am again telling of our visit to Pinecraft.  Before I do that I would like to add something to Jean's post of yesterday.  Both the Amish and Old Order Mennonite headstones are installed facing the rising run.  They are that way for a couple of reasons.  One, is to remind us, that Jesus was crucified, died and was buried for our sins and rose from the dead.  Jesus is always with us, but when He returns in His body, again, He will come with a rising sun.  So we want to be facing the sun when He comes.

Now, I will answer some of your questions starting with where is worship held. As the cottages are too small to have services in like we do in our houses up north, there is an Amish church here.  There is also a Mennonite Church.  We attend our worship in the Amish church.

I think it is harder for us to get use to using electric here than it will be for us be without it up north.  Something about wanting to light the lights here - and then remembering there are switches.  Of course, when we get back home, the first couple of days, we will be trying to use the light switches we don't have.  As far as it being a hard time either way, not really. 

There are some Amish groups that are not allowed to come here.  I believe the Swartzentruber, is one, that do not allow their people to come here.  But, I may be wrong.  I know certain Amish groups do not allow their people to come here.

As to why we are allowed electric here and we are not allowed at home is a good question.  I know up north we are not allowed electric because we do not want to be attached to the ways of the world.  We do not want to be taken from our family, church, farms and more.  To answer this, I had to call my Bishop to make sure my reason was right and it was.  Part of this had to do with when the city of Sarasota got electric throughout. Part of it is do to the heat.  We get heat to the 80's and 90's up north, but not for as long as they have here.  So down here there were fans and now air conditioning. The cottage we are in has an air conditioner in it.  Not all of the cottages have electric inside their homes.  Some have a little building with their refrigerator, washer and dryer.  Instead of the electric being hooked into the cottage, it is hooked into the little building. 

When the Bishop's cottage was being built, his Father was taken to the hospital  for, what they thought, was a heart attack.  He was very close to passing.  Bishop and his wife, came down to be with his Father and Step-mother.  What they found out, it was not a heart attack, but heat stroke.  That was what made Bishop decide to put central heat and air in the cottage - and told his Father not to work in helping to build the cottage.  His Father fully recovered, but can't go out if the heat gets high.  He has problems breathing. 

There are some seniors here, who have medical problems and have medical equipment that needs electric.  As we get older, these things happen.  Some Amish houses up north are allowed electric for medical reasons.  Not many, but there are some.

I can't get over how Marilyn came up with a picture of Pinecraft for the top picture.  It is a picture of Pinecraft's post office.  The way I heard it is the post office is owned and run by the people of Pinecraft.  Post Office was going to close it, so Pinecraft bought it.  We get our mail, stamps, and can mail from our post office. 

Another interesting thing is our paper, Budget comes in once a week, on one of the busses.  The bus brings passengers, but it also brings our newspaper. 

Oh, I thought something else that might interest you is that some of the Beachy  Amish and Weaverland Mennonites drive down here with trailers and motorhomes they park here and enjoy their vacation in them.  Those trailers and motorhomes are something to see.

Can Englishers rent a cottage here?  Yes, they can.  There are some Englishers that are renting here among us Amish and Mennonite.

Another thing that is different here is some of our way of dress.  When we got here Anna, took off her black stockings and black shoes.  On went flip-flops in place of the shoes.  I wear jeans with elbow length blue shirt.  Of course we wear our formal wear at church. 

Will answer more of your questions in my next post.  Please ask questions, so I know what write about.  Guess I will be on Tuesdays, at least while we are at Pinecraft. 

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Good Morning Everyone,

    Elmer is back telling us about Pinecraft.

    It is 25 degrees this morning. Warming up.


  2. What an extremely interesting post Elmer. Thank you for sharing.
    It is 19º here Marilyn. You two stay warm. =)

  3. Thank you for answering some of our questions Elmer. It's funny to think of Anna walking around in flip-flops.

    I'm still surprised that the church rules are so relaxed while you're in Pinecraft. When you're back home are you allowed to use zippers? I know that some Amish groups use straight pins to fasten their clothes, and I was thinking of how you wear different clothes while in Pinecraft, like wearing jeans.

    Have you gone deep sea fishing yet? It sounds like you've gone fishing in other years, but I've heard that the boat looks like a "sick bay" because so many get severe sea-sickness.

    Are there a lot of young people there for John to do things with?

    I hope you're having a wonderful vacation.


  4. I echo Vickie and Countryside Reflections comments. Very interesting indeed.

  5. Very interesting! I did not know that about the headstones. I wonder how long it takes to line up a trip there for your groups, and is space limited as to how many people, and how long you can stay. Also do you have to get permission from your bishop to go there, and from the one there to visit? Do you get a lot of tourists there trying to photo you?

  6. Hello Everyone,

    Today was one of those days where it was one problem after the other. So I am sorry, I am so late answering. I will see that Elmer gets all your questions.


  7. Hello Elmer
    I am glad you are getting special time to spend alone with your wife. I am interested in learning about your journey with the Lord. How that has changed you or moved you in the way you live and interact with others? How has it changed when you were a child in meetings and now as a married man with children who is part of a community.

    How do you go about making life changing decisions besides prayer? I do see you goto the Bishop as Old Order Mennonite Jean's family does. An example would be if you and Anna decided to have your own cottages or say start another type of business.

    My husband and I believe in a simple life that bears witness to our beliefs. My commitment to simplicity separates my husband and I from the way many English live. Not in a negative way. Many other English have reached out to us and asked us questions. This simplicity I believe allows my husband and I to focus on what is truly important. (compared to many English we know)

    My last question would be about financial matters. Dear Jean has given us examples of how her community contributes to medical bills. I am interested on how you and your wife make financial decisions, what goes to meeting. Do you give to meeting first than decide how your finances are allocated?

    I see with Jean's writing that they also support all the local community in a person or families time of need. How does that work with your Amish?

    Thank you Marilyn and Elmer

  8. Hi Meredith,

    You have some great questions. I will see that Elmer gets them. Sure he will answer them.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn