Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Elmer, Bishop Eli and their wives have arrived in Pinecraft.  The next day John and Sarah, John's friend and his wife all left.  John and his friend met Elmer, Bishop Eli and their wives when they arrived.  John, Sarah and their friends were all in the smaller cottage so Bishop Eli and his wife could move in with Eli's parents.  Elmer and Eli were going to stay with Bishop Eli's family for the night, but Albert and I talked Elmer and Anna into staying with us.  It would give everyone room for the night.

We all had dinner over at Bishop Eli's parents house.  There were twelve of us for dinner.  Fannie (Bishop Eli's Mother) and I did the cooking.  Their kitchen and table was bigger than ours.  I made chicken and biscuit plus extra biscuits if someone wanted them at dinner.  Also made mashed potatoes. Some people like chicken and biscuit over potatoes.  Fannie made coleslaw and tossed salad.  We sent the girls over to Yoder's to buy some pies for desert.  Then Fannie and I decided to make a mince pie because Eli, Elmer and Albert would like that.  Dinner went very well.  We spent the evening talking.  Of course Elmer and Eli were telling the younger folks about the snow they would meet when they got home.

The next morning Elmer and Anna got up early to go see their son and daughter in law as they got on the bus for their trip home.  Anna said it was kind of sad seeing them leave. Then they moved into the small cottage next to Eli's parents place.  They said the young folk left it spotless and even refilled the cupboards and refrigerator with food.

On Friday, the men spent the day trying to decide if we were getting a good deal on the cottage we are staying in, if we buy it.  We all looked at a couple of other cottages at Pinecraft that were for sale.  Albert spoke to the lady that owns it again.  She thought of auctioning it off, but her children told her to sell it to us,  Auctioneers charge a percentage of the sale when they sell it.

Albert and I like the location.  It is not very far from Eli's parents as we and they go back and forth.  Although I would like some of the rooms repainted a different color, I really like this cottage and so does Albert.  The cottages we looked at would need some work on them.  One would need a new kitchen.  The other could use updating as it looked like it was from the 1960's.  We could have that work done, but it would cost money.  In figuring it would cost more to buy and remodel one of those than to purchase the one we are in.  Albert says we have to decide soon as the lady wants to really sell it.  If we don't decide she could auction it and that could cost more.

Eli told us that even though he paid for the cottage it is in his Mother's and step-Father's name.  As they declare themselves residents of the State of Florida and live there at least six months out of the year, there is a $25,000. a year reduction in the taxes.  Albert and I would get the same if we became residents of the Florida and stayed there at least six months out of the year.  Six months sounded like a lot, but October to April is seven months.  We would want to come back north for Thanksgiving and Christmas - then again maybe we wouldn't with all the snow and cold up there.  So we are still thinking.

We also told them about our train trip down.  I think the four of them might do that next year instead of the bus.  Albert told them what kind of sleeping room to get so they would have what we did.  The train allows you to sleep not sitting in the bus all the way down.  We really enjoyed it and will do it on the way back and any other time we come down or go back.

Since we got here, we have seen people we haven't seen in years - since we were here last time.  They were wondering what happened to us.  It is so nice to see old friends again and of course, making new ones.

As Elmer said John did, we have gone to the dinners they have here donating the money to different causes.  We also listened to the music.  Shuffleboard is a big game here especially for us seniors.  Albert likes to play chess and there is a group here that play from time to time. I have been over the quilt shop across the street from Pinecraft.  My hands are bad so I can't do that work like I use to, but it is nice to watch others quilt and chat.Albert wants to go deep sea fishing like Eli and Elmer.  Even Anna wants to go.  Fannie and I are going to stay home - that doesn't interest us.

There is something to do here all the time.  We go to the Mennonite Church on Sunday.  The Amish also have a church here.  Usually the Amish has Sunday services in their homes, but the cottages here are just too small for all the people - so they have a church.

Sometimes it is so nice to sit on our porch and just watch the others walk by.  I wish I knew for sure if Albert and I were going to buy this as I would like to plant a small garden in our back yard, if we are.  Some of the people that own cottages do.

Albert heard the above statement and he said yes, we are going to buy it, if I wanted to.  I told him I do.  So he said to tell you, we are buying it.  He has to work some money things out with the bank on Monday.  When I get off the phone he will call the lady and tell her.  So I better get off the phone.

Be With God,


Elmer said to tell you that he will be on next Monday.  Albert and I are buying the cottage for sure.


  1. Thanks to Grandmother Olive for this fine report! So happy that they are buying the house and I imagine the lady selling it will be glad. Seems like a wise decision and I hope that they have many years to enjoy it!

  2. Good morning, Marilyn! Oh yay!!! I am so excited for Grandfather Albert and Grandmother Olive! Grandmother Olive is a great storyteller. What an adventure! The description of finding a bed for everyone for the night reminds me of when a large group of kids would try to fit into a VW Beetle! LOL Congratulations on the new winter home.

  3. Good Morning Mary,
    I am glad they bought it, too. The lady selling it is glad, too. It does seen like a wise decision. I will see they get your message.


  4. Good Morning Angela,
    I am excited for them too. I am sure Grandmother Olive is down picking out the new paint colors, All those people do remind of fitting everyone into a VW, I remember those days, too. Will see that they get your message.


  5. Good Morning Angela,
    I am excited for them too. I am sure Grandmother Olive is down picking out the new paint colors, All those people do remind of fitting everyone into a VW, I remember those days, too. Will see that they get your message.


  6. Yay! I knew it!! Isn't that something! Good for them. I am so happy.

  7. Good Morning Vickie,

    It is something good for them. Will see they get your message.

    Hug to Mable and Henry,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  8. So glad to hear that Jean's G'parents are buying the cottage. Such a blessing! Thank you, G'mother Olive for sharing the news with all of us! Excited for you both, thanking God for His grace+gifting.
    Blessings to all, Carol

  9. Sounds like a good plan! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  10. Hi Carol,
    Will see that Grandmother and Grandfather get your message. I think it was ment for them.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  11. Hi Tom,
    It was a good plan, I agree.


  12. woohoo for Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert! it will be so good for them after all of their years of hard work! it will also be good for their various family members to be able to visit as well! can you ask Grandmother Olive what colours she is thinking of for the various rooms? thanks Marilyn...i hope that you and Pierre are well!

    your friend,

  13. Hi Kymber,
    I agree, they have worked so hard, they deserve it. So far, I don't know what colors she is going to pick out. I guess she is leaving the kitchen white, but the rest are getting a new color from what I understand. Also, I wonder who is going to do the painting. I will ask her what colors - when she decides.

    Pierre and I are well. We are getting another storm now.


  14. sounds wonderful, happy for them-My daughter lives 16 miles from Sarasota-I've been to Pinecraft several times
    We have snow, freezing rain and sleet on the way

  15. Hi Jodie,
    Oh, I think that is wonderful where your daughter lives so close to Pinecraft. I would love to go to Pinecraft. I hope that seeing Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert have their place that they might invite me down sometime. When I lived in Florida, I never went to Pinecraft.
    So glad you've been there.

    We got the same weather you have right now.


  16. If you do go there, let me know. It may be a time when we are in FL

  17. Hi Jodie,
    I will, but they haven't even invited me yet. Think that their family will come first so I don't think it will be this year, if ever. I am just hoping.


  18. That is exciting news! It makes me wonder how they keep in touch with their family. Are they allowed phones for that or do they have to rely on snail mail except for emergencies?

  19. Good Morning Willow's Quiet Corner,
    They keep in touch by the telephone. Grandmother and Grandfather have one in their cottage. Even Bishop Eli's parents, who are Amish, have a telephone in their cottage, too.


  20. I'm so happy for Grandmother Olive and Grandfather Albert. It will be so good for them to leave these hard winters behind and enjoy all the folks they know in Pinecraft. Reading Grandmothers posts, just makes a person want to go and visit there. I so enjoy all of these lovely people that write for us. Thank you Marilyn for all your efforts here and hugs to you and Pierre.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn