Thursday, February 27, 2014


Welcome to the Violet Barn !!  If you subscribe to African Violet Magazine or have been to an African Violet Show or searched African Violet on the computer,  then you probably know Rob and Olive "Ma" Robinson  who started and own The Violet Barn.  Most of their sales are done through the mail or at shows, but they do sell from their store in Naples, New York.    I would suggest that you go to their blog and read how they met and got into founding The Violet Bran - it is very romantic.

I found them on the computer when I was looking for some special pots for African Violets.  When I found the pots, I called them to see if they would mail them to me.  Ma told me she was sorry, but that particular pot I was looking for was only sold from the store.  So I went to the store.  Being inside an African Violet Store, to me, is like being a child let loose in a candy store. 

When I got New York State of Mind, I thought of them and finally e-mailed Rob asking if they would allow me to  come out and take pictures.  I thank Rob and Ma for allowing me to come in and take all the pictures that I wanted. 

The pictures above are of their sign, two pictures of the building, some of the awards they have received, and the entrance to the store.  African Violets are not the only flowers that they sell, as you will see, but their main sell. 

To get to their blog is .  On their blog they tell of how they got started, what they sell, care of African Violets and lots more.  They are wonderful people to do business with.

Tomorrow, I will show more of the flowers inside the store. 


  1. Good morning Everyone,

    Here is the first of three posts. The flowers will be on tomorrow on Saturday. If you like flowers, this is a really beautiful place to see.

    It is 14 degrees this morning.


  2. Thanks Marilyn, can't wait for this weather to go away and then I am heading to Naples to visit The Violet Barn. I never knew this existed, will make a great day trip. It is only 12 degrees here in Webster this morning. Brrrrr! Cathy in Webster

  3. Hi Cathy,

    You are welcome. Agree with you, wish this weather would go. I never knew they existed until I looked up African Violets on my computer, one day a few years ago. They are open from noon until 5:00 PM. Let me know what you think of them. Oh, you are colder than we are.


  4. I love the name Violet Barn. It looks like a really interesting place to visit and see the lovely flowers. I'm looking forward to more pictures.


  5. Hi Doreen,

    More pictures will be on tomorrow and Saturday. Violet barn is interesting, there is a lot you can't show in pictures. I like the name, too.


  6. Beautiful!!!!! I love these pictures of such lovely plants, especially during this cold spell.

    Thank You!


  7. Hello Chris,

    Thank you for the compliments. There are more plant pictures coming on tomorrow and Saturday.

    You are most welcome,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn