Wednesday, August 6, 2014



1 (1-1/2 lb) boneless chicken breast, pounded to 1/4" thickness (per person)
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 tsp mustard
2 tbsp mayonnaise
4 - 5 carrots, thinly sliced
1 medium size zucchini, thinly sliced
1 large tomato, thinly sliced
1 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced

Place a generous piece of aluminum foil on a baking sheet.  Place chicken down on foil.  Mix mustard and mayonnaise together and spread on each piece of chicken.

Place onions, carrots, zucchini and mushrooms on top of meat.

Sprinkle with garlic powder, sweet basil, oregano, season-all, salt and pepper.  Dot with butter.

Wrap completely in foil package and seal.  Bake at 375 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes - until vegetables are done to your likeness.

Sometimes I double wrap in aluminum foil and we cook them on the outside grill.  Also, you can change the vegetables in this recipe to whatever you have in your garden or whatever is in season.


  1. Good Morning Everyone,

    Really liked this recipe. You can put all sort of vegetables in here. Also you can use chicken.

    Beautiful day today.


  2. This recipe is great! It's so easy and I eat a lot of chicken so it's perfect.


  3. Hi Doreen,

    I really liked this one, too. Have to ask Jean if I could do this with turkey, too.


  4. Hello again Jean+ Marilyn, this recipe sure takes me back to Girl Scout "camp dinners". Easy, no muss or real fuss involved, and as "Mr. Food" would say-- Oooo, it's so good! Don't know that Jean would know who Mr. Food was, but I assume you would, Marilyn and you can tell Jean who he was and what his brief segments on TV were about.
    Blessings to all, Carol

  5. Good Morning Carol,
    That's funny, when Jean gave me the recipe, the first thing I thought of was Girl Scouts. We made ours with hamburger. I don't know who "Mr Food" was.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  6. Hey Marilyn, Mr Food was the stage name for a man who had very brief segments during news time or other times to talk about and demonstrate recipes to the viewers. Can't remember his given name, but I did enjoy watching him on TV. Maybe if we google it we'll get the info.
    Enjoy the rest of your day, too. In Christ, Carol

  7. Art Ginsberg was Mr Food. TV Chef. He passed away about 1 1/2yrs ago-cancer@age 81.

  8. Hi,
    I looked up Mr. Food and saw who he was. I still don't remember him, but he sounded like someone I would have liked to have seen.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn