Friday, November 21, 2014


I saw these trains at the fair and knew I had to take pictures of them.  You will note some of the pictures are better than others.  I was taking pictures of the trains moving and all of a sudden they stopped.  Come to find out one of the men who owned the trains was stopping them by remote control.  He waited until the trains got in front of my camera and stopped them so they would come out better in the pictures.  The last picture reminds me of a train when I was a kid. It was from a child's story book and the train would say "I'm gonna make it."  By the way, today is my 66th Birthday.


  1. Good Morning Everyone,

    Sure hope you like these trains.

    It is snowing right now and my friend's husband can't drive today. I hate driving in snow. Maybe I will get a call and we will close today.


  2. Make your way over to The Garden Factory on Buffalo road to see their train display this Christmas. It is wonderful. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Good Morning Tom,

    Sounds like something I would enjoy. There use to be a place in East Rochester, but it burned down.


  4. Marilyn:
    Happy Birthday to you! I hope that your day is filled with your most favorite things! Enjoy...

  5. Thank you so much, Chris,

    I really appreciate it.


  6. Happy Birthday to you. You are still a youngster.
    Love the trains. You take great pictures. I go on every morning to see what is going on.
    Appreciate all you do.
    jodie from MO

  7. Just a simple Happy Birthday! I hope the snows are not too bad by you.

  8. ❇Happy Birthday Marilyn❇


  9. Happy Birthday, Marilyn! I hope you have a lovely day! Stay safe if you have to get out on those roads! I'm afraid we're about the only spot in the country not affected by the extreme cold/snow you guys are having back east (you probably don't want to hear we are still sunny and in the high 60s low 70s). Though we are in a severe drought making things a bit scary.

  10. A very Happy Birthday to you for sure!
    Train pics are nice. I'll be sure to show my husband as he is quite a train enthusiast.
    Take care+enjoy your day. Blessings, Carol

  11. Good Afternoon Everyone,
    Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes. I never made it to work. I slid all over the road, so I called my boss. The lady who is the manager in Palmyra went to Wolcott, I did Palmyra. Since I moved back from Florida, I can't drive in snow like I use to up here.

    Well, I hope my day improves. Pierre and I just figured something out. I am 66 today and he will be 6 next month.

    Thank you all, again,

  12. Happy Birthday!


  13. Happy Birthday to you Marilyn!!

    When I was young, my brother had a train that was set up at Christmas time. It ran all around the living room behind the furniture and around the tree. I loved it.

    We're still buried in snow. We got about 6 feet and of course everything is closed. They said it was the largest snowfall in Western New York history. We've been spending the day shoveling off our roof because the weather is suppose to get very warm and rain which will add weight to the heavy snow that's already there and will cause buildings to collapse. We're really worried about the barn because it's to dangerous for us to try to shovel. We're praying that it will be okay.


  14. Happy Birthday Marilyn, hope you had a wonderful day, late reading today as I babysat my 9 month granddaughter. No time to go on the computer when she is here. Cathy in Webster

  15. Happy Birthday Marilyn !!!
    Hope you had a good day.I'm like you' don't care to drive in snow. It was nice that your boss traded workplaces with you today.
    Nice pictures of the trains,when my youngest son was little i used to take him to train shows and we could spend hours admiring the different layouts.So these pictures brought happy memmories to mind.
    With best wishes, Ingrid

  16. Hello Everyone,
    Thank you all for my Happy Birthday. It started down but turned out to be a great day.

    My brother had a train set that was set up in our basement every Christmas Season. It was a Lionel. I can remember that.


  17. Hello Doreen,

    I have seen a lot about where you live on the news. You and others in your area are in my prayers. Six feet of snow is unbelievable. Be careful of your roofs. I saw on TV some houses that the weight of the snow made them collapse. I am also concerned about when it melts this coming week. It hardly seems we can have so much difference in snow when we are less than 100 miles apart.


  18. Hi Marilyn, John just saw the train pics+really liked them. Thanks again for sharing. Blessing, Carol

  19. Hi Carol,

    Glad John liked them. You are welcome.
    Blessings to you and yours,


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn