Sunday, August 31, 2014


Methodism was brought to the Canandaigua area in 1796.  The chapel was built on what is now known as Chaplin Street in 1818.  It is said to have cost $7000.00 which was a considerable amount for the time.  The chapel was moved to it's present location on North Main Street in 1835.  Local myth has it that the chapel was moved in the dark of night as the prospective neighbors didn't look to approving on those "rowdy  Methodists".  The present church building was dedicated in 1903,  1957 saw the addition of an educational wing and the Memorial Chapel.  On March 31, 1960 a fire destroyed the inner sanctuary, it was them rebuilt in a more contemporary style.

I thought it would be nice having a Methodist Church on seeing that the Palmyra Methodist Church is giving a free breakfast to our apartments today.


  1. Good Morning,
    Hope you enjoy this church this morning. It is raining today, but is a nice rain, if that makes sense. Hope you enjoy Labor Day.


  2. Hi Folks,
    Just got back from the breakfast the Methodist Church had for us. We had scrambled eggs with bits of ham in it, potatoes, sweet roll, orange or cranberry juice, and coffee. As I said, it was free and delicious. They also had a lady with them that played a beautiful harp.

    This afternoon at the Episcopal Church they are having a free dinner open to the public. They have one, once a month. So this is a no need to cook day.


  3. Another beautiful Canandaigua church! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Oh, Marilyn-a nice rain makes perfect sense. The rain was quite welcome where we were this morning. Going from Forestport up Rt 28 thru Old Forge to Blue Mountain Lake to the Adirondack Museum.
    Nice pics of the church bldg. as always, thanks for sharing. Blessings to everybody, In Christ, Carol

  5. Hi Carol,
    Oh, I really like the trip you are on. I haven't been up there in years. Hope you have a great time. Glad you liked the church.

    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn