Monday, November 16, 2015


Baby John is doing well at home.  Sarah called Anna the day after she got John home from the hospital and said he doesn't cry.  Anna asked if he is breathing right, eating well, etc.  Sarah said yes.  Anna told Sarah to thank the Lord, and enjoy it because none of her other babies will be like that.  It's true he rarely does cry.  You go to get him after a nap or feed him, he is in his crib, happy and doesn't cry.  Sarah will check when she brings him into the doctor next week, but Anna says he just isn't a baby that cries.  They are few and far between.

Michael and I had our Birthday party on October 31st.  It was suppose to be at our house, but because of all we had going with Baby John, Jean decided to have it at her house.  When we got there, all the men were taking the pumpkins and storing them in the barn.  Last year, they didn't take them in and someone smashed them, so I helped to get them in the barn.  Even David Jr., helped us by carying some small pumpkins.

We had a delicious dinner and played some board games.  Michael and I exchanged gifts.  We talked about going hunting.  Right now, you can hunt with bow, but gun season opens on November 21st, Marilyn's birthday.  All us men are planning on going.  Jean and Anna decided they want to go, too.  Someone has to stay home to answer the phone if someone wants a deer slaughtered and packaged.  Thomas said he would stay home as he doesn't care to go hunting.  If he gets a call, he will call David to come home and do the job.  In a way they want someone to call, but in a way David would rather be hunting.  I can't blame him.

Amos and Fannie, Olive and Albert left for Pinecraft on November 1st.  Olive and Albert are coming back for Thomas' wedding next month.  They all went on Amtrak and Porter, their friend,  was on so they enjoyed the trip down.

The year has passed since Sarah's Father passed, so she doesn't have to wear black all the time anymore.  She is now able to wear dark blue, brown, or burgandy color dresses now.

Anna and my wedding anniversary was November 14th.  We have been together 31 years.  Our daughter Alma, had us over to her house on Sunday as it was not a church day.  All, but two of our children was there.  One and his family were coming, but one of his children got sick and it was going through the other children.  They thought it was better to stay home that spread the cold.  Oh, John and Sarah didn't come either because they thought that would be too large a crowd for Baby John to be in yet.

Alma invited Eli and Emma, too  We had a great dinner.  We sat and talked.  Later we sang hymns.  Some of them gave us gifts, which we opened.  Alma had made a cake and had ice cream for desert.  We all enjoyed ourselves.  Eli closed with a prayer.  We got home in time to milk the cows.

The ladies were discussing who would have Thanksgiving Dinner this year.  Sarah wanted to, but with the new baby, Anna thought it would be too much for her.  Anyway it went all around and guess whose house it is going to be in? Ours.  That's where it was last year.  After a lot of discussion it was decided that with Hannah and Moses, their family and Anna and Hannah's Mother and Father, our house would be the best.  If their Mother isn't having one of their good days, Hannah doesn't have far to take their Mother home as they live right next door to us.  So Thanksgiving will be at our house.  I really think Anna enjoys it.  She will get help from Hannah, my Mother, our daughters and daughter-in-laws so it doesn't all fall on Anna.  They will decide who will bring what and they will help Anna do the rest.  We hope Baby John is cleared by the doctor so John, Sarah and Baby John can come, too.

Well, I guess that has us all caught up on what has been going on here.

Trust God's Wisdom,


  1. Good morning, Marilyn. Wow, some update! I thought I was busy. LOL My husband and I just celebrated our 35th from one couple to another...Happy Anniversary!

    It sounds like life has settled at John and Sarah's home, nice. My son didn't cry much either. As long as he was fed and dry, life was good.

    Oh, Pinecraft! I love the Pinecraft stories! Have a good day!

  2. Good Morning Tom,

    Glad Elmer told us.


  3. Good Morning Angela,
    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Glad to hear it is all right if Baby John doesn't cry. He is fed and he is kept dry. Have to see if I can get Grandmother Olive to put on a post about Pinecraft.


  4. Do you use the pumpkins for pies?
    Congratulations on 31 years!
    I do so hope John, Sarah and Baby John can come also.

  5. Thanks for a great update on your wonderful and busy family!
    Happy Birthday, belated, to Elmer and Michael and Happy Anniversary to Elmer and Anna.
    Love hearing about the family and so glad to hear that Baby John is doing well. Soon he'll be able to join in on family get-togethers.

  6. Nice updates. My husband and I also just had our 18th anniversary. I guess November was a good month for weddings.

  7. Marilyn: Once again, thank you for the lovely posts. Baby John sounds like a dream baby but I bet Sarah anticipates his every need and he doesn't have to cry! They are lucky so far. Baby John may change his little mind at any time and decide he wants to cry. He's a bundle of blessings no matter what.
    Can't wait to hear about Pinecraft.
    Carol in SC

  8. Hi Folks,
    Sorry I haven't replied - our electric transformer went out and we just got electric back on. I am starved. We have electric stoves. I am eating soon.


  9. Hello Folks,
    I am back again. Well fed. I usually don't eat a nine o'clock at night. I will see that Elmer, Sarah and John get your messages. Happy Anniversary to those that had November.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn