Saturday, April 11, 2015


This is the second time I did this.  I did it the first time and it came on the day I was making it up.  Didn't want to do that as Mom already had something on that day.  So Mom deleted it and is making me do it over again.  This time she set the time and date for me so I wouldn't mess it up again.

As you can see, the top picture is of me before I went to the dog groomers and the lower one is of me when I came back.  I felt so much cooler and handsomer when I got back than I did before I left.  The last time I had gone was in November, but Mom wouldn't get me groomed because she said it was too cold outside and I could get sick.  My fur grew and grew.  Mom called me Fuzzy Wuzzy before she took me to the groomers.

When we went to the new groomers, I was afraid.  I never met these people before. The lady asked Mom if I was a cock-a-poo when I came up because I had so much fur.  Mom told her when she groomed me, she would find out I was a poodle.   I didn't want Mom to leave, but she told me everything would be all right.  Mom forgot to tell them that I had never been in a dog kennel and didn't like them.  The lady found out fast and let me run around the back of the shop while she worked on another dog.

Time came to groom me and the man gave me a bath.  The lady groomed me.  I felt so much better with all that fur off.  Lady put the fur that came off me in a bag as Mom asked.  I was her last dog that day, so when the lady got done, she played with me until Mom got there and payed the bill.  Mom was so happy on how I looked - so was I.

The people we went to before were nice, but I like these people better.  I guess they have a different personality.  Mom likes them because they are right on Main Street and she doesn't have to drive back and forth so far to take me and pick me up.  Mom says if I am happy with the new groomers, she is happy with the new groomers.

Maybe she will ask the people if she can take pictures to put on here.  Hope you like second picture of me better than the first.  I got all done just before Easter.



  1. Pierre you are looking very handsome!! Cathy in Webster

  2. A very handsome Pierre.

  3. Good Morning Cathy,
    Thank you, very much. I am getting on Mom and telling her she has to have me groomed every other month.


  4. Good Morning Jodie,

    Thank you very much.


  5. You look very dapper, Pierre. And how much better you must feel to have all that fur off - so glad that you like the new groomers. They sound very nice.

  6. Thank you, Mary, I appreciate it. I felt so much better when all that fur came off. They are very nice people.


  7. As you know, I groom the two poodles myself. I love the different looks they have. :) I call Henry and Mabel fuzzy wuzkins. ;)

  8. Hello Vickie,
    I am glad you groom Henry and Mable. My Mom would make me a disaster if she tried that.

    Hugs to Mable and Henry,

  9. Wow! You look like a new dog, Pierre! Very handsome!

  10. Thank you Willow's Quiet Corner,
    I felt like a new dog. Thank you for calling me handsome.


  11. Pierre you do look very handsome and you are one brave boy to try a new groomer,glad you like them.And I must say you do a fine job of writing a post, I enjoyed this one and all the others you wrote before. Please tell your mom that i liked her spring,and mail box pictures this week.
    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

  12. Thank you for the compliments, Ingrid. I was brave to go to that new groomer, but they were nice people. Thank you for my writing compliment too. I will give Mom your messages.

    Hope you have a nice weekend, too.

  13. A very handsome fella under all that fur! But with the very cold winter we had this year, it's a good thing you had all that fur to keep you warm!
    Many Blessings to you and Mom, Carol

  14. Thank you for the compliments, Carol,
    IT was so cold out this winter and I know Mom didn't want me to get sick. My fur did keep me warm. But, I am so glad that it's gone, too.

    Blessings to you and yours.


Welcome to my blog. Marilyn