Thursday, October 9, 2014


Here it is 9:00 PM on Wednesday and I just got around to calling Marilyn for the post you are reading today.  I had planned on putting on a lot of different things that I hope to get on next week.  So I will answer some of your questions today.

Do I made home vinegar?  Yes, I do and I will have a post that tells you how to make it coming up.  That is one of the items I was going to put on today.

Do I made herb jellies?  Yes, I do and that was a post I will be putting on.

Someone asked if I make comfrey save, heal-all save, lotions, infusions and do I drink herbal teas?  Yes to all of them.

Why do so many Amish men in Lancaster use tobacco?  I don't really know.  But I do know that many Amish grew tobacco.  In fact, some still do.  Most of them don't grow it because of government proved of the damage of tobacco.  Also, in our Amish group we see it as bad for your health, waste of money, as is liquor, drugs, and more.  Some of the seniors still smoke because they did before they found how bad it was health wise,  Maybe some think it won't hurt them.  I know our Bishop Eli has spoken against tobacco, liquor and drugs.  He speaks of the evils of these.  Also, as I said, the waste of money.  It would be best to donate the money to charity or to help a neighbor than to smoke it, drink it or shoot it.

As far as being obese Bishop Eli doesn't come right out and say that, but hints of it. He talks about how the Lord has given us our bodies and we must take care of them.  To keep them healthy.  To take care of all our organs.  To eat properly.  I am sure if someone was obese, he would speak to them.  We don't have many obese people.  I guess it is because of farming, milking cows, and more.  Even in the winter we are checking and repairing our equipment for spring.

Now I can't say we never have fried foods or candy or deserts in our home, but we watch out how much we eat.  We try to watch our weight.  I watch my cooking especially during the winter when we don't work as much in the rest of the seasons.  Mostly I make baked chicken, baked fish, etc.  I stay awaay from frying.  Also I try to control sweets.

Someone asked what herbs do I use.  I believe I had that on an a previous posts.  When I get the greenhouse all organized, I will make a complete list.

Next week, if all goes well, I will do a post on how to make herb vinegar and herb oils.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Good Morning folks,

    Anna was a little late this week. We hope to get things on time next week.


  2. Hearing about Anna and Grandmother Olive's herbs and home remedy's are so interesting. I'm looking forward to the herb vinegar.

    I want to thank everyone for the prayers for my mom. She passed away peacefully at home. It was a comfort to her, me, and my family to have her in my home to the end. It was a privilege to care for her for the last 7 years, with no regrets.

    It will take me a while to go through the NYS of Mind posts that I missed, but I saw the anniversary post, so Happy Anniversary New York State of Mind, and thank you to all that make it possible.


  3. Good Morning Doreen,

    We extend our Deepest Sympathy on your Mother's passing. There were a lot of people praying for your Mother, your family and yourself. You should be proud that you did all your could for your Mother for as long as you could. We have a great group of prayers here.

    Thank you for message on our Birthday, I will see that everyone gets it.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn