Tuesday, November 3, 2015


We extend our congratulations to Sarah and John on the birth of Baby John.  Hope he is gaining weight and will be home soon.

Someone asked why Thomas' girlfriend is lady.  She doesn't want her real name on here, so we told her she could use another name.  She can't decide on that name to use.  I said it doesn't matter.

Not everyone's name on here is their real name.  They chose not to use their real names so we said pick a name, but it will be your on New York State of Mine name.  So, they did.  Just to let you know David, myself, Elmer, Anna, John and Sarah are our real names.  Some of our children's names are their real names like David Jr., Susan, and Katie.  Others have changed their names.  Now, I am sure I have confused you.

So anyway we are waiting for Thomas' lady to come up with a name.  I said as long as it is a lady's name, it doesn't matter.  We hope she comes up with one soon.

Thomas' wedding will be at our house.  Thomas wanted his wedding at home.  His lady and her family agreed.  Also, our house is bigger than theirs is, so we will have more room.

Thomas' lady lives about 45 minutes to an hour from our house - that's by car not by buggy.  It would be much longer by buggy.  Most of the time, one of them gets a driver to take them to the other one's house.

Yes, Thomas' lady is of the same religion, Old Order Mennonite, as we are.  They attend at a different meeting building that we do because they are so far away.  When they marry, Thomas, lady, David and I will attend the same meeting building.

I am starting to get the Christmas Recipes ready for next month.  Where has this year gone?  Anyway, if you are looking for  a recipe, or have a  recipe you think we might enjoy, please let Marilyn know at lincolnlady1121@yahoo.com.  I would like to get this list ready to put on next month.

Be With God,


  1. You share so much about your private lives as it is. There's nothing wrong with a pen name.

  2. Good Morning Tom,

    Glad you and others understand.


  3. Good morning, Marilyn. I'm with Tom, pen names are just fine. Everyone is so kind to share their lives, we should be respectful of their feelings.

  4. Good Morning Angela,

    Happy you understand. When we first started we never thought of anyone changing names until she got her Foster Boys in who are now their sons. They didn't much care what we wrote about them in here, just as long as we didn't use their real names. So two of the sons took names and one uses his real name and I'm not telling who is who. LOL


  5. I didn't realize some didn't use their real names, but it makes sense.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about the wedding. Are mennonite weddings different from amish weddings?

  6. I'm so glad baby John is here and doing well. Such a loving family.
    I so enjoy the posts.
    Sometimes I get a week behind in reading them.
    My husband isn't well and takes all my time.
    jodie from MO

  7. I am praying for baby John. I hope dear Sarah is alright?

  8. Good Morning Lily,
    Some do use other names. Anna and Jean are going to get together and write a post on the difference between the Amish and Old Order Mennonite weddings. In some ways there isn't a lot of difference, but it some there are.


  9. Good Morning Jodie,
    Baby John is well, but needs some more weight on him before they will let him home. So happy you like the posts. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.


  10. Good Morning Vickie,
    Thank you for your prayers, I know they appreciate them. Sarah is taking it kind of hard, but she understands. Hope he gets home soon.


  11. Marilyn: Will you be able to attend the wedding? I hope to hear lots more about it and am looking forward to reading the subtle differences of Amish/Old Order Mennonite weddings.Thank you, Carol in SC

  12. Hi Carol,
    I don't know if I will be invited to the wedding or not. I would say yes because I have been to a family funeral, family picnic, etc. so I think they would allow me to the wedding. I won't ask. Will wait and see if they invite me or not.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn