Wednesday, August 13, 2014


  As Marilyn wouldn't say this, I got Michael to go to the computer in the library with me and get this message written and send it to Marilyn.  She wasn't going to put this on New York State of Mind so I threatened her - not serious.

I know none of you asked Marilyn or Richard to put New York State of Mind on.  But Richard made up New York State of Mind and Marilyn has provided not only my posts, but Elmer, Anna's, Martha's and more.  She has traveled to get pictures to put on here.  You have been following New York State of Mind and are greatly appreciated.

To take these pictures and go to these places cost money for gas.  The day of the Fair, the camera died and no longer works.  Marilyn took it to her camera repair man and it can no longer be repaired. It is just worn out.  Marilyn does not have the money to replace it, at this time.  So she can't take any new pictures until she gets another camera.

Marilyn lives on Social Security.  She has a part time job but she only gets paid if she fills in for one of the bosses which only happens once or twice a day per month.  This pay is very small.

What it comes down to is - would anyone consider donating to a fund that would provide her with money for gas and maybe replacement of the camera.  She is not looking for a big fancy camera, but one that would take pictures and has a zoom on it.  If you can not afford or do not want to donate, we understand that, but if you could spare a few dollars, it would be greatly appreciated.  She would set this money aside for New York State of Mind.

This is the reason we were thinking of starting the cookbook.  We thought that maybe she could make some extra money for New York State of Mind expenses.  Right now we are trying to figure if the cost of printing, etc. would leave a profit or not.

So to start this off, I am going to donate to Marilyn.  If you would like to donate you can send to Pay Pal on

Believe me it would be greatly appreciated.

My recipe is below.

Thank you,
Be With God,


7 Cups unpeeled, clean, thin sliced cucumbers
1 Cup thin sliced onions
1 Cup thin sliced green peppers
2 Tablespoons salt
2 Cups sugar
1 Tablespoon celery seed
1 Cup vinegar

Mix salt, sugar, celery seed, and vinegar until dissolved.  DO NOT COOK. Add onions, and green peppers.  Pour over cucumbers.  Refrigerate at least 1 day before eating.


  1. Good Morning,

    Hope you like Jean's recipe this morning.

    I did not ask Jean to write this, but if someone wanted to donate, it would be a help. For some reason the camera died while I was taking Fair pictures. The repair man said it just wore out.


  2. One of the most important things that I've learned from NYS of Mind and reading the posts from Jean, Martha, Elmer, Anna and their families is the importance of helping, sharing, and giving. Through the stories told about how the Old Order Mennonites and Amish live, I'm amazed at how generous they are, and I think it's such an admirable quality.

    Keeping a blog going for so long and having new posts almost every day is a very hard and time consuming thing to do. It's easy to see how important it is to Marilyn, and we as readers reap the benefits of the quality contents that she provides for us. I'm glad to help out and have made a donation. NYS of Mind teaches us important life lessons that I would not want to do without.


  3. Good Morning Doreen,
    Thank you for the compliments and the donation. I really appreciate it. It was so very kind of you.


  4. Marilyn - i think it was great of Jean to get Michael to sneak on the internet to let us know that you needed a new camera. i know that there are many folks who enjoy this blog, and the pictures...and all it takes is a couple of people to donate and you can get a brand new camera. to all of the readers here, even if you can only afford $1 dollar - then that is something wonderful and helpful.

    Marilyn - since this post is up, maybe you should provide a mailing address for those who don't have paypal but still wish to donate. our small donation will come in to your paypal as James MacKenzie.

    Jean, you and Michael did a very wonderful

    through many of your posts, Jean, you and Martha and Olive and Elmer have shown us "Englishers" how your communities come together to help. it's time for us to remember our christian roots, too, and help for such a worthy cause.

    i think that by the time this is over poor Marilyn is going to be able to afford a small studio and will then have to start making youtube movies - bahahahaha! wouldn't that be hysterically funny! Marilyn, please keep us updated at the end of the month if you have enough to buy a new camera. we can add another small donation at the end of the month if you haven't collected enough.

    i, for one, have learned so much here on new york state of mind, and i have enjoyed every single article. if you have too, and can send even the smallest donation, well...i hate to speak of the Lord's work...but it sure feels to me that the Lord's work is being done here. by Marilyn and all of the writers.

    i know that when i come to new york state of mind, i always come away feeling closer to the Lord, feeling peace and calm, learning about things that i didn't know of before, and feeling love for all that is in the world. THAT is worth a one time fee of $25 bucks in my mind.

    thank you to all of the writers (although i hate to pick a favourite but if i was backed in a corner i would have to say elmer because he is so dry and funny, i would have to say olive because she is such a grandmother, i would have to say jean because she tells it like it is, i would have to say martha because she shares so much, and then i would have to say every other author here because i learn so much...even from pierre. i would love to hear from all of the children if they were interested in telling their stories. and then i would have to say a big thank you to Marilyn who didn't even know how to run a blog...and somehow is running an excellent blog!)

    have i been blathering on? it's an affliction i say.

    thank you to all of you who keep this blog running. having a safe place on the internet, where i know that i can visit, feel the Lord, learn new things and find like-minded individuals is a blessing. the Lord sure works in mysterious He promised.

    Marilyn...kudos to you. your friend,

  5. I agree, a mailing address would be great.I enjoy reading this. I'm going on vacation Fri, so will send a donation when I return. Hopefully there will be an address waiting for me.
    jodie from MO

  6. Hi Jean+Michael, thank you for sharing Marilyn's need with us. Once again you show us the love of God and what it means to care for others no matter what. I, too, would appreciate a mailing address so I can send a check to help out. Thanks again, In Christ, Carol

  7. Hi Folks,
    Sorry I am late responding. I thought a friend of mine was coming home from the hospital today and went to get her - except she's not coming home today.

    Thank everyone so much for your kindness and responses. I will give my mailing address. If possible Postal Money Orders would be the best for they are the easiest to cash. I will then put it in a separate place just for New York State of Mind expenses.

    My address is:
    Marilyn Burke
    201 Canal Street
    Apt. 11
    Palmyra, New York

    I really appreciate all donations. It is so very kind of you.


  8. Hi Kymber,
    Thank you so much for the compliments. Also, thank you so much for your donation. It went through Pay Pal and I really appreciate it. It was so very kind of you and appreciated.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Folks,
    I don't know what I am doing, but I am putting on my comments twice. So I have deleted one. The only thing I am deleting is me.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. BTW Jean, I forgot to thank you for the refrigerator pickle recipe! Never heard of this before. Blessings, Carol

  13. Hi Carol,
    I will see that Jean gets your messages and everyone else's. I love that recipe. I think that's one that even I can do.


  14. Hi Folks,
    Thank you all for the donations today. I have a total of $65.00, today. I thank Jean, Doreen and Kymber. I really appreciate your kindness.


  15. Hi Marilyn,
    First of all, thanks to Jean for letting us know about your dilemma! I'm sorry and want to help. I gave a small amount thru PayPal...happy to do so. Enjoy this blog and don't want it to fall by the wayside. Keep up the good work!

  16. Zip code for Palmyra? I enjoy your blog so much and am happy to help.

  17. Good Morning Lois,
    Thank you so much, Lois. It is really appreciated. It is so kind of you.


  18. Oh, so sorry. I forgot the zip code. Our zip code is:


  19. I hope Marilyn can get a new camera soon! Thanks to everyone who helps with NY State of Mind. Hugs, Rosemary

  20. Hi Marilyn,

    I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your camera. I do thank Jean and Michael for letting us know! It will be a bit down the road (looking for work right now) but I will make a contribution as soon as I can.


  21. Hi Rosemary,
    Thank you so much for your donation, I really appreciate it. It was so kind of you.


  22. Hi Rosemary,
    Thank you so much for your donation, I really appreciate it. It was so kind of you.


  23. Hi Laura,
    Thank you, but I don't want you to make any contribution that would short you or your family. Your own expenses come first. I hope that you find a job that you will like. I will keep you in my prayers.


  24. Right now I have $105.00 in donations. I thank Rosemary and Lois very much for their donations. They are really appreciated.

    The $105.00 is almost enough to buy the camera that Jean, my friend and I picked out today. We took my friend along as she knows more about cameras than Jean and I do. Jean had never purchased a camera, but I wanted her there to make sure she felt it was a fair price.


  25. I would also like to thank Jean and Michael for getting word to us about your situation, Marilyn! I don't like paying for things online, but am happy to contribute, so I will be sending a little something to help out as well, via snail mail.

    After all, we all need our fix of New York State of Mind and the lovely, amicable, generous and peaceful friends we have made in the Amish and Old Order Mennonite communities! A big thank you to all who contribute to this lovely community here, including all the lovely readers! :D

  26. Hi D,
    Thank you so very much. I truly appreciate it. It is so kind of you. Snail mail is just fine. I will keep an eye out for it.

    I will see that everyone gets your messages.


  27. Thank you Dynna, so very much for your donation. I really appreciate it.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn