Our Second Christmas at Elmer's parents house is over. We had a great time. After everything was all cleaned up, Elmer's Mother called all her daughters, daughter-in-laws, grown up granddaughters and granddaughters-in-laws into her kitchen. She handed each of us a booklet. Inside were all the family favorite recipes that she made for Christmas and Second Christmas dinners over the years. Elmer's Mother had typed one of these on her manual typewriter and took it to the library to have copies made so each of us would have a copy. Then she told us, with a laugh, we are on our own.
We then tried to decide who would have Second Christmas next year. Sarah wanted it, but we told her that is the entrance of fire for her first dinner. We agreed she should start with a smaller gathering - then work her way up. Her time would come. After a whole bunch of talking guess who got selected for next year - me. I don't mind doing it. We are going to rotate every year so no one gets the same job every year.
Elmer's Mother said she would be glad to help, bring food, or do whatever, but she wasn't going to do it all anymore. As I said last post, she is all most 80. She said she wouldn't let anyone else do it all these years because she wanted to do it, but her time to retire has come. We laughed and clapped.
Elmer and I are starting to get our seed catalogs in. I know spring seems a long way off, but it will be here faster than we think.
What I didn't like in one of the herb catalogs is they don't know what they are saying. Now not all herb catalogs are like this, just this one. They are trying to put the use of the herbs in next to each herb, but they don't know what they are doing. Like some herbs they have as can only be used as vegetables. They are wrong. Not only that, some that they have as vegetables can be used for medical purposes. They do have some marked for medical use, which they are right on.
I have purchased from that catalog as they do have good prices and do offer some herbs that other's don't but they had better get someone that knows herbs better to make out their catalog. I know the difference, but someone starting in herbs may not. I don't want to mention any catalog names.
Just if you are starting with herbs, be careful on what they say they are used for. As I said, some herbs can not be eaten. There are many books on herbs that can help.
Seeing the weather has been so fine lately, many of the men are plowing the fields. They want to plow under the ground that had snow on it. Who would think that two days after Christmas, they would be plowing in Upstate New York?
Elmer did our plowing and took the plow and horses over to John's. Elmer was going to plow his land for him, but John wanted to do it himself. So Elmer sat inside talking to Sarah, drinking coffee and eating some of her baked goods while John did the work. Elmer said it is funny to see our son grow up. Before he didn't want to plow the fields. Now that it is his own, he can't wait to plow.
If the weather stays the same, Elmer will plow Hannah and her husband's land for them. He would like to get it plowed before the snow comes again.
Elmer also said he thinks this is a year to mark. He feels that this is a rare year where we don't have snow this time of year. Also, we better enjoy it because he feels the snow is coming.
Lord willing, I am not leaving here forever. I just don't want to have to post every week. Things will come, I am sure, that I will tell you about. I told Marilyn that I would be glad to fill in if Jean or Elmer couldn't do it. Maybe when spring comes, I will have more to say. So I do not plan on saying good-by just that I won't be on all the time.
I hope you all have a very Blessed and Happy New Year,
Good Morning Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI thank Anna for all the posts she has given us, Her information on herbs, gardening, and everything else has been greatly appreciated. I told her she can give us a post anytime she wants.
It is suppose to be light snow this morning, about an inch. We passed that a long time ago. It is still coming down heavy. At least I don't have to go anywhere today.
Ah, a beautiful snow today. I can't wait to get out there to capture the sights. Happy New Year. Tom The Backroads Ttaveller
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Tom,
ReplyDeleteHave fun. I am going to wait until it stops snowing and the roads are clear. I am not a good driver in snow. I guess almost 20 years of living in Florida had something to do with it.
Thanks to Anna and to Jean yesterday for their wonderful postings. And a healthy and joyful New Year to them and their family. It is so good to hear that Thomas will be adopted - so happy for you all.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Anna could send a note to the catalogue regarding the errors in the herbs desciptions? It would be helpful to them and to future buyers.
And thank you to Marilyn for all she does in bringing us these wonderful postings. It is much appreciated.
Good Morning Mary,
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed Anna and Jean. I, too, think it is wonderful that they are adopting Thomas. That is a great idea for Anna to send them a note. I will tell her what you said.
Thank you for the compliments.
A Blessed and Happy New Year to you
Hi Marilyn, Would you let Anna know I, too, think she should contact the herb catalog people re: the errors made in their publication. I hope she realizes that in doing so she would not be exhibiting pride in any way, but bring to the people who put this publication together necessary+corrective info to benefit the people who receive and read this, as well as those who publish the info in the first place. I should think the catalog company would want to be printing accurate info to the public. Wrong info is a liability.
ReplyDeleteWon't see 30 degrees here today. No snow either. This is so far another weird winter. For a few more days yet just cold+breezy.
A Blessed New Year to all, Carol
Thanks, Anna! We always appreciate the information you share! I understand it is sometimes hard to know what to say and it is work to come up with a post, so I know a break is sometimes needed! I am glad to know that you will still be posting, even if not every week!
ReplyDeleteHi Carol,
ReplyDeleteI told Anna this morning that she should write them or call then and tell them. She is thinking about it. I will tell her what you said. It's not pride, but people should know correctly what the herbs can be used for especially new people like me. I think she will either write them or call. She just has to think about it a little before she does it.
It is in the 20's here and we have had about 5 inches of snow. We are expecting more this evening and tonight.
Hi Willow's Quiet Corner,
ReplyDeleteI will give Anna your message. I think she will come up with a post now and again. I told her she could put a post on here anytime she wants.
Many thanks to Anna and to Jean, and to all. I very much enjoyed this past year of your blog. Looking forward to whatever and whenever she wants to share, as well as the others. Blessings, and best wishes to all! Happy New Year! Hugs to Pierre!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Anna has herb books that she uses for reference. IF she does, I'd like to know what they are.
ReplyDeleteIt's always nice to hear from Anna. I hope she'll still post once in a while. I love hearing about their everyday lives and family gatherings. Thank you for all that you've told us throughout the year.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year,
Good Morning Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI will see that Anna gets your messages. She is going to either write them or call them. She spoke with Bishop Eli and he feels she should before something happens. It could be serious for not knowing. So she feels better getting his permission. I will ask Anna if she can recommend any herb books to help people with herbs.
We all wish you a
Blessed and Happy New Years,
Marilyn and Pierre