Monday, December 15, 2014


Well, we had our first serious snow in our new house.  We had no problems with the house although we turned on our gas heat for the first time.  But when the snow started, it kept coming and coming.  All day Wednesday, I kept the area from the house to the barn clear so I could take care of the horses, cows, chickens, pigs, dogs and cats.  The snow kept coming and coming.  I made it to the barn on Wednesday night.

When we got to bed, Anna asked me where our sleigh was - then I remembered it is in the barn at our old house.  This ment we would have to go over there, get it down, and clean it before we could use it.  The last thought I had before I went to sleep was how bad the snow was going to be in the morning when I had to get to the barn to take care of the animals.  Now we have a plow that we hook two of our horses to and I stand in the back to direct them as they plow.  That was in the upper part of the barn at our house.

Anna and I woke up to the sound of an engine drive plow in our driveway.  Anna thought maybe it was some truck going by.  I told her it was a snow plow.  She asked me if I hired a snow.  I told her I didn't hire anyone.  We looked out the window and there was a field tractor in our yard with a snow plow on the front of it and it was clearing our driveway.  Both of us got dressed and I went out to see who it was and why they were there.  It turned out to be Thomas from David and Jean's house.  He, Edward and Michael had gotten jobs cleaning out driveways during the winter.  As he passed our house and knowing my height, he decided to clean the driveway out for us.  I offered him pay, but he refused.  After he did ours, he went next door and did Hannah and her husbands driveway.  Still he refused money.  Anna said she knew one thing he would accept and told him he was staying for breakfast.  So, he ate his second breakfast of the day at our house.

After Thomas left, John showed up thinking he would be helping me shoveling but there was no need.  So John helped me milk the cows and feed the animals.  He had eaten breakfast at home.  So he and I went over to our old house and got the sleigh over to our house.  Thomas, Michael and Edward were each over to our house at least once that day plowing our driveway and Hannah's so we could keep doing our chores.  When Michael came one time, he said Jean had said to clean the snow off the greenhouse as the weight of the snow could damage it.  After he said that, he went out and did it. Once he left, Anna and I kept an eye on the greenhouse.  When it got a great deal of snow on it, I would go clear it off the top.

We believe that during the winter the ground rests.  The snow forms like a blanket over the ground.  Many farmers (Amish, Old Order Mennonite and Englishers) believe that God puts something special in snow that makes the soil better for growing.  What we believe is in there, I don't know.  Whether it is nutrition or some other we don't know.  That is why many farmers, myself included, like to plow under one of the last snows of the winter.  I don't know if I plow it because I believe something special is sent in snow or in tradition.  But I do it.

Late Thursday, the snow slowed coming down.  Thomas was there Friday morning to plow us out and Hannah's out.  One thing we enjoy about Thomas is he can always eat - even if he has just eaten.  He doesn't seem to gain weight.  So Anna fed him another breakfast.  She also sent some baked goods that she had made on Thursday home with him for Jean, David and the rest of the family.  We teased him that we hoped some made it home. He said they would.  They did as Jean called us to tell us they arrived and her family enjoyed them.

Things seem to be back to more normal now.  We got over 10 inches of snow.  The snow is still on the ground and every once in a while we get light flurries.  I guess we are suppose to get more later in this week. We are wondering if we will get a white Christmas.

Trust God's Wisdom,


3 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
3 Cups sugar
1 Cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
2/3 Cup water
2 Cups squash (cooked and mashed)
1/2 cup black or English walnuts
1 Cup chopped apples

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In a large mixing bowl sift together flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar.  In a separate bowl combine oil, eggs, water, squash, nuts and apples - blend well.  Add to dry ingredients and mix well.  Pour mixture into 2 large loaf pans or 3 small ones.  Bake 60 to 75 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.


  1. I have heard that snow is "a poor man's fertilizer." There are different materials suspended in the air and the snow captures them as it falls to earth. Before Thanksgiving this years I saw a farmer plowing a dusting of snow into the ground. Well, this Thomas has an appetite just like Jean and David;s Thomas. But, with one difference, I do gain weight...luck guy Thomas. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Good Morning Marilyn. I enjoyed Elmers' post. Edwards squash bread really sounds good and I think I'll have to try that recipe. Be safe in the snow.

  3. Good Morning Tom,
    So there is really truth that things do come in the snow that help the soil. I have seen farmers plow snow under in the spring. Oh well, Jean's Thomas may gains weight when he gets our age, too.


  4. Good Morning dynnamae n,

    Will see that Edward gets your message. I might even like eating squash in this recipe with the apple in it.


  5. I love hearing of everyone helping each other. Glad all is well. Especially with young Thomas.

  6. Good Morning Vickie,

    So happy you enjoy hearing about each other because I do, too.

    Hugs to Mabel and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  7. This is a wonderful post!
    What a blessing friends and family are!
    Amazing the good things God provides!, even in the snow!
    His recipe sounds wonderful!
    Hope to try this one also!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  8. Hello everybody,

    I really enjoy your blog a lot, thanks for taking the time to blog!

    Snow - where I come from (Austria), they say that by plowing under snow you enrich the soil with oxygen. I have no idea whether this is true, but it used to be done in Austria as well. So it can't be all wrong, can it? :-)


  9. Good Morning Annie,

    Glad you liked the posts. God does work in mysterious ways. Wish more people did that. Will see that Elmer and Edward get your message.

    Hope you have a wonderful week, too,

  10. Good Morning Susan,

    Thank you for the compliment.

    You could be right on what Austria gets is the same that we get. It sure can't be all wrong. Is very interesting.


  11. Elmer is 100 percent correct on the nutrients in snow. Nitrogen is the most prevalent. Lots of other good God given, natural fertilizer as well.
    It is so nice to hear of neighbors helping neighbors. What a joy!Thank you, Carol in SC

  12. Hi Carol,

    Thank you for telling us about the snow. I didn't know that. I will see that Elmer gets your message.

    It is so nice neighbors help neighbors. Wish more of us did that.


  13. How interesting to hear about plowing under the snow. Elmer's post are always so enjoyable. Edward's recipe sounds great.


  14. Hi Doreen,

    I am sure they will appreciate your compliments. I will see they get your messages.


  15. What a lovely is so nice to hear of the kindness of others. In so many places in the world, neighborhoods have become scary and unsafe. It is wonderful to hear of something so special.

  16. Hi Angela,

    I am glad you enjoyed it. There are still some nice people in this world.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn