Thursday, July 31, 2014


My couch has arrived and I couldn't wait for you to see it.  The first two pictures are of the men arriving with the couch on the truck.  The third is them bringing it in my side door.  They did scrape it a bit getting it in the door.  Pictures 5 thru 7 are of the previous owners, Henry and Theresa Peters.  He was a local house painter.  Both he and his wife have passed on. Picture nine is of one of the men that moved the couch into my apartment.  The chair on the right matches my previous couch - I kept it because my friend, Nancy, is handicapped and this is the only chair I have that she can easily get in and out of. I am looking for one similar to that one - that matches my antique couch.  I also don't care that they put the electric plugs up that high behind my couch. Next two are the couch and the pattern close up.  The last two pictures are of Pierre giving his approval.

This is an original antique - not a copy.  It is stuffed with horse hair. The wood is cherry. I think Pierre likes it better because it is lower to the ground and he doesn't have to jump so high. I will have to put something over the couch because of Pierre.  Hope you like my new antique couch.  I still cant believe someone gave it to me.

Can anyone give me any information on my couch?  It is Victorian, but would anyone know the style, the age and was built in the country.  Any information would be appreciated.


  1. Your couch is beautiful and I'm so happy for you. The owners didn't have any information about it's history? If no one has any ideas about the time period, I'll do a little research to try and find answers.

    Pierre sure seems to like it. He looks so cute.


  2. Good Morning Everyone,

    Here are pictures of my new antique couch. I love the upholstery on it.

    It is raining here today.


  3. Hi Marilyn,
    I believe you have a Camel Back Victorian Settee. The "wings" on either side are quite high...lovely. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Good Morning Doreen,
    I really love it. I like the style.
    The only thing the daughter told me is that it had been in the family two or three generations. Her Mother, had new upholstery on it. The daughter that told me that is about my age in her 60's. It has horse hair in it. That's all I have on it.

    I had to talk Pierre on it, at first.


  5. Just a quick search and I found it's called a double end victorian sofa or couch. It might have other names too. Most of the ones I saw were late 1800's to early 1900's. If you do a Google search for double end victorian sofa, you find a lot of pictures.


  6. Good Morning Tom,
    Thank you so much. So there should have been chairs with it then, too. I really like those "wings", too.


  7. Hi Doreen,
    Thank you so much. I'll go take a look. I really appreciate your help.


  8. Oh Marilyn! That is just gorgeous. I am so happy for you. I am sad that they scraped it. My heart dropped when I read that!
    Loved seeing Pierre on it.:)

  9. Hi Vickie,
    Thank you, Vickie !! I really love it !! It is sad that they scraped it. I was wondering if Old English would cover the scrapes. Oh, Pierre is such a ham.

    Hug Mabel and Henry from us,
    Pierre and Marilyn

  10. Hi Folks,
    I just got back from the library where I looked by couch up. From little I could find, it is a Rocco (sp) and is not made of cherry but of rosewood. What it is worth is very expensive. I will have to see if I need any special insurance on this or if my insurance would cover in case of fire or damage in some way.


  11. Hi Marilyn, I guess if you have a reputable antique furniture appraiser give you the info+ appraisal! then you can call your insurance company! tell them what you have+they'll adjust your renters insurance accordingly. I would maybe ask Kevin(Mennonite)as to what to use on the unfortunate scratches+fix it before you have an appraiser look at it. Just some thoughts. Again, it surely is beautiful. Take care, Carol

  12. Hi Carol,
    Thank you for the advice. I have a cousin who owns an antique store and I thought of calling him. The only problem is if he wants to buy it, he finds things wrong and lowers the price. Of course being an appraisal I guess he would be okay. Thanks for reminding me about Kevin, I hadn't thought to ask him. He would surely know.


  13. I have gotten good results with olive oil and coffee on furniture scratches

    Mixing to a paste and apply sparingly to try to match colour and fill the scratch

    What a beautiful couple the previous owners were

    Enjoy your couch Marilyn it reminds me of some love seats that I have seen


  14. Hi Evie,
    Thank you so much for the advice on the scratches. Do you use the coffee dry or like a cup of coffee? It does look like a love seat. I have an appraiser coming over today and taking a look at it to see if she can give me more information and also an appraisal for my insurance.


  15. I have only ever used instant coffee for this (not freeze dried as it is too gritty)
    Mix coffee to a paste with a little hot water then add olive oil until both are well combined and are a thick syrupy consistency then dip a cotton wool pad in the mixture and apply to the scratches a little at a time

    You should be be able to tell if it has worked straight away Marilyn just try a tiny bit first to make sure it is suitable


  16. I meant to say DRY instant coffee


  17. Hi Evie,
    Thank you. I am kind of thick in the brain sometimes.


  18. Don't be so hard on yourself Marilyn


  19. Don't be so hard on yourself Marilyn



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn