Friday, December 4, 2015


Today is my 7th birthday.  My Mom is giving me a party this afternoon.  Some of my friends Mom's have given them birthday parties, but this is my first.  I don't know what to expect, but Mom says I will enjoy it.  Mom is having mini cup cakes, potato chips and punch.  So I can't wait for it.

Yesterday, I went to the dog groomers.  Then Mom and my girl friend, Lily, and her Mom took us down to get our pictures taken with Santa Claus.  I had never met this fellow before.  Mom said he brought me my Christmas gifts, so I had to see him.  I was a little afraid because I have a thing against men with long hair.  It goes back to my previous owners.  Anyway, Santa has long hair, but he was nice.  He held me in his lap while the camera man took my pictures.

Mom will probably put my picture with Santa on when she gets them.  Also, she will put on pictures of my birthday party soon after the party.

While I have a Mom who can take care of me, , they are people in the world that can't.  People remember to give food and things to people, but if you are giving something to someone, please remember to put food in for their pets.

I know I have said this before, but I don't want dogs, cats, birds or other pets to go without food either.  Many people turn their dogs into the Humane Society, not because they don't love them, but they can't afford them.  So maybe if you more money and you could afford it, you give someone a gift certificate to the vet to have their pets shots.

Pets like toys, too.  You don't have to buy expensive ones.  They sell pet toys at General Dollar, Family Dollar and other places like them. If you can afford it, you can make a pet have a Merry Christmas, too.

Don't forget the dogs, cats, birds and other pets at the Humane Society, They would like food and toys, too.  Many Humane Societies have request lists  for things like food, towels, paper towels, blankets, etc.  While you are there, maybe you would find a pet addition to your home.  I know puppies and kittens are cute, but don't forget to look at the adult dogs, too.  Many of them need homes, too, and are already house broken, trained and more.  They have love in their hearts, too.

I know I say this every year, but I don't want folks to forget.  My Mom isn't rich and knows how hard times can be.  I know there are people who can't afford to help and I understand.  But, if you can afford, here are just some ways that you can.  Any small or large thing can help.

Merry Christmas to all,



  1. Good morning, Marilyn, and Happy Birthday to Pierre. Thank you for the reminder to give to other's and their pets. I know that the elderly struggle on fixed incomes, and for those with pets, it would be nice to receive a gift certificate for the vet. Have a great day!

  2. Good Morning Angela,
    Thank you for the Happy Birthday wish. I would like people, that can, to help other pets in the world that don't have what I have. I will have a great day, I can't wait until my party.

    Pierre and Marilyn

  3. Happy Birthday Pierre! You have given us lots to think about today, all very good advice for this, the season of giving.
    Have a wonderful party! I think you were very brave to visit Santa.
    Love from Max cat and Mary

  4. Good Morning Max and Mary,
    Thank you both for the Birthday wishes. I try to help other pets, less fortunate than I. People sometimes remember to help humans, but forget about pets.

    I hope to have a wonderful party. I can't wait for it to start. It did scare me to see Santa, but I could do it again. He's a nice fellow.

    Pierre and Marilyn

  5. Happy Birthday Pierre! From your friends, Vickie, Mabel, Henry and Murphy.
    You were very brave to sit on Santa's lap.

  6. Good Morning Vickie, Mable, Henry and Murphy,
    Thank you for the Birthday Wishes. My local girl friend, Lily, went first. She had been before. I figure if she could sit on his lap - so could I. Had to show here I was brave.

    Love to all,

  7. Happy Birthday, Pierre!
    IWe look,forward to your Santa and birthday photos.
    Thank you for your Christmas message about helping humans and all animals.
    Rosemary and Maggie dog. xxx

  8. Good Morning Rosemary and Maggie,
    Thank you for wishing me a Happy Birthday. Mom and I look forward to the photos, too.
    Your welcome for my message. Hope it helps humans and pets.


  9. Hello Everyone,
    I had my Birthday Party !!!! It was lots of fun. People and dogs came. They sang Happy Birthday to me. We ate cake and drank punch. Then we opened my presents. I let Mom do the opening, I liked to see what I got. I got toys, dog treats and even some money. All had a good time. I asked Mom if we could this again next year, but she didn't say anything - yet.

    The lady that took the pictures doesn't understand that Mom can take her disc and put it on her computer to get the pictures. The lady is getting pictures made, which Mom will scan and put on here for your to see. It may take a while.

    Now Mom and I have to write thank you notes.


  10. Good morning Pierre. I'm sorry I missed reading about your birthday yesterday. I was out most of the day but so happy to read that you had a good birthday with your friends and moms too. I look forward to seeing photos when your mom gets them to share. So, I wish you a happy belated birthday and you look so handsome in your photo. A big hug from me to you and your mom.

  11. Good Morning dynnamae n,
    Thank you for the Birthday wishes. I did have a great time yesterday. We had all sorts of goodies to eat. Then, my dog friends and I, chased around and played with the new toys I got while the Mom's and men talked. Mom wants to get the pictures from the lady that took them. Today I am just lying around recovering from yesterday. Hugs to you from Mom and me.

    Pierre and Marilyn

  12. Good Morning Folks,
    I have to laugh at this. This morning in the mail, I got the cutest Birthday card for Pierre from a lady down the street. What is funny, she sent Pierre a birthday card, but she didn't send me one on my birthday. I told Pierre, it shows who rates around here.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn