Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Again, I am late in getting Marilyn a post.  This time, I thought I would tell what happened to the sewing machine Marilyn found for my granddaughter in the July 15th post.  This picture is similar to the machine she found and Elmer and I bought.  We took the machine to Kevin's and Michael's to get it cleaned and a chair made to match.  In order to have the chair and the cabinet to match, they had to refinish the sewing machine cabinet, too.  After they finished it, Kevin kept it at his house until my granddaughter's Birthday which was September 10th.

My granddaughter went to school like she does every day of school.  Her parents called Kevin and told him to bring it over and called us to bring the accessories and owner's manual over.  We got to their house just as Kevin and Michael were carrying the sewing machine in the front door.  They carried up to her bedroom and set it all up.  I put the accessories and owners manual in the drawers.  It is a really beautiful sewing machine.  Kevin and Michael really worked hard on the machine and cabinet.  The chair matched perfectly.

Her Mother took a dress that she changed into to do chores when she got home from school and put it in the bathroom.  There house has locks on the rooms, which they never use, but they locked her bedroom that day.

When our granddaughter came home, her Mother told her to get dressed in the bathroom.  Granddaughter wondered why her bedroom door wouldn't open.  What had she done that she couldn't go into her bedroom.  They said she hadn't done anything wrong.  Just do as they asked.
We all came over for dinner that evening. Still she couldn't get into the bedroom.  After dinner, we had cake and ice cream.  She opened her presents.  Also, she wondered if she would be able to sleep in her bed.

After we ladies got the kitchen all cleaned up, her parents said for her to come to her bedroom.  We all went up there.  They unlocked the door and told her to go in.  Now she was a bit afraid to go in and carefully opened the door.  She was shocked to see the sewing machine.  Her other grandparents had bought her material to make some of the items with.  She ran to us and hugged and gave us a kiss and then did the same to her other grandparents.  We couldn't have bought her a better gift.

The other sewing machine that Elmer and John had a discussion over who should receive it went to John's Sarah. They bought the machine and cabinet at the auction. That one, also, went to Kevin's and Michael's.  That one also had to have a chair made to go with it.  So they had, not only, to clean the machine but refinish the machine cabinet to match the chair.  This was suppose to be a surprise deliver, but didn't work out that way.

Sarah's Mother called and said that Sarah was not home, so Kevin, Michael and John got together to bring it over.  When John got to the door, who answered, Sarah.  Sarah came back for something she forgot and her Mother was trying to get her to leave, but Sarah wondered why she wanted her out so fast.  The sewing machine and chair were covered up on the back of the wagon and when they carried it into the house.  Her Mother said to put it in her sewing room.  Sarah was wondering what was going on.

John stopped her at the door after it went into the sewing room.  He told her it was suppose to be a surprise.  He wanted to deliver it to their house, but I talked him out of it with all the dust in the house right now.  She wanted to know what it was.  The door to the sewing room was closed.  John said he wouldn't tell her.  Her Mother was almost excited as Sarah was.  When they got done Kevin and Michael came out and closed the door.  John told Sarah it was his wedding gift to her a little early.  She wanted to know why he was giving it to her now.  He said she might need it now  and to open the door she would understand.

When she opened the door she saw her Mother's sewing machine and asked what they put in there.  He said to look over to the side.  There it was.  John said she screamed.  She couldn't believe.  She kept asking him if it was her's.  He kept saying yes.  She was thrilled, he said.

Later he explained how he and Elmer argued at the auction who was going to get it until Elmer said if they didn't win it, they wouldn't have to worry about it.  So they won it.  After they got it to Kevin and Michael's, Elmer and I talked it over and decided that Sarah should receive it.

She is now using it to make her wedding dress.  I am using my sewing machine making John's wedding suit.  It is odd for me as this is the last time I will be making clothes for one of my children.  When John and Sarah marry, she will be making his clothes.  We are still waiting to know when they are getting married.  It will be announced at church, just a few weeks before.

Now, you know what happened to the two sewing machines.  We are still looking for more, if we can find them for our other granddaughter's when they are old enough.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. These sewing machines will continue their assigned purpose for years to come...how nice. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Sewing machines is a wonderful gift. I use mine everyday.

  3. Good Morning Tom,
    Yes, they last forever.


  4. Good Morning Gisela,

    I don't sew, but I know they are a great gift for those that do.


  5. Thank you Anna for telling us,glad they were both so happy,I had been wondering if they had been given the machines yet so was pleased to see your post

    Blessings to you all


  6. Hi Evie,
    I will see that Anna gets your message. After having found that machine for Elmer and Anna, I wondered if she got it yet.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  7. Both such happy events! Good for the young ladies. :)

  8. Hi Vickie,

    I agree with you. Will see that Anna gets your message.

    Hugs to Mable and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  9. This is a wonderful story you have shared! How great it is that so many contributed to the surprises, and the blessings both received!

  10. Hi Annie,
    I will see that Anna gets your message. I know she will appreciate it.


  11. It's so nice to hear how the sewing machines found their homes and how happy they made the new owners. It's even more special that Kevin and Michael refinished them.


  12. Good Morning Doreen,
    It is great that they found their homes. Kevin and Michael do great work together.


  13. Dear Anna, Thanks for sharing the accounts of the wonderful surprises for your g'daughter and daughter-in-law-to-be, Sarah. I could just imagine the excitement in the air and the looks on their faces.
    Sounds like Kevin and Michael do truly wonderful work. the Lord has certainly gifted them!
    Blessings to you all, Carol

  14. Hi Carol,
    Thank you for your message. I will see that Anna, Kevin and Michael get it.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn