Tuesday, February 3, 2015


This has really been a day (Monday) and we haven't even reached noon yet as I give this post to Marilyn.

In Grandmother's last post she told how Grandfather Albert had announced they were going to Pinecraft.  Grandmother tried to come up with all sorts of excuses even after he announced they were going.  She made Grandfather make an appointment with his heart doctor to make sure this trip wouldn't bother his heart.  It is hard to get a doctor appointment on such notice, but the doctor knowing Grandmother gave him one.  He checked Grandfather out and said that the trip would be good for him.  It would get him out of the cold weather.  Also, would give them a different view on life.

David and I were concerned because someone had measles on an Amtrak train and they were trying to let the people that were on the train know.  We were concerned because if it happened on one train it could happen on another.  Of course, we do not blame the train, it's people.  Grandfather has had his shot, but Grandmother never did.  She would not get it at the doctors office no matter what he said.

On Sunday, Grandfather Albert announced to Grandmother to start packing.  They were leaving on the train on Monday morning and she better be ready.  The train was to leave at 5:40 AM so they had a driver coming at 3:00 AM to take them to the train station.  We were concerned about the coming snow, but checked and the trains were still going to be running.  After much protesting Grandmother did her packing and getting ready.

We got up at 2:00 AM and I made them a quick breakfast.  As promised, I woke Katie and Susan to say good by.  Also, we checked to make sure the trains were still going.  I packed them a lunch and some things to munch on along their way.  The driver arrived at 3:00 AM and assured us that they would get to the train station even with the snow.

After they left David and I went back to bed.  We got up in the morning to do chores.  My Father called and wanted to speak to his parents.  Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert are my Father's parents.  I explained that they were on the train.  My Father said he heard that the trains had been cancelled due to snow.  We tried to call Amtrak, but I guess everyone was as the lines were busy.  David called the driver.  The driver said that he delivered my Grandparents to the train station.  Of course my Father's how we could have allowed his parents to do that in this storm, didn't help.

I was almost frantic.  All I could see is this senior citizen Old Order Mennonite couple roaming the streets of the city in this storm trying to find a place to stay.  David told me to calm down, my parents would know to either get a driver back here or stay some place safe.  They were not roaming the city streets.  But, they did not come back home.

Finally, my Grandparents called.  Before they could tell me, I asked them where they were and I would send a driver for them.  Grandfather told me to calm down.  When the train had been cancelled he made arrangements to go on tomorrow's (Tuesday) train.  So rather than come back home, they had gotten a cab and were staying in a hotel near the train station.  He said in this weather, he didn't want a driver to come and get them just to bring them back again the next day.  The hotel had a nice restaurant where they could get their meals.

I explained that my Father had called and what he said.  Grandfather laughed and said he would let Grandmother Olive call him.  She would see that he was calmed down.

So, I hope the train left this morning.  It will go right through Marilyn's town on the way to New York City.  Grandfather said he would call the Florida driver and advise them they would be late.  Also he would call Bishop Eli's parents to tell them they would be late.

Spoke with Grandmother who told me I should have not have worried.  They had been in the city before.  Also, the Lord does not want us to worry.  We are to trust in Him.

If all goes well today, they should have left Rochester at 5:40 AM to arrive in New York City at 12:50 PM.   Their train for Florida leaves at 3:15 PM and should arrive in Tampa about 3:30 PM tomorrow.  From there Grandfather has a driver picking them up and driving them to Sarasota and Pinecraft.

I did ask Grandmother, before she left, if she would tell us about the their trip on the train as people have asked about it.  She said when she got settled in Florida, she would.

Be With God,


  1. The snow and cold sure has messed up lots of plans. Tom The Backroads Traveller
    PS. Marilyn were you along the tracks this morning waving?

  2. Good Morning Tom,
    I agree, the snow messed up a lot of things. No, I wasn't along the tracks this morning. I was nice and warm at home.


  3. hahaha! Glad you were home warm and safe Marilyn. ;)
    What an adventure already!
    Looking forward to hearing more.

  4. Good Morning Vickie,
    Yup, I stayed home where it is warm. Also my car is so buried in the driveway I couldn't have gotten it out if I wanted to.

    Hugs to Mable and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  5. Grandmother is so right about the worry. It doesn't help or change a thing. The weather just added to the adventure of their trip. Hope all the rest of it goes well. Look forward to reading what Grandmother may share with us. Keep warm and safe Marilyn. Hugs to you and Pierre.

  6. Hi dynnamae n,
    She was night. It doesn't pay to worry. I hope the rest of the trip goes well, too. Hope Grandmother gets her post on soon, after arriving in Florida. You keep warm, too. Hugs back. Marilyn and Pierre

  7. Thank You,Lord,for You grace,mercy,and protection for Jean's G'parents! I'm sure they will have wonderful stories to share about their vacation trip!
    Sun+blue skies today. Our low this morning was -24 here. It's -8 now+we're supposed to get to +21 for the high. We'll see! ;) Looks like we got a little over a foot of snow yesterday. May be getting more snow at weeks end.
    Bundling up to go out now+get some errands done.
    Blessings to all, Carol

  8. Good Morning Carol,
    Thank the Lord that Jean's Grandparents are safe. Bet they are having a better day today. Right now it is 10 here. Suppose to hit the 30's. Sam, from upstairs, is digging out my car as I have errands to run, too. Are suppose to get more snow starting tomorrow. I don't think it is suppose to be as bad as we had yesterday.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  9. I'm anxious to hear what Grandmother Olive has to say about the train and her adventure. I'm glad all are safe.


  10. Hi Doreen,
    I will see that Grandmother Olive gets your message when she gets to Florida. I am glad all are safe, too.


  11. Hi Folks,
    I was out taking pictures today and my car had a problem. It had to be towed to the garage and is in there. So I will be off the road for a while


  12. Without these adventures, one wouldn't have such grand stories with which to regale their friends and family! As long as all ends well, that is!

    Can't wait to hear the rest of their adventures on this trip!

    Sorry to hear about your car, Marilyn. Sounds like this is good weather to stay off the roads, anyway!

    Stay safe and keep warm!

  13. Good Morning Willow's Quiet Corner,
    All ended well. They are safe and sound.

    Hope maybe Grandmother Olive will hae a story for Tuesday. I hope.

    Guess your right it is better to be off the road in this weather.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn