Friday, January 29, 2016


This is the largest dairy farm I have ever seen.  No pictures are duplicates.  This it is an Englisher Farm, .  Sorry about the side slanted pictures



  1. Good morning, Marilyn. That is one tidy farm. LOL This is about the size of the dairies in central California.

    My son worked in a creamery up in Petaluma for a year. The milk was from organic, "jersey cow only" farm. It was extra small. I think that each of those cows had a name instead of a number. LOL The yogurt and milk were amazing!!!

    Have a good day!

  2. Good Morning Angela,
    It is a tidy farm. LOL Where you son were all "jersey cows" is interesting. I bet the yogurt and milk were amazing !! There are some dairy farms around here that are organic.


  3. My Dad was raised on a farm in Warners, NY. I think he told me they had all Jersey's also. Real nice! Blessings, Carol

  4. Hi Carol,
    The farm you Dad was raised on also had Jersey cows, that is interesting.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  5. Dad said they all had names and when you called one that particular one would come. They had other animals, and an orchard as well as a garden and fields for the crops to feed the animals. My Grandparents and 5 kids, Dad being the youngest, all worked very hard. Once all the kids were grown and gone, Grandpa sold the farm as he and Grandma couldn't handle it alone. While all the kids learned to drive cars, my Grandparents never did, but they and all the kids could surely handle a team of mules(Jack+Jenny)! Just thought you might be interested. Blessings, Carol

  6. Hi Carol,
    Sounds like your Grandparents had a large farm. When you said your Grandparents never drove, neither did my Grandparents. My Grandfather worked for the railroad. What was funny is my Grandfather could drive a train, but he couldn't drive a car.

    Blessings to you and yours,

  7. Good evening Marilyn. Seems I am always behind any more getting here. I enjoyed the caboose photos. Was wondering if it for touring through it. I like the farm photos but was thinking if those cows never get to go outside for grazing, then I feel sorry for them. Greatly enjoyed Jeans post about the children and school project. The future project of making Easter containers with treats, etc. sounds so nice. I still hope the family can go to Fla. too. I hope you and Pierre have a great weekend and hugs to you both.

  8. Hi dynnamae n,
    The caboose is for touring, but I never been buy it when it was open. Glad you like the farm photos - I am not sure if the cows went out for grazing or not, but I think they do. Will see that Jean gets your message.

    Hope you have a great weekend, too and hugs back to you,
    Marilyn and Pierre

  9. Hi Marilyn,
    This is most defiantly an Englusher family farm with 3 generations working it. Good friends, wonderful family, beautiful farm!

  10. Hi Carolyn,
    Thank you for telling us. I will have to change what I said. It is a beautiful farm and the biggest I have ever seen.



Welcome to my blog. Marilyn