Saturday, June 28, 2014


Outside they offered horse back rides.  The farm that had the rides was open to anyone at WOWEE, but on their farm the only that ride their horses are people of special needs.  At the horse rides one little boy wanted to ride the horse - the big one.  His parents wouldn't let him because he was a special needs child.  The little boy had never ridden a horse.  He was in tears he wanted to ride the big horse.  The people from the farm explained what they do on their farm and dealt with special children.  Finally his parents let the child ride the horse.  In the second picture is the special little boy riding the big horse.  It doesn't show, but the people are holding on to him while he is riding.  He was laughing and happy.  His parents were in tears while taking pictures. They were so happy their little boy finally got do what he wanted - ride the big horse.  I had tears as I was taking picture of the little boy. The rest of the pictures are of the horses and riders.


  1. Good Morning Everyone,

    Hope you enjoy this post this morning. It was really heart touching last week.

    Suppose to be a beautiful day today.


  2. Yes, a sweet post. :)
    A beautiful day here today too.

  3. Good Morning Vickie,
    Glad you like the post.
    Also glad you have a beautiful day, too.

    Hugs to Mabel and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  4. I'm so glad the parents finally relented and let the child fulfill his wants and needs. I love the program offered for special needs children that lets them ride a horse, it is so good for them to be able to do. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  5. Good Morning Bonnie,
    It was great the little boy got to ride the horse. The farm has special adults as well as special children. They can only do it during the spring, summer and fall as they don't feel it would safe in the winter. They are trying to raise money to build a large building so they can continue on during the winter.


  6. Hello Marilyn.....This is wonderful to see! I volunteer at a Therapeutic Barn each week and get to see first hand the interaction between people with special needs and the horses - Generally at the end of a therapeutic lesson, the rider is much more relaxed and physically loose - and always with a smile on their face! The connection between the rider and the horse is something that is truly a blessing to witness!
    Thank you for posting these pictures and sharing the fulfillment of a dream for one little boy! Chris

  7. Everyone needs to ride a horse! It's great that the pony rides are offered to all the children, but especially wonderful that special needs children are welcome too. There are several therapeutic riding centers in my area, and when I read the wonderful stories of the changes it made in the lives of children (and adults) it's so heartwarming. God has gifted us with the precious horse.


  8. Hi Chris,
    It is wonderful the work you do. It is so great that there are places that special people can go to get the needs the need. It seems horses are a special need, too.


  9. Hi Doreen,
    I haven't ridden a horse since I was a little girl. I was tempted to ask them if they would let me ride the big horse, too. I am glad we have a ridding center for special needs here, too.


  10. Hi Folks,
    Just got back from out taking pictures. Got churches for Sunday. Stopped at Miller's bake foods and got pictures. Also got some farm pictures. Two Amish farms were up for sale in the Lyons, NY area. Elmer and Anna were with me and Elmer asked them why they were moving and where they were going. That will probably be Elmer's next post. Having Elmer and Anna with me, Elmer can get information and go places that I couldn't alone. He and Anna looked over the farm, but they aren't going to buy it. It was as big as the one they had and a long way from their children. Not far by our way, but they would have to get a driver to see their children and they don't want to do that. Also, the farm needed a lot of work. Also, the house living area wasn't all on one floor.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn