Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Someone asked about repairing quilts a while ago and no one answered it, so I will.  First, quilts are ment to be used - not stuffed away in a chest or closet some place.  Marilyn once took Jean, Anna, Susan, Katie and myself to the quilt museum.  I guess I didn't hit it off to well because I said it was sad seeing all those quilts being hung in a museum.  They should be in homes, used, enjoyed and cared for.  The museum lady told me how rare some of them are and who the people were that made them.  That still didn't make me change my mind.

Anyway, to start, let me tell you how to care of a quilt.  NEVER put a quilt in the washer and dryer.  I don't care what the tag says on it or the person tells you when you purchase it.  Nothing ruins a quilt more than running it through the wash machine.  Maybe if it is store bought, but a home made quilt can be ruined in the washer.  Even if an Amish or Mennonite lady tells you can put it in the washer - don't.

First you don't have to wash a quilt unless it is really soiled.  If it has a smell you can spray it.  If it gets to the point it needs to be washed, wash it in a clean bathtub,  I use woolite on mine.  Once you have washed it, rinse it with clear warm water in the tub and if you have an outside line hang it outside.  If not you can hang it over a garment rack to dry.

Now what if your quilt need repairs.  Yes, it can be repaired.  I would not use a quilt that is worn out as batting, a new top or backing.  I would repair if it at all could be.  If there is something that needs replacing in the pattern, it is hard to replace if you don't have some extra.  Stores change colors and even if they have the same color, with age the quilt is usually lighter than the new piece due to age.

I would have to see a quilt to see how much repairing it would need. You can put new backing on a quilt, and new batting.  Also, the pattern can be reinforced with new stitches or taking it apart and sewing it back together again.  There isn't much you can't do in a quilt.

Once there was a lady that was going to throw out her quilt, but she didn't want to.  It was her favorite quilt.  Her house had burned and she grabbed the quilt off the sofa on the way out.  The quilt had been on fire and she finally got it out - only part of the pattern was there.  When she went to toss it, I told her to give it to me, I would find a use for it.  There were some people there that don't know me and probably thought I was greedy taking that away from her.  In fact, right out of her waste basket.

When I got it home, I saved what I could of it.  I knew I couldn't duplicate all of it so I made a different background and used what I saved for the center.  I got the ladies together and we stitched her a new quilt.  After the ladies house was all remodeled after the fire, she was going to have a party.  The day before we brought over her new  quilt.  She couldn't believe how we did that.  The lady laughed and wondered what I was going to do with that piece out of the waste basket, She had no idea it would be part of a new quilt.

So a quilt can be repaired, or remade.  Never let a good quilt go waste.

Be With God,


  1. Good morning to all. I agree, all quilts should be used and loved. I am not a very good quilter, but my quilts keep you warm! I've repaired a few and they found a new life on my couch, ready to wrap you in a hug when you need one.

  2. What good advice and what a nice thing to do for someone who lost everything in a fire.

    I would like to know more about how you quilt when a group of ladies get together. Do you go to different houses? Do you put the quilt on a big frame to quilt the layers together? Is everything hand done or do you use a sewing machine? If you use a large quilt frame, where is it stored between visits to be worked on? How do you decide on a pattern? Do you purchase fabric specifically for a pattern, or does everyone bring their extra fabric and you decide on a pattern from what you have? How many ladies usually get together at once?

    I know it's a lot of questions, but I'm just trying to visualize the scene of you wonderful ladies making a quilt.


  3. Good Morning Angela,
    I agree, too. I have a couple that my aunt made several years ago. One I have on my chair and the other on the back of my couch. My aunt is gone now, but they bring me back memories of her.

    Will see that Grandmother Olive gets your message.


  4. Good Morning Doreen,

    I will see that Grandmother Olive gets your questions. Maybe she will be back next week to answer your questions. She didn't think she had anything else to say. Well, she does now.


  5. Good Morning Everyone,
    I am so upset this morning. While walking Pierre last night, he got attached by the dog down the street. Pierre was on a leash, the other dog wasn't. I didn't realize right away, but the dog had bitten Pierre on the leg. Poor Pierre. I am going to take him to the vet as soon as I can. There is a law in town about keeping dogs on a leash and this man never does. When I moved in here, his other dog attached Rickie, the chihuahua, I use to have. Now his other dog attacked Pierre. He said he would pay the vet bill, but I am still trying to decide whether I should call the police or not. Those dogs should be leashed. I am sorry to go on so, I am so upset.


  6. Oh Marilyln. First I must say I prayed for Pierre. I am glad he will pay the vet bill. You MUST talk to him about this problem of no leash.
    Now, I am so excited to read that Grandmother Olive answered my question! I asked so long ago. I thought maybe no one wanted to answer, so I did not ask again.

    I had asked if I could reuse the quilt for the center/batting of a new quilt. Grandmother Olive WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL. NOT AT ALL, but Madeleine our teenager wants me to make another quilt. Her quilt fabric top has worn out color in places. And a few stains. We are VERY tight on money, so I thought I could reuse it for the center and make the new one extra warm. But, is she saying I would have to rip out all the stitching to take the top, back and batting apart? I believe she is. I am not sure I am up to that!

  7. Good Morning Vickie,

    Thank you so much for your prayers. Pierre and I really appreciate it. The vet is in surgery and I am waiting for her to get out - then they will call me to bring Pierre in. It's the first time Pierre has been to this vet, but I use to take Rickie there. It is snowing and I don't want to drive to our regular vet about 20 miles away.

    When I get back, I will call Grandmother Olive and read her your message and see what she says. I know she will be home as it is only 7 here and she won't go out today.


  8. It's hard to understand how anyone who owns a dog that is aggressive enough to attack another dog, let's them off a leash. They shouldn't be off a leash in public at all. Maybe they need a talking to by the police to make sure it sinks in.

    Poor Pierre. He's going to be afraid to walk out the door. I hope he's ok and the bite is not bad.


  9. Thank you, Grandmother Olive for the reminder about the use and care of quilts. If one doesn't have the talent to do the job, find someone who does.
    I'm sorry Pierre has been hurt. Apparently this man has not learned his lesson and continues to defy the leash law. I wouldn't wait on letting authorities know. He must be held responsible+accountable for his actions. Please let us know how Pierre is once you've seen the Vet.
    Blessings, Carol

  10. Hi Doreen,
    You wouldn't think that, but he does. The police have been there before and he still doesn't leash them. I think I will go to the police after Pierre gets our of the vet. Hope our new Police Chief goes. He is a big man and built like a Mack truck. Maybe the guy would listen to him.

    Pierre is taking this better than I am. He is licking it. I am still waiting for the vet to call.


  11. Hi Carol,
    As I said, I think I will go to the Police when Pierre gets our of the vet. I am so upset. Will let you know what the vet says when we get back.

    I will see that Grandmother Olive gets your message.


  12. Hi Everyone,
    The vet's office just called. I will leave in about 15 minutes to take Pierre. If I don't have a nervous break down first. I am so worried about Pierre. He is sitting calm as they come.


  13. What a lovely post. Quilts have always fascinated me and I have several. "A People and Their Quilts" by John Rich Irwin is a wonderful book about the folks of The Appalachian Region who made quilt to stay warm to provide an income to feed their large families. It's wonderful to see the many beautiful quilts, but more importantly to connect with the makers and learn of their life situations. Checkout your local library for this great book.Tom The Backroads Traveller

  14. Hi Tom,
    Thanks for telling me. I will see if I can get it out of the library. I belong to the system so if ours doesn't have it another one should.


  15. Hi Folks,
    Pierre and I are back from the vet. They cut his fur around the bite. I have to put some medicine on it and give him some pills so he doesn't get infection. The vet said it was good it wasn't any worse. He has to go to the vet again in two weeks just to check him out. I also had blood test as he has lost weight and seems to be drinking a lot of water. Results should be in Thursday. Just want to make sure he is okay. I think these people will be his new vet. He liked the ladies and they liked him. I feel better now.


  16. So glad it wasn't worse+he's in good hands-namely God's, your's, and the doctor's.
    I wonder if this man has ever been fined for breaking the leash law? If not he needs to suffer the consequences of his disobedience. Just my opinion. God bless, Carol

  17. Hi Carol,
    So am I. I went to the police department and they told me to call the animal control man which I did, but he wasn't home. Left a message for him to call me. Something has to be done about these dogs. I wasn't on their property, they were on the property I live at. Pierre keeps looking in their area every time he goes out.


  18. Marilyn: Sounds like Pierre will be just fine with you taking care of him.

    I learned a lot about taking care of quilts and would love to hear more. Please ask Grandmother Olive if she has any advice on crocheted (spelling?) afghans. Thank you.
    Carol in SC

  19. Hi Carol in SC,
    Pierre is being spoiled. He is getting his medicine, meals and extra treats for being so good.

    I will give her message about crocheting afghans. The quilts that I have that my aunt made are crocheted.


  20. My mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all made quilts. My mom divided them up between us girls. My favorite went to one of my sisters and she wore it out in the washer/dryer. It was in shreds. It broke my heart. I told my mom to get it back and I would take it. I now have it, but have no idea how I might try to save it. I am not very good at sewing at all! I hope one day I find a way!

  21. Good Morning Willow's Quiet Corner,

    There are some places that repair quilts. I don't know of any off hand. Maybe if you look in the phone book there might be someone. I will see that Grandmother Olive gets your message.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn