Tuesday, May 27, 2014


We pray for all the military that defend our country and have defended our country all year around.
Since my last post, we had some sad news - our former Bishop passed.  Bishop Joseph with some of his family were down in Penn Yan, so he was contacted and they came home.  Our former Bishop's viewing was at his home.  The funeral was at our meeting.  Bishop was buried in the cemetery next to our church.  Many Bishops, family, and friends came in from out of town.  Also people from our meetings.  The church was full.  After, we had the dinner at our house. We had to eat in shifts as there were so many people.  It was sad, but again, at the dinner we started thinking of all the things Bishop did for us and his kindness.

Also, Susan's school is out for the summer.  There was a picnic at the end of the school year.  The father's played the school boys - and the father's won which doesn't happen very often.  In September of 2015, Katie will be joining Susan at school.  In September, 2016, David Jr. will be starting school.  They grow up so fast.

Katie is so happy that Susan doesn't have to go to school for a while.  Now they can spend more time together.  Sometimes Susan likes to spend time with friends that are her age.  Katie, now has friends her own age, but still would rather be with Susan.  We are trying to teach Katie that even Susan needs her own time with her own friends.

Michael and Edward have plowed their piece of land that they did last year.  Michael hopes that Edward doesn't break any bones this year.  so they can work it together.  Last year Edward broke his ankle so Michael and David took care of the land.

It is so nice to have Spring.  The soil is being plowed and smells so fresh in most areas.  If planting hasn't started already, it will be soon.   It seems like a new beginning.  A new start.

Oh, when Bishop Eli said that Father's Day was next month, he was just kidding.  He knows how much all of the Amish women and us Old Order Mennonite women cook, bake, and do more.  The Father's Day dinner will be at his house.  Usually after their church, they don't have such a big dinner like this.  All of us ladies will be putting on a dinner on Father's Day.

We also thank everyone both Amish and Old Order Mennonite that took care of our farm while we were in Penn Yan.  Especially we thank Elmer for slaughtering the animals for customers while we were gone.  Neither he nor Anna would take any money or meat.  Knowing Elmer and Michael really like chocolate cake, I had Michael deliver one to Elmer's house.  Even though Michael refused, Anna made both Michael and Elmer sit down to a piece of cake and a cup of coffee. They both enjoyed it.  I had another cake just like it, at our house for our family.

Be With God,



  1. Good Morning,
    Hope you all enjoy Jean's post today.

    It is beautiful here today, at least so far.


  2. Always love hearing from Jean. :)
    I do have a question for her please. Do you know of reusing quilts that are worn out? Can they be used as the batting/middle to a new quilt top and backing?

  3. Good Morning Vickie,

    I will ask Jean and maybe she can do a post on reusing worn quilts. I know some other people have asked her questions about quilts, too.

    How is Mabel doing?

    Marilyn and Pierre

  4. Oh my goodness, Jean. I check into this blog every day, it's one of my must reads. I always enjoy your column and all of the others too. I hope that you continue to write when you have time. I've just been lackaday in commenting. I'll try to do better too.

  5. It's so nice to hear from Jean again. I'm sorry to hear of your former Bishop passing, but it's nice that so many got together to celebrate his life. I hope we'll hear about the Father's Day dinner too.

    Thanks for the family up-date. I think about all of your children often, and I was thinking about Kevin and Bridget too. Maybe Martha or Jean will give us an up-date on them.

    The weather has been wonderful. After such a long cold winter we really appreciate the sun and warmth.


  6. I've been without my computer for four days .. just got it back and this is the first place I check to get the news. I'm sure there's many of us that read and enjoy all the posts, but we just don't respond. I really appreciate all the time you take to create this enjoyment for us to read about. Jean, Elmer, Marilyn and all the other poster ... YES we appreciate and look forward to your news. Thanks. I will try to do better as leaving a response.

  7. My condolences to the loss of your former Bishop.
    Our Amish neighbors are just beginning to be able to get on their fields to plow. Four horse teams, I love to watch them. Bonnie

  8. Hi Sheila, Doreen and Bonnie,
    Thank you all so much for the comments and compliments. I will see that Jean gets all your messages. I know Jean really appreciates the comments.

    Bonnie, I bet it is really something see the Amish plowing. I would love to watch that, too.


  9. My condolences to Jean and the others on the loss of the Bishop.

    It's funny, I know the fresh smell of soil she's talking about from my garden...but I've never associated it with the farm fields around here during plowing time (which is wrapping up around here). I wonder if it's from mostly driving by in a car?

    Or just I have a man's nose and it's not as sensitive as womens noses :D

  10. Hi Matt,

    Sure will give your message to Jean. I live in a town that has farms all around. Something about driving through the farm area when they plow. I can smell the soil. Maybe that's because my Dad was raised on a farm even thought he moved into town and became a business man. He use to take us out in the farms and tell us to smell that good land.


  11. love to read this blog. Jean has a lot to give in their working farm. I would like to know what crops the boys put up and do they do everything from start to finish(selling them). I hope she continues to write about their farm lives.
    thank Jean for your writing.

  12. Thank you Jean for another post from you, I enjoy every one and appreciate you taking the time to tell us about events in your community and family. I wish Michael and Edward success in their planting and would like to hear what they are growing.
    I imagine Susan was looking forward to summer vacation as much as my grandchildren are, their last day is this friday.
    Do you have anything special you like to do when the children are on vacation ? You are right children do grow up so fast, my first born will be thirtyfour this year.Don't know where the time went.Now I have grandchildren to watch over and enjoy.
    I also want you to know that i look forward to every recipe you share.

  13. Marilyn, tell Jean that only a rare few of the hundreds or thousands of people that read a blog will comment. You can also tell her I really appreciate her posts and I am sure many others do although they won't post to say so.


  14. Dear Jean, Our condolences to your community on the passing of your beloved Bishop. Obviously he knew his time on earth was coming to a close when he chose to step down and Joseph became the new Bishop.
    Also, what you post regarding yourself,family,community is truly interesting and enlightening to all who read New York State of Mind. If it weren't so Marilyn would say so. It's obvious to me that she has come to love you and your family, not to mention all who have posted on her blog. We all are getting to know all of you better,too. A really nice blessing for us all-the writers and the readers. Many blessings to you all! In Christ, Carol

  15. Hi Tom_Ga, Ingrid, Gary and Carol,

    Thank you so much for your comment and condolences. I will see that Jean gets them plus your questions.

    Michael, Edward, Elmer and even myself have tried to explain that more people read than comment. I even showed her several times on my computer, but Jean believes if you can't see it, it isn't there. So if she doesn't get comments, no one reads it. Michael and Edward learned about computers when they were at the public school. I really appreciate everyone that leave comments and I know Jean does too.


  16. so sorry to hear of his passing, but how blessed you are to have such good memories of him. happy to hear the land is plowed, and hope all goes well for the fellows. the cake, what a kind gesture, and so good of them to share after receiving it. jean please continue to contribute, you have a very great much to share.

  17. Hi Jean,
    It's always good to hear from you. Thanks for the update on your family. I rarely comment as I follow many blogs. I'm sorry to hear of your Bishop's passing.

  18. Dear Jean,
    Our condolences for your Bishop. I read your column and then look forward to the next one! Thank you for sharing with us.

  19. Sad news about the Bishop. But, it sounds like he touched many lives in a good way to have so many come to his funeral.

    Jean, your posts are always interesting and much appreciated. I, myself, follow about 100 blogs, some of them only post once in a while and some post nearly every day. It can be a bit time-consuming to read them all, much less to always take time to comment. Many of the blogs I follow, I have never made comments on. Some I make occasional comments on, but not every time I read them.

    I know that comments can help someone feel that what they are saying is important or in some way valuable or interesting to someone. It is a validation of sorts. I know on my own blog, I get excited when someone takes the time to leave me a comment as so many visit without doing so.

    I can see how many people visit by checking my stats, and can see when someone is a new visitor or is someone who has visited before, but only a very tiny percentage of the visitors actually leave me comments.

    Some of the blogs I follow have thousands of "followers" (like 40,000+) and even many of those only get a handful of comments on their posts.

    Sorry I am writing such a long comment, but just wanted to let you know your posts are always appreciated and welcomed, even if not everyone who reads them stops to leave a message!

    I hope this helps reassure you your words are valued and the time it takes to put together your posts are very worthwhile to us! Thank you!

  20. Good Morning Everyone,

    Thank you all for your comments. I will see that Jean gets your messages.

    For three years I keep telling Jean that not everyone that reads comments, but we can't convince of her of that. I've even showed her the computer and stats. It's neat in her area because the county has WiFi. She still doesn't believe me. Michael and Edward talked to her. Elmer talked to her and still she only believes what she sees. Jean will be on again on June 23rd.

    Thank you all,

  21. Hi Everyone,

    I gave my condolences to Jean on her Bishop's passing. He was the Bishop that let me put the pictures on of Susan's school. I know he was protective of his people and of the Englisher pictures. He was a very nice man and I enjoyed meeting and talking with him several times.


  22. Jean I only had a chance today to get on read. It was sad to read about the Bishop. Did he have a wife? My thoughts are with this family. I want to also remind you how much I personally enjoy learning more about your family. You family holds a special place in my heart and my prayers. I was also wondering if you get alot of tourist in the area that your family lives? It is my prayer that you continue sharing on the blog. It is wonderful to learn more about your way of life. God Bless you David and the children. Veronica. Hello also to your Marilyn I hope you and Pierre are doing well. Its been awhile since I have commented but I am always reading. thank you for your hard work. I have been busy with becoming guardians to our granddaughter and we just brought my father home from hospital again so that has filled my days to the brim. I am also always praying for you. Have a great day!! Veronica

  23. Hi Veronica,
    Thank you for commenting. I will see that Jean gets your messages. Her Bishop's wife had passed away a few years ago, so he was a widower.
    I know she and her family appreciates your prayers.

    Pierre and I are doing fine. You sure have been busy.

    Hope you have a great day, too,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  24. I try to read this blog daily. enjoy all the posts along with recipes.

  25. Hello Dayna Molloy,

    Thank you so very much. I will see that Jean gets your messages.


  26. I just got the chance to sit down and catch up on the blog Jean I read this blog everyday and so can't wait to read your part of it. I love that you share your life and family with us. My prayers to you and your church family on the loss of your Bishop. Please keep writing

  27. Please stay on, Jean! I read, too, but don't comment. Sorry!! :-( Secretly, I'm always trying to figure out who she is. :-) I have uncles/aunts that go to the Old Order Mennonite Church up there, therefore know some folks. May I know if she is of the Groffdale Conference? If not, that is fine, or you can privately let me know at lmj.4589@gmail.com. Thanks.

  28. Hi jem60,

    Thank you jem60 for your comments. I will see that Jean gets your messages. I know she appreciates them.


  29. Hi Lois,

    Thank you for the comment, I will see that Jean gets the message. I will ask Jean what you want to know. It's up to her if she wants to give out that information. If she does, she will put in one of her posts.


  30. Hi Marilyn,
    I do reply sometimes but they either do not appear or they disappear! I love to read Jean's blog and hope she will stay on!

  31. Hi Diann,

    You are not the only one that has trouble getting on here and I don't know why. I have checked through, but I don't understand all the stuff on the computer. Some end in span that's why I check that out before I delete anything. I will check through again because we want everyone to get on here.

    Sure will see tht Jean gets your message.


  32. I love this blog such a different way than I live. Different but both lives are good...

  33. Thank you Anonymous, for you comments. I know Jean will appreciate it.


  34. I really enjoy reading Jean's posts. I especially enjoy reading about the children. I'm not one for commenting much, but I'll try harder to comment now and then.

  35. Thank you Nancy,

    I know that Jean will appreciate it. Will see that Jean gets your message.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn