Thursday, July 10, 2014


I was out at Miller's Bake Food Stand in Lyons, New York.  Mrs. Miller let me take pictures of her items.  If anyone wishes to buy, her aprons are $10.00 a piece.  The chopping boards are done by her great-grandfather who is 92 years old.  They run from $18.00 to $40.00.  The first pillow is called the Flying Geese Pillow and sells for $18.00 and the Cardinal pillow is $20.00.  You see the two little dresses - they are clothes pin holders and sell for $12.00 a piece.  Last, but not least is the beautiful quilt.  It is the Lone Star Quilt and is 103 inches by 94 inches.  Mrs. Miller would like $345.00 for that.  If anyone would like to buy something from here, please let me know at:  Of course, I would have to charge for postage.  I send packages priority in the U.S. Outside the U.S., let me know and I will contact the post office to get the correct postage.  All of these are handmade by the Miller's or her Amish neighbors.


  1. Good Morning Marilyn, another lovely morning here in our neck of the woods! Are you willing to give the address of the Miller's Bake Food Stand in Lyons for the readers who live here? Thanks, Cathy in Webster

  2. This looks like such an awesome little business! Those cutting boards are so beautiful!!

  3. Hi Cathy,
    Let me see if I have anything with their address on it. This may sound dumb, but I drive there and never paid attention to the address. I know they are on Route 14 in Lyons, NY heading toward Sodus. But, let me see if I have something with their address on it.


  4. Hi Katya,

    I think it is a good business for them. Those chopping boards are more beautiful that the pictures show.

    Oh, she is only open on Friday and Saturday.


  5. Hi Everyone,
    The only address I can find is US 14 North, Lyons, NY. It's out a way. If you see the Sodus sign, you've gone to far. It isn't sitting right on the road like it was last year. It is sitting in front of the house, but I do believe she has enough hand made signs that you can't miss it. You can see the bake stand from the road, it's just sitting back a little further. She said it's closer to the house and they can get the baked goods out faster.


  6. Hi Marilyn, Mrs Miller must be young to have her great g'father yet. What a blessing! His craftsmanship is beautiful; as are all the other items for sale. BTW, I emailed you recently-did you get it? Lots of damage in CNY Tues. My brother lives in E Syracuse+he said his street looked like "Beirut" after the storms were done recking havoc. Supposed to be very nice here today. Hope it will be in your area,too. God bless, Carol

  7. Hi Carol,
    Mrs Miller is young, but she has two small children. She, her husband, children, her parents, her grand-parents and her great grandfather all live in her house. I have met her, her husband and Mother.

    No, I didn't get an email from you. We didn't have it to bad here. I guess Rochester got it real bad.


  8. Marilyn, I sent email to your verizon address. Is that wrong? Thanks, Carol

  9. Hi Carol,

    Try I didn't get one on verizon and I don't know why.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn