Monday, November 9, 2015


Today is John and Sarah's first wedding anniversary.  They got a little pre-wedding anniversary gift - they got to bring a little bundle home from the hospital - Baby John.

The doctor called yesterday morning, told them that Baby John was just fine, but would like to meet them at the hospital after their church service.  So John and Sarah had a driver come and pick them up after church.  When they got there, the doctor said she seemed to remember their wedding anniversary was tomorrow and they said yes.  Well, she said, I have a present for you - Baby John weighs just a bit over what she wanted him to - so he can go home.

John and Sarah were thrilled.  Doctor had all the release papers made out, told them all she wanted them do - what to watch out for - what not to watch out for and more.  Sarah packed up all the items she had there for Baby John.

They asked the doctor if she came into the hospital just for them.  Doctor sort of laughed and said no.  She had delivered one of her patients that morning and had another one on the way in.  So after she delivered the first baby, she thought of checking Baby John and remembered their anniversary. Baby John weighed over the limit she feels safe sending him home and what an anniversary gift he would be.

The doctor told Sarah she knew what Sarah went through last year with her father being ill and passing.  Anna had told her when Sarah first went to her so she would know Sarah's fear of hospitals.  Doctor said this time, good things do happen in hospitals, too.  Now take your little boy home with you and have a Happy Anniversary.

Anna, Sarah's Mother and I went over to their house after church and waited to see what the doctor wanted.  Anna said she thought the doctor was sending Baby John home.  If he was fine, why else would she call them down there on a Sunday.  But we all waited just in case.

When the car pulled up, we went out on the porch and we could see John in the front next to the driver and he was beaming.  Anna was right. When the car stopped John was out and opened the back door where Sarah was holding the baby.  John took the baby from Sarah, she got out, and the three of them walked into the house.  I think even Baby John was glad to be home.

Even though Baby John is home, there are rules about people seeing him yet.  Doctor doesn't want a lot of people in their house at the same time.  No one with colds, flu, etc. that Baby John should get.  Make sure he gets all his rest.  She would say to make sure he eats, but he will let you know when he is hungry - although Sarah does have a schedule.  Don't take him to church or where there are a lot of people.  Sarah has to bring him back to the doctor in two weeks or before if necessary.  Doctor said she knows everyone will want to see him and in a few weeks, he will be able to, but let him get use to home and away from any illness.  Even then, the doctor said, you still can't avoid illness sometimes, but Baby John is strong now.  Between Sarah, Anna and the midwife, I think Baby John will be well taken care of.

So the party we were going to have for their anniversary, we are delaying until Baby John can have more people in.  Anna said she really thinks, they would want just the three of them together on that day, anyway.  Their maude had the baby room all ready for the baby.  They had given them Monday evening off before they knew Baby John was coming home - so they told her take it off even though he is home.  They could manage Baby John.

John said he is so glad Baby John is home.  Not only to have Baby John home, but Sarah has finally stopped crying.  She has a smile now, not tears.

Trust God's Wisdom,



  1. Happy news, thanks for sharing. My best to the family!

  2. I am so happy to read this! Elmer and Marilyn, thank you for telling us.

  3. Marilyn, what wonderful news!! Best wishes to all, and I am sure Sarah has a smile that would light up the world now that Baby John is home. Cathy in Webster

  4. Wonderful - and the best anniversary gift ever! Thanks for the update and best wishes to everyone.

  5. Good Morning Tom,
    It is Happy News and I am glad to share it. Will see they get your message.


  6. Hi Anonymous,
    So glad to tell this good news. Will see they get your message.


  7. Hi Cathy,
    Oh, Sarah is so happy - I don't think her feet have touched the floor yet. She is so happy especially for their anniversary. I will see they get your message.


  8. Hi Mary,
    Will see they get your message. They are so happy that Baby John is home. Will see they get your message.


  9. Beautiful! Wow. What a great doctor! I am so glad dear Sarah is happy once again.

  10. Hi Vickie,
    She is a great doctor. I am surprised she remembered their anniversary. Sarah is really happy again. No more tears.

    Hugs to Mable, Henry and Murphy,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  11. Good morning, Marilyn. The very, very best news!! Congratulations to all! I like that doctor...she sounds very caring and concerned about her patients. She was the perfect doctor for Sarah.

    Have a wonderful day!

  12. Hi Angela,
    She is a very caring and concerned about her patients. I am glad they got this doctor. Sarah said she will have her and go to the hospital again. I will see that get your message.


  13. What more can anyone say except PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! Blessings, Carol

  14. I can't think of a better Anniversary present for John and Sarah! Doctor is right...good things happen at hospitals too. I can't wait to read more about Baby John. I's also like to hear more about Anna's and Elmer's other grandchildren. That is, if they other Grands.I think they have other children, so it would be nice to hear about them as well.
    Carol in SC

  15. Hi Carol,
    You are right there. Will see they get your message.

    Blessing to you and yours,

  16. Hi Carol in SC,
    Baby John is a great anniversary gift. Elmer and Anna have, if my memory is good, 26 grandchildren including Baby John. I will see they get your message to hear more about their children and grandchildren.


  17. Such wonderful news in this continuing love story of John and Sarah.
    Baby John certainly has brought greater blessing upon their union...
    The very best to that lovely family....

  18. Hi Heritage Hall.
    That is wonderful news. Baby John sure has. I will see they get your message.


  19. I am very happy for everyone that baby John is home now.

  20. Good Morning Lily,
    They all are happy that baby John is home, finally. Will see they get your message.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn