Thursday, October 22, 2015


Sorry, I moved the Blue Jay's out for this bridge being moved that happened yesterday.  Also, there taking pictures was Tom The Backroads Traveler who I hadn't seen in a few years.  We chatted and took pictures while this was going on.

This bridge was to have been removed and replaced years ago.  It hadn't gotten done.  Bridge is on Canandaigua Road and covers the Erie Canal.  Today was the day the bridge was to be removed.  It was a slow process, but was really interesting to see.  There were people all around watching the process.  We heard that the old bridge was going to be broken into pieces and hauled away and we also heard part of it was being a walkway somewhere.  So I don't know which one.

They are suppose to build a new bridge here in the spring.  We shall see.

Just a little information that has nothing to do with this bridge: the NEW YORK METS are going to the WORLD SERIES !!!!


  1. It was quite the operation, so glad to see you yesterday.

  2. Morning Tom,
    I agree that was quite an operation, and I was glad to see you yesterday, too.


  3. Good morning, Marilyn. You got some great pictures!! I almost feel like I was there. Have a great day!

  4. Good Morning Angela,

    Thank you for the compliments. So glad you liked them. Hope you have a great day, too.


  5. Yup, interesting event. Right to assume there's an alternative route now that the bridge has been removed?
    YEAH FOR THE METS!!!!! Sure hope they'll win the Series. Hope all is well with you, Marilyn. Blessings, Carol

  6. What an interesting outing. Glad you and Tom had a pleasant visit.

  7. Good Morning Carol,
    Yes, there is an alternative route, but it is a longer away. They haven't used this bridge in a couple of years. This was suppose to have been done long ago.

    I am glad the Mets won last night. I, too, hope they win the Series. Waiting to find out who they are playing.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  8. Good Morning Vickie,
    It was very interesting. Tom and I did have a pleasant time. He lives just a few villages from where I do, we have even been at the same place taking pictures at the same time, but this is the first time we ran into each other in a couple of years. Enjoyed seeing him again. Hope it isn't so long before we meet again.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn