Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Poor Marilyn, again.  Here it is Monday evening and she doesn't have a post for tomorrow.  Jean had am emergency come up.  No, none of the family is sick or injured.  She was asked by Foster Care to take in another child for a few days and they are on the way to her house with the child.  So here I am.

Sarah went to the hospital for an ultrasound a few days ago.  Last time, she asked me to go in with her.  In fact, she did this time, too, but I felt her Mother should go in with her. She feels that things don't upset me like they do her Mother.  But she and her Mother went in and then John was called in.  Pretty soon, John comes out and says I better gone in. Sarah is afraid and her Mother is crying when I got in.

There is a nurse there and said the doctor would be in to talk with me.  I tried to find out from the nurse what was wrong, but she said the doctor would tell me.  He had already talked with Sarah and her Mother so I tried to find out from them.

All Sarah told me is she wanted to get our of there.  Her Mother was crying so hard, she couldn't tell me.  I am thinking maybe the baby had passed or something was wrong.

Finally the doctor came in and started telling me what was wrong in medical terms.  Some I understood, some I didn't.  Finally, I asked him to tell me in plain English.  He felt there might be something wrong with the baby.  Wanted to run a group of tests on the baby while it was in Sarah. So I asked what they thought was wrong with the baby.  Again, he spoke in medical terms.  He said Sarah and her husband had given permission to tell me, so he wanted me to come in his office.

I told Sarah to get dressed.  The doctor said, no.  I said yes.  Also, I told Sarah's Mother to go out in the waiting room and send in John to calm her down while I spoke to the the doctor.  Sarah's Mother was still crying.

Followed the doctor down to his office.  Again, he is all in medical terms and he felt this test should be done and that done.  I said, I would have to call my Bishop to see what he thought.  All during this he hasn't told me what he thought was wrong with the baby.  I told him I had to know what he thought was wrong with the baby before I called Bishop Eli.  When he told me, I told me, he had never met my husband.

It is possible that Sarah and John's baby might be a small person.  So I explained that my husband is a small person.  Also explained that we accept our children, just the way they are.  We  consider a small person like everyone else.  The only thing I was concerned about was the child's heart.  Doctor said it was normal.  He asked me if I was going to call the Bishop.  I said no, Bishop Eli would tell him what I just did.  I guess he was not happy.

When I left the doctors office, I met with Sarah, her Mother and John.  We got in the car with driver and drove to our house.  At our house Sarah's Mother finally stopped crying.  Sarah said she would never go back there again.  John didn't know what to say.

When Elmer came in, I explained the whole thing to him.  He grinned.  Maybe another small person.  Elmer then called Bishop Eli and asked him to come over to our house.  I told Bishop Eli what happened.  He told me  I spoke to the doctor right.

Sarah said she will not go into the hospital for the baby delivery.  John still wanted the hospital.  It did help when Elmer he wasn't born in the hospital, I wasn't born in a hospital and neither was John.

I explained the doctor did not say for sure the baby was going to be a small person, but could be.  In all that happened, I didn't get to see the ultrasound this time.  I did last time, but not this time.

Bishop Eli explained if the baby was in danger of life and death or it was something major, he would have to pray before allowing them to do anything to the baby before it was born.  We believe it is God's will.  Bishop Eli led us in prayer.  We continue to pray at home.

Eli asked when the baby should come.  I explained the doctor said November, but I say October.

Trust God's Wisdom,



  1. Dear Anna, What an un-nerving experience for all of you. I thank God you were there, Anna! Being an RN, I'm not the least bit happy with the way the doctor treated all of you. I will be praying for the Lord's peace for Sarah+John, her Mom, and all of you. Also for an uncomplicated labor, birth and recovery for Sarah and the baby. May our Lord bless and strengthen all of you, Carol

  2. I pray for a healthy baby, no matter what else. Anna is a good level-headed woman.

    On another note, I noticed that the the Doctor said November, but Anna said November. If I remember correctly, Elmer's b-day is Oct 31 - right in the middle. It makes me wonder at the possibility of grandpa and grandchild sharing a b-day.

  3. Good Morning Carol,

    I will see that Anna gets your message. Anna was not happy with him at all either. She said Sarah should have gotten a woman doctor as Sarah doesn't like doctors to begin with and this doctor's personality didn't help. My Family Doctor's wife is a doctor, a Pediatrician. Anna called her and her office said they didn't like to take patients who already had a doctor that far along. So I called her husband and explained the situation. Anyway, Sarah and Anna are going to see her. The hospital is a little further from their house, but the doctor does understand midwives, which some doctors don't.


  4. Good Morning Lily,
    I will see that Anna Gets your message. Anna is a really good level-headed woman.

    Elmer's Birthday is October 31 st and he keeps hoping. But as Elmer and Anna say: only the good Lord knows what day the baby will be born. Elmer would be very happy if they shared the same birthday.


  5. God bless Anna. I agree with her completely. My doctor asked to do tests on our first baby when I was pregnant. I refused and told her it did not matter what they found, we were having our baby. She never asked about the tests for our second and third child. I am sorry everyone got so upset. I am guessing baby is coming in October as Anna says. ;)

  6. Hi Marilyn, Praying all will go well with a new Dr. I understand the hesitancy in taking on a new patient who is well into the pregnancy, but God will work it all out. His will be done.
    Plz ck ur email, if you haven't already. Thanks, Carol

  7. Good Morning Vickie,
    I agree with her,too. I think doctors over react sometimes and not babies only. Maybe they are looking out for the best, but I wonder. I will see that Anna and Sarah get your message. Hope the baby comes in October, too.


  8. Good Morning Carol,
    I think they will like her. Only met her once when her husband was having a reception for the opening of his new office. She seemed like a very nice person.


  9. Marilyn, that's wonderful that Sarah will see this other doctor you know. She needs to see that not all doctors are alike.

  10. Good Morning Lily,
    I agree. Maybe having a woman doctor, Sarah will feel better.


  11. i am praying for everyone involved - that doctor was not very nice at all! but i am also praying for everyone for another reason - can you imagine having another Elmer around the house? cracking jokes all the time? oh the horror - bahahahah!

    but i hope that this new doctor will work out for sarah. right now, she is the one that needs protecting so that she can give birth to a beautiful baby, regardless of size.

    thanks for sharing this, Marilyn. your friend,

  12. Hi Kymber,
    Another Elmer would be unusual.

    I, too, hope the new doctor works out for Sarah. There are great doctors and there are some that have no bedside manner. Sure hopes this one treats her well, I recommended her.

    Your Friend,

  13. Marilyn - i just re-read my comment and i hope it came across as funny - that's how i meant it to be and i thought Elmer would get a kick out of it. i am dead tired - we just got a brand new baby husky puppy - we haven't slept in 2 nights and 3 days. she's a very good puppy and she will do well here at our little homestead.

    but make sure Elmer understands that i was joking because what i meant is Elmer is such a funny guy that i am sure he was mischevious and funny as a baby, little boy and young man. so "the horror" i meant was now sarah and the rest of the family will have to put up with another "Elmer".

    i hope that you and everyone understands!

  14. So glad Sarah will see another doctor. I think that we must remember that she -and John, too - are still pretty young and this is their first baby. It's only natural that she would be a bit more upset than someone who's been through it before. It is wonderful how Anna's good sense and helpfulness are there for them. Hoping all will be well for everyone.
    Enjoyed Elmer's talk about the Farmer's Almanac - my parents and now us - also buy it every year. Love the stories and recipes in it as well as the little hole in the top corner.
    Thinking of the young ones and sending all good thoughts their way,
    PS - Kymber, no worries here, Perfectly understood what you meant. And agree.

  15. Praying Sarah's baby through...asking the Lord to shed His light and
    peace upon all involved. With the new female pediatrician, hopefully
    there will be a greater level of comfort and trust. I agree... it is in the Hands of the Lord.... He knows and ordains what is best.

  16. I thank God for Anna being there and able to be the calming force in such upsetting circumstances. Thankful for them that you know a lady doctor to recommend, Marilyn. I will keep them in prayer and I know God has everything under control. His blessings on them all.

  17. My prayers will be you during coming weeks. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  18. Good Morning Everyone,

    Elmer didn't get upset when I read him the description of him. He thought it was funny and said that's him. I will see that Anna and Sarah get your messages.

    They do have an appointment later this week, so I will let you know how that come out. Anna, John and Sarah are going.


  19. I am also thankful that Anna was there. Every family should have a woman like Anna in it! Please keep us updated if the family doesn't mind.

    I wish to THANK BISHOP ELI AND BISHOP JOSEPH for granting permission for the families to post on your blog. I have learned so much about Amish and Mennonite life,and beliefs. These families truly do live what they believe in. Their posts make me strive to be a better person in my own life.

    Thank you, Jean, for this blog.

  20. Hi Anonymous,

    It was a good thing that Anna was there. Every family should have a woman like Anna. My Mother was kind of like Anna. When the chips were down - Mom was there.

    I will see that everyone gets your message. I know they appreciate them.


  21. Hi Anonymous,

    It was a good thing that Anna was there. Every family should have a woman like Anna. My Mother was kind of like Anna. When the chips were down - Mom was there.

    I will see that everyone gets your message. I know they appreciate them.


  22. Hi Anonymous,

    It was a good thing that Anna was there. Every family should have a woman like Anna. My Mother was kind of like Anna. When the chips were down - Mom was there.

    I will see that everyone gets your message. I know they appreciate them.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn