Thursday, November 13, 2014


Someone asked for bread with yeast so here are a couple recipes.  They wanted to know if I had any tips.  I do have a couple.  Always check the expiration date on the yeast.  Do not use expired yeast.  I know some people say it won't make any difference, but if what you are baking doesn't raise it makes a difference.  So buy only yeast with an expiration date that has not passed

My other advice is patience, patience, patience.  Please give the bread at least one hour rising time.  Two, three, even four hours is better in some recipes.  I know, we are all in a hurry, to pop it in the oven to bake it, but the rising is important.  It is hard for Katie to wait until the bread rises before baking it.  Susan couldn't understand it.  I told Susan, she use to be the same way when she was Katie's age.

To check if it is done tap it on the top.  It should give out sort of a hollow sound.


1 quart liquid (milk or water, or 1/2 milk with 1/2 water)
1 packet dry yeast
3 Tablespoon sugar
3 Tablespoon butter or shortening
2 eggs, well beaten
4 to 6 cups flour

Sift dry ingredients and yeast together in large bowl.
Add liquid and eggs: mix thoroughly
Add margarine to liquid
Add flour gradually, mixing thoroughly, till dough pulls away from side of bowl.
Flour baking board liberally and turn out dough on it.
Knead forcefully for 10 - 15 minutes.  Pull dough towards you and push away with heel of your hands.
Place in bowl to rise 1 hour.
Roll again on floured board.
Form into loaves and let rise 1 hour more or until double in bulk.
Bake 350 - 375 degrees for 1 hour or until golden brown and when tapped on top gives off a hollow sound.

Yields 3 - 4 1 lb. loaves


Soak 1 package yeast in 1/2 cup warm water
scald 1 cup milk
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 Tablespoon salt
1/4 cup melted lard or butter
1 cup cool water
4 cups white flour
2 cups whole wheat four

Pour hot milk over sugar, salt and lard (or butter).  Stir till melted, then add yeast and waster.  Work in flour.  If dough is still sticky, use a little more flour.  Place in loaf pans.  Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

Yields 2 loaves


Mix together

1 package yeast
1 Tablespoon sugar

Beat in 3 eggs with 1 cup warm water.  Let stand 15 minutes.


1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 cups flour

Knead well.  Let stand in refrigerator overnight, divide in 2 parts and roll out in 12 inch circle, cut into 16 wedges, roll up starting with wide side, let rise 3-4 hours.  Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.  Brush with butter.  Serve while warm.


  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Hope everyone enjoys Jean's recipes.

    The heater still isn't fixed in my car. Got the car back after two days and it still doesn't work. So I am taking it to another garage. I have to have it working before next Wednesday.


  2. Always like the recipes-thanks Jean! Sorry the car heater remains non-operational. Hope you can get your money back.
    Had a good visit w/ our son+his wife; weather was very nice.
    Got a lot of work to do here today, so "hi-ho,hi-ho, it's on to work I go". Blessings to all, Carol

  3. Sorry to hear about your heater, Marilyn! Hope the next mechanic can get it sorted for you!

    Thanks for these recipes, Jean! Maybe I'll have luck with trying to make bread with these! Perhaps in the past my yeast was expired or I just didn't have enough patience!

  4. Hi Carol,
    Glad you had such a nice trip. I will see that Jean gets your message. Got another garage I have to take my car into on Monday. Sure hope he can fix it.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  5. Hi Willow's Quiet Corner,

    Glad you like Jean's recipes and will see that she gets your message.

    Hope the garage on Monday can fix up my car.


  6. That white stuff is coming down here. At first it just melted when it hit the ground, but now it is starting to stick to the bushes and grass a bit. We can still see the green stuff, but the white stuff is coming. Ugh !!!!!!


  7. The only bread I ever made was a rustic bread that just used flour, water, yeast and salt. Maybe I'll branch out with these nice recipes.

    It seemed so strange to see snow today, but we don't have it as bad as other parts of the country.


  8. Hi Doreen,

    Hope you bread comes out great. I haven't made bread in years. Last time I made it we couldn't eat it.

    It does seem strange to see snow again. Yes, other parts are a lot worse than we are.


  9. I would like some fruit cake recipes! Thanks to Jean, Elmer, Anna and Olive.
    Carol Edwards in South Carolina

  10. Hi Carol,
    Between Jean and Anna they have several fruit cake recipes. They thought they would put it on with Christmas Recipes for next month, unless you want it sooner.

    I will thank everyone for you.

    Don't know if I told you this, but years ago I use to live in Florida and my bosses name was Tom Edwards. He owned an insurance agency.


  11. Marilyn: Don't know Tom Edwards, but I was raised in Mobile, AL close to NW FL. My Edwards lineage is from middle AL, Chilton County, which is peach country. They were all farmers.
    Glad to hear that your car heater issue is resolved.
    I'm glad that you passed along my request for fruitcake recipes. I would like some different ones that aren't brick hard! Thank you, Carol Edwards

  12. Hi Carol,

    Thank you for your information. Tom Edwards that I knew was from Rochester, NY. His wife and family moved to Florida to get out of this cold weather. It's been years ago, I don't even know if he is still alive now.

    I know Jean and Anna have several recipes for Fruit Cake. I don't know which they are going to put on. Sure there recipes aren't brick hard, but I know what you mean.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn